Thursday, March 8, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook . . .

FOR TODAY March 8, 2012

Outside my window... It's a beautiful day!!  We have blue skies and sunshine . . . what more could a country girl ask for!

I am thinking... That it's been a long time since I've done a daybook!

I am thankful for... I'm so grateful for retirement - I am just love having my husband home!

From the learning rooms... 

Lifetime relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.

Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.

From the kitchen... I think I will make soup, maybe a bean soup with Keilbasa sausage and homemade rolls.  Nope, I don't use a recipe for this one!

I am wearing...  Jeans and a pink polo shirt.

I am creating... Not really creating anything today - but I do need to start cleaning some tile, so that we can start tiling the downstairs bathroom tomorrow.  

I am going... Not going anywhere today!

I am reading... Well, I just got done reading the second book in, The Hunger Game series!  It was wonderful, can't wait to read book number 3, and go see the movie!

I am hoping... That the roof gets put on today - the wind blew 70 miles an hour two weeks ago and blew soooo many shingles off of our house.  We decided that the best thing was to put on a metal roof . . . they started today!

I am hearing... People banging around on my roof!

Around the house... Hopefully, clean the tiles, paint the walls and ceiling in the downstairs bathroom.  Finish up some laundry, putter - that's what I'm best at these days. 

 One of my favorite things...

Link for picture

I just love the song of the Red Winged Blackbird - I know Spring is just around the corner, because I heard his funny little call the other day... :0)

A few plans for the rest of the week:

*Start tiling the bathroom Friday evening
*Finish tiling the bathroom on Saturday
*Church on Sunday 

Here is picture  I am sharing...

The other day, after I gave Brody a haircut, he thought it would be just the best idea to have a mustache!  So, his brilliant father, made him one with tape, and the hair that we cut off - he loved it, he thought he was sooooo cool!  Don't you just love those little pink cheeks?!



 Go here to find other wonderful daybooks


Shug said...

Hi gotta love that picture of the mustache...One day he will look back at the picture and get a big laugh...
sounds like you sure have a full weekend planned. You want to come for a visit in Texas? Come on down and you can have more practice tiling floors in my guest bathroom...Naw, I wouldn't work you that hard...but we sure could do some visiting..
Enjoy the rest of the day and your weekend as well.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

I am so happy that you are happy with retirement. Not all wives are, and it is a blessing. Same here, since husband is even more busy now, than when he was working full time. :-) Only now, he is busy with things he fully enjoys doing, all the time.

Oh he loved being a pharmacist. But... This is different.

How cute it that? The mustache.

I am so happy that you are enjoying "The Hunger Games"! I am still a wimp and can't bring myself to read it. Seems depressing and... violent. But my Grands love it too. And can't wait for the film to open. :-)

Mmmm, don't remember... Did you ever read the "Twilight" saga?

Oh and husband says the best roof, is a metal one. Good for you, replacing the shingles.


Arlene said...

Oh my, what a mustache! Very creative indeed!

I love what you've learned about relationships. How true! Those are some good tips!

That red winged blackbird is gorgeous! My favorite local bird is the bluejay - we get loads of them, especially in the winter months! And recently we've seen a woodpecker as we walked to school - such a pretty bird!

Have a wonderfully productive weekend Barb. I'm looking forward to the pictures of your bathroom! God bless.

Unknown said...

I so glad you are enjoying having your husband home. So often women don't feel that way. It sounds like you guys are really redoing the house. I've been thinking I need to start trying to walk. I think it's nice enough on some days. The fresh air would be nice. love the bird photo and also your grandson.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb! Love your Daybook thoughts. I'm interested in your metal roof. We've been debating on getting one ourselves for the past year or so. Just call us SLOW! I'd be interested in the sound of rain on the metal roof. As for tiling, you are ahead of us! Did I say we were SLOW? We do have the old tile off now and the painting of the walls and ceiling done. It looks so yucky now, I hope we can get the rest done and get the carpenter here soon. Your g'son is so cute with his "mustache"! Have a wonderful Friday and weekend!
Hugs, Cheryl

Marge said...

Hi Barb,
I missed my SWD this week but plan to make up for it next Monday. So much stuff is getting done around your house. A good feeling, I think. You sure do like hubby being home.

Love the mustache and pink cheeks. How fun! Hugz!

Just Ramblin' said...

Those winds can be so devastating. I don't envy you. December was bad enough for us here, but I did get a new patio cover out of it. So nice you and your husband can do so much on your home and that you enjoy being home together. Retirement is often hard on couples so it's nice to hear you are enjoying having him with you. I love the picture of your grandson. It's hilarious! Be sure and post pictures of you bathroom when you finish. It's fun to read your daybook again. Maybe I'll get back to doing that again sometime. Nola

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

If ya hear bangin'...guess your gettin' your roof fixed.

Your little mustache man is too darn stinkin' cute!!! Precious!

God bless ya and have a fantastic weekend sweetie!!! :o)

Sunny Simple Life said...

That is too funny but so cute!!

Kimmie said...

I always love your daybook posts from start to finish!



LeAnn said...

Loved the picture of your sweet grandson; precious I would say. The haircut looks good too. I am so happy you are enjoying Bob's retirement. I keep praying that Roger can retire soon too. Take a picture of that bathroom when you are done; I want to see it. I always love your Daybook entries; maybe I will do one this week.
Love and hugs to you!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

It certainly is time for more of that warm weather you are talking about.

What a cute grandson!

Hope your roof is done by now. We are going to be doing the same thing this Spring.

Susan B said...

Hi Barb,
I enjoyed reading your daybook. Love the photo of your grandson...too cute! So glad you are enjoying having your husband at home. My daughter and her husband read The Hunger Games series, and really liked them. They are looking forward to the movie too.

I hope you enjoy the upcoming weekend! Take care. :)

My Daybook . . .

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