Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas goodies in the mail . . .

Look what I got in the mail!!  I won this adorable little snowman from my sweet friend, Gina.  Please go visit her blog - she is an amazing woman of faith . . . what a blessing Gina is in my life.  Isn't it amazing the friendships that we form through blogging!  A great big hug to you Gina!!

I am almost done with Christmas preparations, just a few last minute things to get done.  I 'm going to visit my mom tomorrow - she is in a retirement community and they always do such fun things at Christmas.  This is the first year in a long time that I have seen her so happy and enjoying Christmas!  My daughters are coming over on Thursday to make some candy and other goodies (oh dear!).  Then I think I can relax and try to enjoy the Christmas season.
My husband's mother is still hanging in there.  Today when I spoke to her, she didn't sound good at all, she is so ready to leave this life and begin the rest of her journey.  Thank you for all of your heartfelt comments and concern - I can truly feel your love, support and prayers.
Warm Hugs,


Vee said...

Oh that is a good sign that your mil is ready. Yes? So glad that your mom is enjoying the season. They really do have a lot of fun activities for the residents in most quality places. Even though my mom was chafing a bit to get out, she was happy with the music and the crafts and the baking.

Keeping you all tucked in my prayers.

Hope that you get some quality rest!

Vickie said...

Hi Barb - so sorry to hear about your MIL. I hope and pray that she will be comfortable and comforted until her time comes and that she can go in peace. I'm sorry that it comes at Christmas-time, too...

Your blog looks so pretty. That's a sweet little snowman from your friend. I hope that you and your beautiful family have a very merry Christmas, and that your mom enjoys her visits with you all. Let the Christmasing begin!

Shug said...

Hi Barb....Still praying for your MIL...praying for your family as well...I know that this can be a very trying time, especially here at the Christmas season. It is so great to be reminded though, that Christ loves us so much and we have so much to look forward to whether here or eternity.
Hope you a wonderful day with your daughters. You are a precious lady and I send you many blessings this Christmas season...

Tauna said...

Glad you are getting so close to be done with all your preparations.
I hope you take pictures of the candy making with your daughters.

Stil thinking of you and your MIL. What a difficult time.
Hugs to you.

Oh, and congrats on that cute Christmas gift. A sweet blog friend for sure.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb, what a cute Christmas gift! It's such a blessing to have wonderful friends. I will visit Gina's blog when I have more time.
Have fun with candy making with your daughters. And have a wonderful Christmas with your beautiful family!! (I will continue to keep you and your MIL and family in my prayers) Hugs.

LeAnn said...

I love the sweet gift of the snowmen. Have an awesome time making candy with your daughters. Enjoy all of your times with your mother. It is never easy to lose a parents; you both are in our prayers. Roger and I really enjoyed being with James and Amber and the children. They are all growing up so fast. Averi is such a dear and I love the small conversations that we have. She let me me hug her more; which is awesome. The sealing of Layton to Travis's family was a priceless moment.
I hope you have sweet moments with your family and just know I love you much!

Marge said...

Hi Barb, Your gift is just darling. What a wonderful surprise. 'lucky you' is what I'm thinking.
My peanut brittle turned out really good and so easy. Hope your candy making goes good too! Hugz!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

So happy to see an update here! I was kind-a' worried about you, with the sadness, of this Holiday Season. Certainly in hope that your M-i-Law can peacefully pass on, since she is so ready.

So happy that you have the lovely counter-point, in your own Mother's happiness, this Season, in her new surroundings. Just wonnnnnnnnnderful!

And what a sweet, sweet snowman you were gifted with. :-)

"Then I would be slap-dashing home, the gravy smell of the dinners of others, the bird smell, the brandy, the pudding and mince, coiling up to my nostrils..."
~~Dylan Thomas

The WIlloughby Family said...

What a thoughtful, cute gift!!!! I am so excited to make candy and have some "girl" time!!! See you Thursday!! Love you!!!

Linda said...

I didn't do any Christmas goodies this year, it gets so expensive when you have a special diet. That snowman is darling. Thanks for the update on your mil, will continue to keep her in my prayers. We are celebrating on the 22 so tomorrow is our Christmas Eve. I'm going to my dd's for dinner. We open our gifts on Christmas Day. I'm ready. I want to see how my homemade gifts go over. I'll put up photos after they get them. Take care.

Saimi said...

Congratulations, what a fun gift to receive!! I haven't done much baking yet but I've been enjoying the fruits of others efforts...a little too much!

You're a very special lady and I'm glad to be following your blog. Merry Christmas...Hugs!!

Gina said...

Barb, you are so sweet! That snowman looks so happy to be at your house. I hope you weren't hit by that snowstorm much!

Continuing to lift you all up in prayer.

Packrat said...

The snowman is just darling. Your mother-in-law and you family are in my prayers. Despite woorry and sadness, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

Sue said...

He is so cute Barb, love making cookies with family. Our cookie making is today.
Praying for your MIL.
Wishing you and your dear family a most blessed and joyous Christmas.

Marge said...

Bountiful blessing to you & yours, Barb. Merry Christmas. Hugz!!

Susan B said...

Dear Barb,
I have a snowman just like that! I think he is just so sweet.

I am praying for your MIL and your family.

Wishing you a lovely Christmas with your family. God bless you.

Marge said...

Wishing you bountiful blessings in 2012. Hugz!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Dec. 31st

A Happy New Year Wish to you, my Dear Blogging Friend..

"Of all sound of all bells... most solemn and touching is the peal which rings out the Old Year." – Charles Lamb

Vee said...

Breaking my rules here to pop in and say Blessings in the New Year. Hope that all is well...

RoeH said...

Hi Barb. I have taken down my blog All About Arizona due to some problems. But....not to be a quitter - I have created a new blog with new title and everything.

Blog address is:

Hope to see you.

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...