Friday, March 16, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook . . .

FOR TODAY March 16, 2012

Outside my window... For the last few days, we have had some rain - not buckets of rain, just enough to keep things damp.  We had a very dry winter, so every drop is appreciated!

I am thinking...  About Brody!  It's his birthday today - he's 8 years old, Happy Birthday Brody!!  This little man has brought so much joy to our lives . . . we love him!

Yesterday was Christian's birthday - 13 years old!!  I can hardly believe that he is that old - it was just yesterday that he was a baby!!  We love you Christian!

Tomorrow is Caleb's birthday!  Caleb will be 4 years old - he's such a big boy!  It's amazing how fast they grow - Caleb is such a sweet boy who loves everyone . . . and we love him!  Happy Birthday Caleb!

I am thankful for... Good friends and neighbors.  Last night, our sweet neighbors invited us to dinner.  Eva will be 96 on April 1st, and her son, who lives with her is 68.  They fixed a delightful dinner with ham and sweet potatoes, and cherry pie and ice cream for dessert - it was very delicious!  Last week my husband helped her son fix his car - and this was his yummy way of saying "thank you"!

From the learning rooms... I have been trying to do better when it comes to that dreaded word  . . . "Exercise"!  My poor elliptical machine has sat in the basement for months without me even stepping a foot on it!  So, I have decided that I am going to be a little more diligent about exercising.  Summer will be here before I know it, and want to be able to do all the things that I love to do, like camping, yard work and gardening.  For the past 3 days, I have worked out about 45 minutes each day - I feel so much better.  Not just because I exercised, but because I actually did it!  Loved this quote!

I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing.  
~Marsha Doble~

From the kitchen... Pizza and cake and ice cream for Brody's birthday!

I am wearing... Grey sweats and a purple t-shirt - barefoot!

I am creating... We are still trying to get the basement bathroom finished!  Last week-end, my daughter and her husband came over and tiled the basement - yesterday I sealed it.  Almost there!

Amber and Taylor Jo, deciding how to space the tile - two of my favorite girls!

Taylor Jo being a goof-ball!
The sealed tile!
I still have caulking and painting that needs to be done before we can put in the bead-board and baseboard.  Then we can set the toilet and put in the vanity! We need to get it done before the 26th, as my husband is going to have his shoulder's operated on, so he will be out of commission for a few weeks . . .  or months!

I am going... I going to try to get a few more doors painted today!

I am reading... Who has time to read?!

I am hoping... That they get our roof finished today.  We are putting a metal roof on our house - it's a noisy job!

I am hearing... Just the soft music on my computer.

Around the house...

Paint a few doors
Finish up the laundry
Sweep and clean floors
Clean the bathrooms

One of my favorite things... Watching my grandchildren be creative.  Last week, Taylor Jo took some pictures with my camera - she did really well for never using it before!

She loves this old bench as much as I do!

A few plans for the rest of the week:

Brody's birthday today
Caleb's birthday tomorrow
Church on Sunday

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

My sweet little Averi!  Taylor was having her pose to have her picture taken - not bad for a little girl who can't see, and has no idea of what it looks like to "put your hands on your hips"!  I.Love.This.Girl!!  She inspires me everyday!
“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.”

Have a great day!!


More wonderful daybooks here!


Vee said...

The love you have for each of your grandchildren shows so plainly. What a great and blessed bunch to have you in their lives. Hope that all the March birthday boys have a great year ahead. Always nice to get great help with the projects...that bathroom is going to be so nice. Bet you can't wait to get it done. All the best to your hubby...will pray that his surgery goes very well and that recovery time does, too.

Shug said...

such a great post! Your family is adorable and I would love to send birthday blessings to both of these guys.
Hope all goes well with the surgery and that he has a very speedy recovery...My husband had his shoulder operated on last year...It was quite painful, but he was able to use it within a month or so...
I so adore that bench in front of the red barn...
Hope your weekend in the best..

Unknown said...

Lots of birthdays at your house. They are all darling. I finally got out for a walk today. It was really windy, but the sun is out. Good luck with all your renovations. My dd is in the middle of some too I know what a mess it can make.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I loved this post. It made me feel peaceful just reading it.

Your grandkids bring you a lot of joy, you can tell.

Just Ramblin' said...

How fun to be celebrating all these birthdays. They are cute or I should say handsome boys. It is a busy time for you with the birthdays and all the work you are doing on your home. You are so lucky to have family that can lay tile and do a lot of the work. The floor looks great. Love the quote about exercise. It made me smile because that is so true for me. If I don't get it done in the morning, it just doesn't get done.
Loved the other quote also. The picture of Averi is so sweet. She is a beautiful little girl. Hope you can get things done you'd like to before your husband has his surgery.
Have a good weekend. Nola

Susan B said...

I really enjoyed your daybook Barb! You have been very busy at your house. Happy Birthday to your grandsons...enjoy the birthday celebrations. Your granddaughter took some lovely photos. The bathroom is coming along nicely. It's a lot of work, but I'm sure the end product will be beautiful! I hope you enjoy a lovely weekend! :)

Kimmie said...

Barb, Avery is a gorgeous super model. I would soooo love to put this photo of her on my blog with your comment and quote included (and a link back to your post)

Please let me know via a comment on mine if this would be ok. If not I completely understand.



Kimmie said...

Ooops Averi with an i ;)

Kimmie said...

A link you might like :]

Kimmie said...

The first link isn;t working properly. This one is though

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Your "grands" are precious...

Good luck with your husband's coming operation. Is it rotater cuff, perhaps?

Good for you, doing exercise. I must get back to walking, when the rain clears.

"How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?"
~Satchel Paige

Marge said...

Another amazing entry. It is such a joy to visit you! Happy Birthday Wishes to all the little people in your life. They are so lucky to have you. Thanks for sharing and making me feel so happy. Hugz!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb, wow...three birthdays in a row! Your grands are all so cute and are very blessed to have such a sweet grandmother as you.

I love the exercise quote! Ha! That's what I need to do, exercise before my lazy brain wakes up! I don't remember the last time my feet touched the treadmill and I need to get back at it!

Your bathroom project is coming along nicely. I wish I could say the same for ours. We've got the old tile off and painting of the walls above done, but that's about it. Hubby has to do a little plumbing and a couple of other little things before the carpenter can come. Hope it's soon!

Enjoy your weekend and have fun celebrating the birthdays! Hugs, Cheryl

My Daybook . . .

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