Wednesday, May 10, 2023

My Daybook . . . long post!


Outside my window . . .  Well, hello!  I know it's been a long time since I  have been in this space, it's good to be back!  I took a two month break, a much needed break . . .  Wait a minute, I think I said that the last time ;0)  As you can see, the grass is green and the snow is gone, at least in the valley.  There is still a lot of snow in the mountains and many places here are experiencing flooding.  Thank goodness, we are not in those areas.  It's been a cold spring, with only a few nice days since April.  We are suppose to get into the upper 70's by Mother's Day, so that will be wonderful!

The voles were really bad this winter and made a mess of our lawn.  We have been trying to re-seed the grass, but I think it's just going to take time before it looks like a lawn again. 

On my playlist . . . 

This year in April, was our 48th wedding anniversary!  It's hard to believe that we have been married for almost 50 years!  I was a tender 18 years old when we got married and Bob was only 19 years old.  I don't think most people gave us a hope of making it even a year, let alone 48 years!  It has been an amazing journey to be married to my best friend for the last 48 years.  

What I'm thinking . . . This has been a hard few months for us.  Our grandson, Brody, left for his mission.  He is currently at the MTC (Mission Training Center), and will leave for Croatia at the end of May.  I already miss him, but he is doing so good!  He will be learning 3 languages . . . It's a good thing he's smart!

We also had some sadness in April.  Bob's brother passed away on Easter day, he was only 65 years old, he died of a heart attack.  He will be missed.  It's always hard to lose a sibling.  This photo was taken the day he got married . . . such a handsome young man.  He reminds me so much of Bob.

We also lost a little great-niece.  Lauryn had Rhett's syndrome, she was only 24 years old.  She passed away on April 3rd.  She was an amazing young woman who touched the life of many, many people with her beautiful little spirit and fun personality.  She will also be so very missed by her family who took such good care of her and loved her so much.  

Her father shared this quote at her funeral and I just loved it.  I'm not sure who the author is, I think the last name was, Williamson.  He made a copy and hung it in each of his children's bedrooms.  What an amazing quote, we should all feel this way.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

What I'm thankful for . . . I can't even begin to tell you what I am thankful for!  My family, my faith, the peace I feel here in this beautiful part of the country where I am so fortunate to live.  My health.  So many blessings in my life.  I've also had many challenges and heartbreak, but my blessing out weigh all of them.

Today is my daughters birthday, and I'm so thankful for her!  We were going to go have dinner with her, but she called last night and said that she was sick.  So it was birthday hugs and kisses over the phone.  She was born the day before Mother's Day in 1982 . . . the best Mother's Day gift ever!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sweet daughter!

Something I love . . . If you have followed my blog for any length of time, you will know how much I love day tripping with my husband.  A while back, we decided to go for a ride and ended up about 400 miles from home!  It was gorgeous, and well worth the trip.  Here are a few photos from that trip.  The big wide open skies of Idaho!  

Something I'm working on . . . I am working on decluttering and deep cleaning my house!  Sometimes it seems like and endless job, but one that needs to be maintained regularly and consistently . . . it's that consistent thing that gets me every time!  Out of sheer desperation I came up with a good schedule for weekly cleaning.  It works, and that's big for me!  I'll share it in a different post, but I say anything that works for you is a plus!  

What I'm wearing . . . My usual mom uniform - jeans, t-shirt, sandals.  I know, I'm very boring, but it's too early for my housecoat.  

Creating . . .  I'm working on creating space enough for me to set up and easel so I can start painting/drawing.  It's really something I love, and don't do enough of.  Soon I hope!

In the kitchen . . .  I'm going to be making these delicious Coconut Magic Bars for Mother's Day.  My daughter is hosting, so I'm going to bring something for dessert.  

Coconut Magic Bars
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup light brown sugar, packed
2 cups graham cracker crumbs, approximately 15 to 16 full sheets
1 cup semi-sweet or milk chocolate chips
1 cup shredded sweetened coconut
3/4 cups pecans, coarsely chopped (I leave the nuts out and add a little more coconut)
1 2/3 cups sweetened condensed milk

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Crush graham crackers.  Stir the brown sugar into the graham crackers; set aside.  Put the 1/2 cup butter into an 8x8 baking pan; heat in the oven until butter in completely melted.  Remove from oven and immediately spread the graham cracker and brown sugar mixture over the melted butter. In layers, alternate the chocolate chips, coconut and pecans.  Evenly p9ur the sweetened condensed milk over the top.  Bake for 30 minutes or until the coconut is lightly browned.  Cool completely before cutting.  Yum!

