Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A New One Has begun . . .

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year!  This was me on Christmas day, and the week after Christmas - don't you just hate it when you get sick during the holidays?! I'm just starting to feel like myself again!

Well, a new one has begun!  A new  year, with new goals, and new resolutions (or not).  I don't think I will make many resolutions this year, I'm still working on 2011's resolutions for goodness sake!!  I love this quote:

May all your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions!

This is so true for me, every year I make them, and every year, I break them!  So this year, I am just trying to quietly work on being a better wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister and friend.  I do have a few short term goals, like going to bed earlier (I'm a night owl!), and making better use of my time during the day. I have lots of projects that need to be done, so I really need to work on this one.  

As you can see from the picture below, we're having such a mild winter this year!  We've  had record breaking temperatures - in the 40's and 50's - and hardly any snow to speak of.  We do have snow in the mountains, and our reservoirs are still full from last years snowfall, but it's always something we worry about here in Idaho. 

A quick update on my husbands mom.  She is still with us, barely hanging in there . . . thank you for your continued prayers and kind thoughts.

Well, I guess I better go and get started on one of my resolutions - making better use of my time!  I still need to take down the tree and put away my Christmas decorations!   



RoeH said...

Glad you've surfaced back to life! Hope you are feeling much better and hope you got my email that I have killed my blog All About arizona. Change is good. I'm having fun with figuring out how I want it. It's starting to kind of be reference to the Little Rascals. Although I didn't know it. :)

WHAT is with the weather up there? Strange.

Arlene said...

Funny how life is all about call 40s and 50s a mild winter, and here we are in South Florida with 40s and 50s and we call it bitter cold! LOL!!

Happy New Year to you and yours Barb! Hope you're feeling better. Thankful for the precious moments you and your husband get to spend with your mother-in-law.

Gina said...

Sweet Barb, I am sorry to hear that you were under the weather over the holidays. I hope that you are feeling much much better today.

Your goals are very good ones and I am confident that you will accomplish them. :)

Continuing to pray for your mother-in-law.

Just Ramblin' said...

I'm so sorry you have been sick. It is not fun any time, but is even worse when it's the holidays. Glad you are starting to feel better.
I love your quote on resolutions. If you don't mind, I'm going to copy it. I don't really set resolutions because I end up breaking them, but I have thought of several things I'd like to work on during the year. I have wondered about your sweet mother-in-law. Will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Nola

Vee said...

Sick? Over the holidays? Has no one told you about echinacea? If one isn't allergic, you can take it daily all through cold and flu season and stay healthy. This is especially true if those little grands are running around with the pedi-crud as mine are. =) Glad that you are on the mend.

Oh those resolutions. Me neither. I just can't because I fail every time. Baby steps...that's how I'm approaching everything.

Oh I do love your playlist.

Shug said...

Still praying! I'll tell you Barb, I'm not so good when it comes to keeping those Resolutions...I'm just not gonna do one this year. I don't like to consider myself a failure and when I make a new commitment at the first of each year, I set myself up for failure...
Have a great rest of the week....I love visiting you...

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I know! This weather is SOOOO not Idaho!
I'm sorta loving it though.

Continuing with prayers for your MIL.

I finally have a day off and I think tomorrow the tree will come down. I'm a little sad about it because I worked through the holidays.

Hopefully you got your "sick" out of the way. That isn't fair that it was through the holidays.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb! I am so sorry you were sick over the holidays, but glad to hear you're doing better now. I've been wondering how you were and how your MIL was doing. Will pray for all of you. Please take good care of yourself.
I'm a nightowl, too, and need to learn to get to bed earlier so I can get more done during the day. It's hard to break old habits!
Have a wonderful week!
Hugs, Cheryl

Susan B said...

Hi Barb,
I'm so sorry that you were sick over the holidays, but glad that you are feeling better. I don't make resolutions anymore either. I'm a night owl too, and have trouble getting to bed early. I hope it will work out for you! I will continue to pray for your MIL and your family.

Take care of yourself. :)

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

SO sorry you were sick for the Holidays. Bahhh-humbug, for sure. -pout-

No snow for you either... I am so excited this morning, since some is falling. I'm sure it won't be much, and probably won't stay. But it's exciting, for the time being.

No resolutions here either. Never did see the use. :-)

Best wishes for your whole family, with your mother-in-law's condition.

Lots of gentle hugs...

"Animal crackers, and cocoa to drink,
That is the finest of suppers, I think;
When I'm grown up and can have what I please
I think I shall always insist upon these."

~Christopher Morley

LeAnn said...

I think we must be sisters for sure. I was sick all through the Holiday too. I am still coughing and have sinus stuff. I don't know when I will get the Christmas decorations away. I need my husband to help me this year due to not wanting back pain again. I asked him when we could take them down and he said lets just keep them up all year. I really don't want my early bird visiting teachers to come and see that they tree is still up.
Our prayers will still be with you all. It's hard to deal with the final hours of a loved one.
As you know I am not into writing out my New Year's resolutions. In fact all I have to do each year is just change the year.
Love and huts to you!

Marge said...

Hi Barb.
Guess what? I was sick over the Christmas holiday too! A whopper case of bronchitis. I think I ruined a perfectly good holiday for my family but they were very sweet about it.

I can't live w/o making resolutions. I make them every year. And break them every year. Guess I need something to break! hehe!

Mom of 12 said...

Pretty sure blogging's a great use of time!

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...