Saturday, June 25, 2022

A trip to the Bingham County Historical Park. . .

On Tuesday my day started early as I prepared and got ready to go with DUP (Daughters of Utah Pioneers) to a beautiful historical park not far from my home, in fact, less than 5 miles.  What a blessing it is to have such a wonderful place to help me remember my heritage!  It is such a beautiful, peaceful park and I am so thankful to be able to visit it anytime I need to feel that peace.

This was our tour guide, Liz.  She was amazing!  Not only was she funny, she was very knowledgeable!  She made the tour so fun as she made us laugh and cry as she told stories about the park and about our ancestors that came this area hundreds of years ago.  She designs historical clothing for a living, so her dress and all that went with it are handmade by her, right down the the many petticoats under her dress, her pantaloons and even the corset she wore.  It was so interesting to hear her tell about the clothing from the 1800's and why it was made the way it was and why those many petticoats were so important.

She was quite a character as a few of the ladies checked out all the petticoats she wore under her beautiful dress, it was hilarious!

Onto the log cabin which was donated to the park and took many hours of hard work to restore it.  It is still a work in progress.  I can't wait to see it when it is completed.

This school house was also donated and the same hard work went into bringing it from the hills that surround our small community to the park.  Some of the ladies had relatives who attended this school many, many years ago.  They were able to tell us stories that really brought this small one room school house to life.  

This is an old horse driven school bus that was also donated - in fact every thing in this park was either donated or built with donations from our small community and surrounding communities.  Much of the hard work was done by the SUP (Sons of the Utah Pioneers).  This school bus is unique because the driver sat inside the bus.  You can see the little slot under the window where the reins went driver!  I think it would have been so fun to ride this bus as a child!

This is a very old sheep wagon.  As a child my husband spent many hours in a sheep wagon just like this one, living and working on their family ranch through the summer with his brother.  Bob was only 8 years old and his brother was 10 when they lived in the camp.  In fact this sheep wagon was donated by a dear friend of my husbands family.  Bob spent many hours in this exact sheep camp.  It was donated by their family after, Allen, the owner passed away.  

The park also has beautiful flower gardens and vegetable gardens.  The county has cut off their water because they want to turn the historical park into and RV park, so they weren't able to grow a garden this year.  They normally donate all of the vegetables to our community food pantry, so it will be missed by so many this year.  Our city said that they would supply water to them, but it would cost 40,000 dollars to run the necessary pipe for the water. They are currently bringing big water trucks to them so that they can water their fruit trees and what flowers they still have.  They are asking for donations which our DUP Company gladly gave.  I pray that they can raise the money necessary for the pipe, as it would be such a shame to lose this hidden treasure.  It is one of the very few parks like it in, Eastern Idaho where I live.

These are a couple of the gorgeous Iris that are still thriving in the gardens.

I loved spending time in this park and hope you enjoyed a few of the pictures I was able to get.  I really pray that the money can be raised to bring water to the park and save all the wonderful buildings and the memories and stories that go with them each of them. 

Until next time, have a wonderful week-end and be safe.

Hugs and Love,



Vee said...

What fun! Your guide was so much fun, too, though I am certain the "real deal"
would not have been so tolerant of being inspected.

This historical park so close to your home is a treasure. I'm with you, I hope they get
the money they need for the water pipe.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you were able to comment, Vee! I did some digging in my settings and changed a few things, so hopefully you and others won't have that problem again. Always good to see you!

Homemaker' said...

We love going to historical parks and museums especially with guides that are dressed up in period clothing! Your trip sounds so fun. : ) And, again, your photos of the flowers are beautiful. Have a good day, Barb!!! Mary

Anonymous said...

Wow....this looks like a lot of fun and when you have a guide that keeps things fun & interesting, it makes for a great tour. I have never seen wagons like those. I am extremely thankful (living here in Texas) that I do not have to wear all those petticoats under a long dress. I think I will just kill over. Of course, in the winter, they might feel pretty good. Happy Sunday Barb...

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb. I love this! I have thought of joining DUP, and I could because I am, but I have just never done it. Maybe I will. You have inspired me! The historical park is great and it looks like your meeting was a lot of fun. See you again soon!

Billie Jo said...

Hello! What a wonderful place to visit! Thank you for sharing the photos! Makes me wish I could go back and live then. With a phone and a computer, of course! : ) Have a cozy Monday, my friend.

Kerin said...

What a beautiful post, and tribute to those that came before us and left such a legacy of hard work ethic, and passion for life!
It is wonderful to see that sheep camp that your hubby spent so many hours in... pretty amazing!
I too hope that the funds are secured to continue to make the park a beautiful and thriving place and to continue the restoration of the beautiful buildings, artifacts, etc.
Architectural history is very important, and once it is gone, there is no replacing it, so it is very, very important to preserve and restore it!
It is the story of our lives, our past and our fortitude that encourage us to keep on keeping on and those stories of our past help us feel thankful for the sacrifices that were made and enrich our everyday lives :)
We are better people for understanding the past and putting those lessons and experiences to use in our present and future :)


Great-Granny Grandma said...

Sounds like a fun trip. Love the pictures of the ladies checking out the tour guide's petticoats. Will the museum still be there when they turn the historical park into an RV one? That seems like a sad thing to do.

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 Happy Wednesday!  I hope my post finds everyone healthy and safe.  I know there are so many disasters happening around the country and my h...