I'm also bringing Banana Bars, these will be gone in minutes, they're so good!
Something to leave you with . . . Finally . . . the sunset!

Until next time - stay safe!

Hugs and Love,


Great-Granny Grandma said...

A lot of beauty in this post--the view from your window, your beautiful daughter, and those amazing shots of the sunset.

Donna said...

Beautiful scenery!
Happy birthday to your daughter Beautiful girl...
Thanks for the recipe. The bars sound delicious...
And, I'm SO sorry for all your loss! Sending love and prayer!

Lori said...

Hello! I am sorry for all of your loss, they both were still so young which always makes it a bit harder. I LOVE the quote that you shared. I will be writing that one down to remember. I love your photo's of Idaho. That is one state I have never visited and it looks beautiful. I would love to hear about your cleaning routine as mine needs a tweak. Magic bars are always a hit at our house too. Happy belated Anniversary and enjoy the Spring!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb. Glad to see you back in blog land! So sorry for your family's losses. So hard. I love the quote from the funeral. I have heard that before and it is so good and thought-provoking. It's good to hear that your grandson is doing well in the MTC. Missions are hard, but it sounds like he is up to the challenge! Your weather is about the same as ours - up and down. This week has been cool, cloudy and rainy, but no major flooding, which is certainly something to be grateful for. I will give that recipe a try. Happy birthday to your daughter. My oldest daughter's birthday is today - she is 42. I have no idea how that happened! How can I have a middle aged child. 1?! ;-) My oldest grandson's birthday is tomorrow. He is 16. I hope you enjoy the end of the week and have a good weekend.

Vee said...

Very sorry for your family's losses. They weigh heavy I know. May God comfort and give you peace.

Your daughter is a beautiful woman. Praying that she feels better asap.

Always beauty in your's to better days ahead.

Shug said...

Hey Barb..... I am so sorry for the painful losses you all have had. It hurts to lose those you Love and to lose two special people in your lives is overwhelming. Thoughts and prayers for your family. Happy Anniversary and I wish for you both, many more. Your daughter is such a pretty lady. sorry she isn't feeling well. Happy Birthday to her and hopefully y'all can celebrate her day soon. It is truly a beautiful place where you live. I always enjoy the scenery pictures that you post. Wishing great things ahead for you all...hugs

Billie Jo said...

Hello, my lovely friend. So happy to see you here today! Happy and Blessed Anniversary to you! And happy birthday to your beautiful daughter! She looks so much like you!!! Your photos are lovely. Thank you for sharing your part of our world. So sorry for your losses. May God hold you and your loved ones in His hand. Have a cozy weekend and Happy Mother's Day!

Homemaker' said...

Hi Barb - First, I want to say how sorry I am for the losses in your family. That truly is difficult. May God give you peace.

What a pretty daughter you have - she has your beautiful eyes!!!!

Isn't it a gift to see green again after this past winter? We're just relishing in it. Always a miracle to see everything bloom. And those beautiful sunsets of yours......

I had forgotten all about the Magic Bars so I'm very glad you posted them! I definitely want to make them again.

Glad your back, Barb, and thank you for posting again! Happy Mother's Day!

Marie Rayner said...

So good to see a post from you Barb. I am so sorry to read about the loss of Bob's brother. So young. Your daughter is so pretty and looks so much like you. I hope she had a Happy Birthday! I will keep your grandson in my prayers throughout his mission. Croatia is a beautiful place to serve. He must be very smart to be able to learn three languages! I have a hard enough time with one! haha Oh, I do so love Magic Bars, but with only me here now, not something I make very often if at all. How wonderful that you and Bob have been married so long. This was something I always wished for myself, but sadly not to be, maybe I will find a good man in the eternities. I have given up here on earth! I do so hope you will be able to start painting again. It is such a good feeling to be able to indulge in your hobbies. And your sunsets, beautiful as always. Love and hugs, xoxo

Heather Noire said...

So sorry about Bob's brother. He is definitely smiling down and in your hearts. I think your photos are wonderful and I loved this post.

"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...