Thursday, December 15, 2011

Perspective . . .

This year at my house, we are  trying to keep Christmas in perspective.

My husband's mother is  very ill with liver cancer, this will be the last Christmas she will spend with her children.  I recently caught myself wondering darkly, “What kind of Christmas gift do you get for someone who’s dying?” Gifts are so obviously irrelevant at at time like this.   I have decided that the simple gift of love,  is the best gift that we can give to her.    

Christmas is a reminder for all of us that our Creator loves us so very much that He sent His Son to be His gift of love to us.  That not only at Christmas time,  but every day, we should  remember to celebrate and love each other as He loves us.  Sometimes it is in dying that we learn to live and in so living we learn the true meaning of a gift.

Warm Hugs,


Kimmie said...

Warm hugs right back.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Dear One, a sad thing to have, at any time... And especially at this time... But yes, something like this, makes one want to pay attention to basics. As you see basics.

Yes, what better gift than love, to your husband's mother.

And sending many gentle hugs to your husband and his siblings, too...

Gentle hugs,
"It is good to be children sometimes,
And never better than at Christmas."

~~Charles Dickens

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That certainly does put things into perspective. Prayers for you this Christmas season as you have this very sacred time with your mother in law.

Thank you for the reminder.

Vee said...

Such a difficult thing any time of the year, but a challenging one at Christmastime. Love and kindness are the things that matter most in times like these. May your family know much comfort as you reflect.

Shug said...

Hi Barb....Thanks for posting this!
Sorry about your MIL and I know this must a difficult Christmas for you all...You are so right, all that we really need is that gift of Love and I am sure that she is feeling this right now..Will be praying for your family...

Arlene said...

It's too bad we have to go through difficulty to be reminded of God's goodness and grace. If only we would be thankful all of the time! My prayer for you is that you will show your m-i-l that kind of love that Christ showed us, an unconditional, unselfish love that puts others before ourselves. That is my desire for myself as well. God bless.

LeAnn said...

This was a lovely thought. It is so true that the best gift is the gift of love and Christ is our gift from a Loving Heavenly Father. You will all be in our prayers. I know that this is always a hard things to go through.
Blessings, hugs and love to you both and your families.

Sue said...

The gift of love, is the best gift anyone could give and receive,as we celebrate the most blessed gift of love ever given. I will be praying for your MIL, and your family Barb.
Much love,

Linda said...

Spend as much time as you can with her. I'll keep you in my prayers.

RoeH said...

Everybody's with you in heart and thought. I've been there.

Vickie said...

Time with her and showing your love is the best and most important thing you can do now. So sorry to hear, Barb, but I know your hearts are in the right place. Keeping you and yours in my thoughts and prayers...

Gina said...


May your Christmas be filled with such the makings of such lovely memories for all to hold dear. The gift of love and family is the best present of all. {{HUGS}}

betty said...

First time commenting on your blog; I am sorry about your MIL; I know this will be a special but sad Christmas for you all. The gift of love is a great thing to give; one size fits all, kind of like I say about Jesus, he is the perfect gift, one size fits all and its one gift someone won't outgrow, it won't break, and it never goes out of style.

The Christmas before my mom died (and I had no idea she wouldn't be alive by the following Christmas) I wrote a letter to each of my family members about how much I loved them and how special they were not only to me but to others. I was glad I took the time to do so, to put down in writing how wonderful she was. Maybe you could do something similar for your MIL; just a thought..


Susan B said...

Dear Barb,
You are so right. Love is the best gift we can give, especially to share the love of the greatest Gift of all. Praying for your MIL and your family.


Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb, I'm so sorry about your MIL. I think the best gift of all would be the gift of love! Just being with her and listening to her and talking with her...the gift of your time would be a wonderful gift.
Hugs to you and your family this Christmas!

Marge said...

Hi Barb,
So sorry to hear about your hubby's mother. Death & dying has a way of putting things in perspective. That's for sure.

Love the beautiful Christmas pictures you've posted. Hugz!

Marie said...

I am so sorry about your husband's mother. I agree that it helps put things into perspective. We have stopped giving gifts and center our Christmas around family, love, and the true meaning. I wish you and yours the best Christmas you can possible have.

Just Ramblin' said...

I'm sorry to read about your MIL. As mentioned above, it does put things in perspective. What a wonderful gift, actually, the best gift you could give is to love her. Everyone needs to know they are loved. I was so grateful I could express my love to my mother and tell her what a wonderful mother and example she was before she passed. I think it meant a lot to
her. What a wonderful gift to give to your husband--loving and caring for his mother. May your family be blessed at this difficult time. Will keep you in my prayers and thoughts. Nola

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