Sunday, September 22, 2024

Finally Fall . . .

(Thank you, Pinterest)

Well, it's officially fall!  And because it was a nice day, and I didn't have anything better to do ;0)  I convinced my husband to take me to the hills.  And I was not disappointed. . .

This is a little log cabin that is on it's last leg. . . It's falling down and soon, it will be gone forever.  It's been here as long as I can remember, most likely built by a homesteader in the late 1800's.  I wish I knew more about it, I would love to know it's history.  

The mahogany's are always the first to turn colors.  Because of the smoke they look a little muted, but they were still so beautiful!

It was very smoky, especially in the mountains, but still gorgeous!  The colors are just starting to change, so It looks like I will be making another trip in the next few weeks.  I can't wait!

Happy Fall!!  

Hugs and Love,


1 comment:

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb! Beautiful pictures! I love fall and it looks like you have some beautiful fall leaves. Enjoy the week ahead!

Finally Fall . . .

(Thank you, Pinterest) Well, it's officially fall!  And because it was a nice day, and I didn't have anything better to do ;0)  I co...