Thursday, April 19, 2012

I almost forgot!!

I can't believe that I almost forgot to mention that it is our wedding anniversary today!!  
We have been married 38 years!

We actually celebrated on Tuesday, because I knew that he would not feel like celebrating after his surgery.  I know that this picture is one that I have posted before, but it's one of my favorites, and was taken not too long after we were married.  I just can't believe that time the time has gone by so quickly  . . . where did it go?  All I can say is . . . what a wonderful journey, and it's not over yet!
(pause my music)

I love this song, "Grow Old Along with Me" - music written by John Lennon, this version sung by Marry Chappin Carpenter.

I can't wait to grow old with this wonderful man!!

I love you!


Shug said...

Sweet Barb, Happy Anniversary to the two of you. This is a beautiful song for a very deserving couple. 38 years is a Blessed accomplishment. I must have missed that he was having surgery...I'll have to go back and read. Hope all is well..
Blessings to the two of you.

Kimmie said...

Happy anniversary lovely lady!

Much love always!


Vee said...

Happy Anniversary! That's a lovely photo; I can certainly see why it's a favorite. (I wish that we could still get those haircuts. They were terrific and I mean it. Maybe they'll make a comeback.)

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Happy Anniversary, belatedly...


Unknown said...

What a cute photo. Happy Anniversary. Just wanted to let you know I left an answer to your question about flours on my blog. I've been doing a lot of baking lately.

Arlene said...

Congratulations Barb! I can see why you love that picture, you are a gorgeous couple! May the Lord grant you many more happy years together filled with love. Have a super terrific day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Barb. You are beautiful! Back then and moreso now! I hope you have a wonderful day filled with happy ordinary moments. :D

Marge said...

What a truly handsome couple you are! Love that picture. A very Happy Anniversary to you even though I'm a day late! Hope you had a wonderful day! Hugz!

Sue said...

A very Happy Anniversary wish to you both, Barb, I understand why this photo is one of your favorites. You both are a beautiful couple! I too would do it all over again and sometimes ask myself where did time go? They say time flies when you are having fun! ~smile~
I truly enjoyed the song, I closed my eyes and listened to the words, Thank you for sharing. Enjoy your weekend, and it was so great to hear from you. I also know how busy life can be and blogging takes a back seat. I went for a couple of weeks and didn't turn my computer on, and this week I have made up for lost time. lol

Just Ramblin' said...

Happy Anniversary and I hope you share many more wonderful years together. Love the picture! Nola

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb, a belated Happy Anniversary! May you enjoy many more happy years together. It's wonderful to see a post. I do know how busy life can be and blogging has to wait, that's why I'm so late with this comment! I hope you have a lovely spring and are enjoying a nice weekend! Your photo of the two of you is beautiful!
Hugs, Cheryl

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