Wednesday, September 22, 2021

It's Here...


It's finally, officially, here!  That cozy time of the year where I look forward to all of the changes this season brings...cozy retreats to the couch, lots of reading, down comforters, soups and stews, sweaters, warm slippers, boots, spicy candles, jazzy music and family gatherings...this is my time of year!  

And, I loved this, fall bucket list!  My favorite is - go outside and enjoy the crisp air - it's so doable!

Enjoy this first day of Autumn, where ever you are!   I pray that you are safe, healthy and happy.  XOXO

Hugs and Love,




Great-Granny Grandma said...

No crisp air here yet, but I am looking forward to it.
Happy First Day of Autumn to you as well!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Happy Fall to you as well, Barb! I think fall is my favorite season. Enjoy the end of the week. :-)

Vee said...

It rained. 😁 I still enjoyed it, though I did nothing "special."

Christine said...

Hello my friend,

I’m up for all the things on that list! Seriously though, this is such a wonderful time of year, isn’t it? You’ve inspired me Barb. Think I’m going to make some pumpkin bread today. ☺️

Have a blessed weekend,


Homemaker' said...

Hi Barb! I always look for these lists on Pinterest because they are so motivating - thank you for posting this list. I love them all. So much to do, so little time!!!! : )

Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.
God bless.
Mary S.

LeAnn said...

Happy Fall to you sweet friend! May you have many moments of doing items from you Fall Bucket List. I loved it all. I look forward to snuggling in a recliner with a blanket, soft music and a good novel.
Love and hugs for you!

Veronica Lee said...

Alas, it is summer here still and forever will be in our tropical corner of the world.

Happy Fall, Barb!

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