Friday, June 25, 2021

Fun Adventures . . .

We decided that before we got too old, we would buy a 4 x's so fun, who knew!  I have been fighting it for years, always finding something else we needed more, but I finally caved, and I'm glad I did.  We went with some friends a few weeks ago and we had so much fun!

This is a photo of their little buggy...notice the dust on our's definitely a dirty, dusty way to play, but we really enjoyed every minute, dust and all!  


We stopped here and had lunch, I could have spent hours in this spot, it was so peaceful.  All you could hear was the rushing water and the birds.

This little lake was so pretty!  The Lilly pads were all in bloom, they were gorgeous!

     Mule Ear Daisies are my favorite,  I wanted to pick them by the armful and take them home with me!

The contrast with the green grass and these purple flowers was so pretty.  I've always loved purple and green together.  Mother nature really does know what she's doing :0)

Snow capped doesn't get better than this.

A couple of selfies of Bob and I and my sweet friend, Tammy...for your viewing pleasure, dirt, dust and all!  Such fun memories!

We have big plans for this little bug...the kids already love to ride it around the pasture and we've been looking at trails in our area to explore.  We always stay on the trials, and it has been modified to be a little quieter than most of the off road Razors.  One of the problems I have with off road vehicles is the noise and the fact that they don't stay on the we mind our p's and q's.  We are considerate of people walking and biking, dust isn't fun to eat ;0)

 The forests of America, however slighted by man, must have been a great delight to God; for they were the best he ever planted. The whole continent was a garden, and from the beginning, it seemed to be favored above all the other wild parks and gardens of the globe.

~John Muir~

The forests of America, however slighted by man, must have been a great delight to God; for they were the best he ever planted. The whole continent was a garden, and from the beginning, it seemed to be favored above all the other wild parks and gardens of the globe. John Muir

Until next time...happy trails!!

Stay safe XOXO

Hugs and Love,



Homemaker' said...

Oh my goodness, Barb, how fun!!!! Your photos make me yearn to get away and see something beautiful. It's all gorgeous! Thank you for sharing them with us and have more fun ahead!

Marsha said...

What a fun post. Looks like a total package of fun and adventure!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb - I love this post. So beautiful! I surely do agree with John Muir and believe that God does too. Your new "toy" looks like so much fun. Idaho is a beautiful state. So glad that you are posting again. See you soon, I hope.

Shug said...

I'm so glad you caved in and made this purchase. Lots of good times can be had on them. Our's was stolen and we just have not replaced it yet, Love all of the gorgeous views. My goodness, isn't it so neat to be able to see things that you might other wise never see. Beautiful Country. Enjoy and continue to take these wonderful pictures.

Christine said...

The photographs are just stunning, Barb! Thank you so much for sharing them with us, and it's fabulous to hear you are enjoying your buggy so much. I love having fun, but it seems quite some time since I was able to say I had proper fun playing out in nature.
Have a wonderful week.

LeAnn said...

I think that does look and sound fun. You two are adventurers for sure. I really loved the beautiful photos and the lunch stop looked so peaceful. I really am a mountain and lake kind of person. I loved the photo of you two and your friend.
Enjoy our moments; sending lot of hugs your way!

Marie Rayner said...

I never saw you as a four wheeler Barb, but the thought of it makes me smile! I would also love doing something like this. You are so blessed to have a companion in life that enjoys doing things like this with you! Happy days! Love and hugs, xoxo

Billie Jo said...

Hello Barb!
What lovely and fun photos you shared today!
Always a pleasure to visit with you.
Have a cozy weekend and enjoy!

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