Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Playing Christmas Catch-up!

Well, I think I have a few minutes to sit down and post something - if I can do it in 8 minutes!!

What a busy time of year for everyone,  I hope that you are all doing well and enjoying this Christmas season!  I sometimes forget to stop and  . . . enjoy the Spirit of Christmas.

My Nativity

The other day, I made little Christmas Mouse ornaments for our DUP party - my table was covered with these cute little mice!

I think I have all the decorations up that are going up this year.  I decided that right after Christmas, I am going to go through all of my boxes and really, really, downsize!  I simplified this year, and it sure does feel good!

I love these little doves!

The lights on top of my hutch - love the reflections!

Looks like my eight minutes are up! 

Warm Hugs,


Julie Harward said...

Cute little mice..and your home looks so Christmas cozy! I am down sizing too this year and it does feel so good! ;D

Vee said...

Goes fast, doesn't it?! Sweet little mice you've been making with candy cane tails?

Just Ramblin' said...

Wow, I'm proud of you---8 minutes...and look at all you shared with us. I love your decorations
especially the doves under the wreath. I, too, have down sized this year and it feels good. With all that has been going on it was just too much. Do miss all my nativity sets though. With my youngest grandson I can't have breakable things out and I don't want to be constantly on him or removing things. So, I listen to lots of Christmas music, do my daily Christmas book readings that I found on Deseret News, thanks to my sister. Your little mice are so cute. Enjoy this wonderful season! Nola

Kimmie said...


Love your decorations!

Shug said...

The little mice are so stinking cute! Your place looks great and now you get to enjoy all the other things that comes with the season of Christmas...Doesn't it make you feel good to sit back and truly reflect upon the birth of Jesus Christ?
enjoy your time Barb...You are a true sweetie and I know that you Bless so many people every day!


Tauna said...

Beautiful 8 minutes!
It is such a beautiful time of year.
I love the traditional feeling of your beautiful home and decorations.

Enjoy these sacred days.

Linda said...

I also love the doves and the lights. Christmas seems to be coming quickly. We have ours a little early too. I'll be posting my decorations later this week. Hope you have time to relax once in a while.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb!
Yes the time does seem to just fly between Thanksgiving and Christmas. If only January would go so fast!
Love your Christmas decorations and the mice are adorable! I'm not putting out as many things as I usually do. And we skipped over the outside light this year. The older we get, the less we want to do it seems, except just enjoy the season!
Have a great week and have fun with your Christmas preparations!
Hugs, Cheryl

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Argh!! I should have said outside "lights" not light. Sorry!! I need to go get some sleep!

RoeH said...

You're in DUP? I've been going to do that for years and I just never get there. Ok now I really have to move to Shelley so I can be in your camp. I recently got another application and it's still sitting here staring at me.

Anyway...love your nativity scene. I don't put anything up at Christmas. Seems so silly just for me and the cat. And the cat would have it down in two seconds flat. Hope you're having a great lead-up to Christmas.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

-chuckle- Only 8 min. hu? :-) WEll it was good to see an update from you here. Short though it was. :-)

Lovely! Yes, I love reflections from lights toooooo.

Remember to slow down enough, to enjoy everything. :-)

"Chill December brings the sleet,
Blazing fire and Christmas treat."

~~Mother Goose

Gina said...


Those mice are adorable! And the lights on your hutch remind me of the aurora borealis. (I haven't seen it in person - just pictures!) So pretty. :)

Your doves look so peaceful as does your nativity.


The WIlloughby Family said...

too funny!!

LeAnn said...

I loved the pictures. Your home always looks so inviting. I know that this time is so busy; I can't seem to catch up at all and I am trying to cut back a bit too.
Roger and I are making a quick trip up for the sealing of Layton on Saturday. He is an awesome little grandson. I will at least get to see our grandchildren for a few moments.
Keep on enjoying the precious Christmas moments.
Hugs to you!

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...