Saturday, January 27, 2024


Outside My Window - We have actually had some really warm weather . . . 40 degrees or warmer.  We've also had a little bit of rain, not enough to melt the snow, but just a drizzle every now and then, but the snow is disappearing quickly. 

We love to watch the birds, and Bob has been keeping the feeders full of their favorite food. He describes it as a feeding frenzy when he fills the feeders!  But soon, the earth will wake up, spring will come, and the little birds will find plenty of food to fill them up.

On My Playlist - 

Right Now I Am - It seems like I am just barely getting through winter.  Even though the temps have been mild this week, it's still gloomy outside... I need sunshine.  We're having a family dinner tomorrow, and I hope that cheers me up.

I'm Wearing - My normal mom uniform, jeans, comfy shirt or sweater, warm socks and tennis shoes.  

What I'm Reading - Besides, The Lost Bookshop, which I'm still working on, I'm reading, A Tour On the Prairies.  This was a recommendation from a book review I watched on YouTube.  I think I will love it!  I love anything historical, and Washington Irving is always a good read.  So far, so good!

In 1832, Washington Irving, America’s first literary superstar, returned to the United States after seventeen years abroad and swiftly set out to explore Pawnee country—the wild uncharted territory deep in the young nation’s interior. It was a part of the country few white men had set foot in and even fewer had written about it—and certainly none as famous as Irving.

Owing to a chance encounter on a steamboat with the newly appointed Indian Commissioner, and embracing an opportunity to silence critics who had begun to doubt his patriotism (after so much time abroad), Irving finds himself sleeping under the stars, traversing hostile plains, and venturing blindly into the unknown. He discovers a certain kind of tranquility in the open air and relishes the traditions and culture of the Pawnee. Irving kept a daily account of his excursion into what is now Oklahoma, and upon his return home, spun this fabulously entertaining and groundbreaking work. With unparalleled descriptions of the natural terrain—a land of giant flowing rivers and endless golden plains—and vivid depictions of the lives in Native Americans, 
A Tour on the Prairies stands as a classic portrait of what life was like out West before chronic warfare left the plains and the population decimated. Irving’s book became a huge success when it was originally published and quickly silenced critics who questioned his affection for his homeland.

From My Kitchen - My attempts at being intentional have been paying off!  I wish my attempts at blogging more often could be more intentional... ;0)  

I'm Creating -   I'm trying to challenge myself to do something different, something that will make me think - so I decided to try my hand at knitting.  Oh.My.Goodness . . . I'm not sure it's my thing :0/  I learned how to knit as a child, but I've apparently forgotten everything I learned.  I love knitted dishcloths, and so I tried my hand at it . . . oops, not so great, I think I missed a few stitches, not my best work.  I think I'll stick to crochet 😆😁😂


Lorrie said...

Such a lovely post, Dewena. Your weekly menu sounds delicious. I hope the family dinner cheered your spirits. January days can be difficult. I used to find February worse than January. It seemed like winter would never end. But now that we live further south than where I grew up, February isn't so bad.
The Washington Irving book sounds interesting. I don't think I've read anything by him. Such a good charcoal drawing - keep at it, I'd love to see it after you complete it.
Have a cozy and blessed Sunday.

Lorrie said...

ACK! Barb, not Dewena! So sorry about that!

Lori said...

We have had a lot of birds lately too. Binx loves watching them for hours. It's been rainy here all week with no sun at all. It doesn't bother me much. I hope your family dinner cheered you up. Your menu sounds delicious. Hope you have a wonderful week.

Shug said...

You are so precious and one of my very favorites. I did laugh at the knitting....however it is so much better than what I could ever think of doing. I love the birds and enjoy feeding them, but we have so many squirrels that come and eat of the food. I've tried all kinds of "squirrel proof" feeders, but they still get it. Yes girl...your weak menu sounds so good and like warm comfy food. I need to be more organized with my meal planning. The sun came out here today, for the first time in weeks. Gosh, it felt soooo good. Hoping you have a very peaceful and joyful week

Billie Jo said...

Hello! I love watching the birds, too. I have had so many beautiful ones this winter. Your weekly menu sounds delicious, and your project turned out beautifully. Your drawing too! You are quite talented, my friend. Have a cozy evening!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb. Lovely post. I love your drawings. You are so very talented. I am behind on reading blogs, but I am always glad to see what you are up too. Idaho sunsets are beautiful! I hope things are going well for you. I have been down during our gray, cold and snowy January too. I was so glad that we had sunshine for a few days before our next bout of snow this weekend. I just keep telling myself that spring's coming! See you again soon, my friend!

"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...