Friday, January 6, 2012

Comfort food for thought. . .

My mother was a wonderful cook, and used to make the most delicious soups and stews!  She could turn anything in the refrigerator into the most scrumptious, bubbly, comforting, warm meal!  I don't think she used a recipe to make soup, she just put things in a pot and seasoned it with love.  

My sister and I were helping her go through some boxes the other day, and we came across a recipe for Hamburger Soup.  In the corner of the recipe it says, "Carolyn's recipe"; Carolyn is my aunt, who is also an amazing cook.  Mother doesn't cook anymore,  but I thought it was cute that she just couldn't resist jotting down the recipe!  

I really needed some comfort food today, so I decided I would make the hamburger soup.  It's so delicious, I'm so glad mother wrote down the recipe!!


1 lb. lean ground beef
1 cup each of the following:
Chopped onion
Diced potatoes 
Diced carrots
 Shredded cabbage
Sliced celery
(I added 1 cup of chopped kale)
1 32 oz can tomatoes (I used 1 quart of home canned tomatoes)
1/4 c. rice
4 cups water
4-5 teaspoons salt - to taste
1/2 teaspoon basil
1/2 teaspoon thyme
2 teaspoons sugar
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 bay leaf

Brown the beef and onion until the meat and it is lightly browned.  Add all the rest of the ingredients and bring to a boil.  Cover and simmer for at least 1 hour.  Enjoy~

"Soup is a lot like a family. Each ingredient enhances the others; each batch has its own characteristics; and it needs time to simmer to reach full flavor."
~Marge Kennedy~




Vee said...

Hmmmm, it looks pretty, too. (Now I'd have to use my blender and whir all those veggies up because I'm such an infant, though the flavors would all be there...yummo!)

Arlene said...

I'd never heard of hamburger soup! Live and learn. For Christmas this year, I made my daughter a recipe book with many of the meals I made for the family while she was growing up and have become her favorites. I also left blanks so she can add her own new favorites. I hope this will become something she can pass down to her own children one day. Maybe you can add this soup recipe to a book of your own for your children as well! I bet they'll appreciate this one of a kind gift from Mama.

Have a blessed weekend Barb!

Gina said...


You always have the best recipes! This one looks delicious. God bless your mother and Aunt Carolyn!

Kimmie said...

Hi gorgeous!

Have missed your posts.

Hope you and yours are well and smiling.



RoeH said...

I've been looking everywhere for a good Hamburger Soup. I know Idaho cooks so it must be good. Thanks!

The Stewart said...

Definitely going to have to try this one!! Thanks for sharing! Love you! Valerie

Just Ramblin' said...

I agree there is nothing more comforting than
a hot and hearty soup. We love hamburger soup and make it frequently. In fact, at our last FHE two of my grandchildren asked if I would make it the next time we got together. Such fun that your found this recipe and it was from your aunt. Will have to try your version. Thanks for sharing. Nola

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb,
My mother used to make hamburger soup, too! I think her recipe was very similar to yours. I haven't made it in a long while. Glad you posted the recipe to remind me of what I've been missing out on. It's soup weather and I'll be fixing it.
Have a good weekend!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Sweet story.

Hope the Comfort Soup did the trick.

You too love Joseph Campbell. I'm sure I knew that and forgot. Silly me.

"Winter came down to our home one night/
Quietly pirouetting in on silvery-toed slippers of snow..."
~Bill Morgan Jr.

Shug said...

Good Morning Barb...
One of my favorite meals would definitley have to be soup. soups of any kind. I for sure will be trying out this recipe. Sounds warm and delicious. So glad your mom wrote the recipe down and very happy that you chose to share with all of us..
Have a great day...

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That looks so delicious!
I hope you took a picture of the recipe. What a treasure to have it in her handwriting.

The weather is cooling off and the soup sounds divine.

Linda said...

Sounds good. I'd have to leave out a few things but I think I could make it work. I need to use kale and those dark greens more often.

Sue said...

Hi Barb, I am a soup eater, anytime of the year, but especially this time of year. your mother sounds like mine in the since of taking things and creating delicious foods. I will have to try your aunt's recipe, as we are eating soup regularly this season.
Thank you for visiting me and for taking the time to leave me such encouraging words.

Susan B said...

Oh Barb, this recipe looks delicious! I'm going to have to give this a try. Thank you for sharing it! We love to eat soup this time of year and usually have it a couple times a week. I love the quote you shared. You always find the best quotes! :)

Julie Harward said...

Yes, my mama cooked the same way..I love this soup, it is one that I have made as we raised our bunch! (Yes, we will be serving in the SG temple and doing some missions.) :D

Kam said...

yum! I'm going to have to try this... as soon as I get some cabbage. :) I bet it would be good in the slow cooker? mmm...

Vickie said...

Happy New Year, Barb! Hope it's gonna be a good one for you and yours!

Just wanted to tell you how much I (and the family) appreciate your prayers and encouragement for my friend Kristen and her surgery. She went home today, exceeding all the expectations of her doctors. She will have speech therapy and we're still waiting on the path report, but things are good now. God is good and is to be praised for His watchcare over Kristen and her family.

It's so good to have Godly friends in blogland that help share one another's burdens and pray for each other. Thank you so much!

Marge said...

OMG! I love this recipe. I'm gonna try it one of these days real soon. Thanks for sharing. Hugz!

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