Saturday, June 19, 2021

A few a few months!

Summer is here, and she's shown up in full force!  I don't think we've had very many days that it hasn't been over 90 degrees, it's been hot!  And, like all of you, our lives seem to get busier instead of slowing down!  

My daughter asked me why I didn't blog anymore.  I didn't realize how long it had been since my last blog, and I didn't even realize she read my blog!  She was looking for pictures for a slide show and found most all of them here!  It made me realize I really do need to document my life this will be lengthy!

Easter was my last post and a lot has happened since then.  Bob and I decided that it was time to go on a vacation and since it had been such a long year, and our 47th wedding anniversary, we thought it was time.   We are both vaccinated, so we felt comfortable traveling.  We thought we would head South to try and find some warm was pretty cold here in April.  We have also been thinking about going somewhere warmer for a few months in the winter, so this was a good opportunity to look for a place to go.  We didn't find one, but we do know that we don't want to go where there are a lot of people, especially after driving through, Las Vegas during rush hour - eeekkk!! We made it through and even made it to the, Grand Canyon...

We've been to the, Grand Canyon several times, and I never get tired of it's endless beauty!  It was so pretty, so relaxing and so...grand!  It was a fun trip, but it's always nice to come home.  

I think I missed one of our March birthdays, and since this is my journal, I don't want to leave anyone out, especially this sweet girl!  Emily is one of a kind, so fun, sassy, smart and beautiful!  We sure do love her!  It still takes my breath away to think of how quickly she has grown up!


Guess who graduated from high school!?  Averi...can you believe it?!  She couldn't go to school with, Covid, but with some ingenuity and hard work, her mom taught her at home...she made it!  Averi was so excited! They had a graduation party in their backyard, and it was so much fun.  Averi loved it, and she was the life of the party!  

These are most of the amazing teachers and aides that Averi had along the way.  They were amazing with Averi, in fact one of the teachers moved up a grade just to be with her.  Another aide stayed with her all through grade school and jr. high.  She is like a second mother to Ave, and has become my daughter's best friend.  It truly does take a village to raise a child.  Amber, Averi's mom is standing behind her, making sure that her cap is just right!  She looked so pretty.  It was a fun night and one that I will forever be in this grandma's heart.

 Ave and Tay, her best friend and sister...she's being silly! 


 I love this picture, Averi was so excited for her graduation night!!  And what an accomplishment for this sweet angel!!  She is such a special little granddaughter, we just love her to the moon and back!  I used lots of tissues this night!
Well, in my usual fashion, I'll leave you with a sunset...

 Take care and be safe!

Love and Hugs, 



Homemaker' said...

Wow, Barb, you HAVE been busy!!! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and what lovely photos of your trip (and the sunset at the end). And what special family photos too.

I certainly hope this heat comes to an end soon - tomorrow will be the first day that we'll be getting rain since before Memorial Day - kinda scary!

Thank you for posting! I know time does fly by - but glad you're back. : )
God bless,

Deb J. in Utah said...

Barb - Welcome back to blogland! So great to see you and catch up. Congrats to Averi on her graduation! I love the trip to the Grand Canyon. We love it there too, but it has been a couple of years since we went - I think we need to go again soon. Glad to find out that things are going well. As you know, it has been super hot down here in the SLC area too. Again - glad you back. I always enjoy your posts. Have a good Sabbath!

Deb J. in Utah said...

P.S. Happy 47th Wedding Anniversary! Charly and I celebrated 42 years last week. I love that you guys have been happily together so many years. :-)

Vee said...

Glad you found your way back with such happy news. Congrats to Averi on her graduation. She is part of a beautiful family.

Congrats on your anniversary!

LeAnn said...

I'm so happy to see that you did your blog. I always love it so much. This one a fun one for sure. I loved where you went for your 47th Wedding Anniversary. Roger and I did something similar for our Anniversary and I think it was our 47th or 48th.
Your Emily is such a cutie. I loved your thoughts on her. Then of course, I loved the photos and thoughts on our sweet Averi. That night did warm our Grandma hearts and I shed a bunch of tears too. She's such an amazing girl in so many ways and has blessed our lives. I love that we have this shared family.
Sending lots of love and hugs your way dearest friends!

Christine said...

So nice to have you back blogging again, Barb! I have missed your posts, and what lovely photos. I haven't been fortunate enough to visit there (yet!) but hope to some day.
Happy Birthday to Emily and graduation to Averi!

And very happy belated Anniversary wishes to you and your husband. 47 years is no mean feat these days, but oh what a blessing to have spent so much time with someone you love so much who can share all the good, and not so good bits!

Hope to see another post from you soon!
God Bless,

Kerin said...

Warm wishes and lots of congratulations sent your way! You have a beautiful family, and what a testament to families and love your marriage is :)
Congrats on celebrating your anniversary, and congrats to your sweet Grand!

Time does just fly by. I need to begin to blog again also.... I tell myself that quite often!

Have a wonderful rest of your week, and thank you for sharing your gorgeous family, fun celebrations, and beautiful pictures with us.

{{hugs}} ~K.

Shug said...

Hey Barb...I sure have missed you. I haven't blogged near as much as I have in the past. Just seems that life is so full. Love all your pictures of the gorgeous Grand Canyon. I never get tired of visiting there. I was hoping that when I read ya'll were going South, that you might make it down to Texas. East Texas is Beautiful, so maybe sometime Y'all can take a long trip and visit here. Congratulations to your little graduate and happy birthday to Emily. Congratulations on your 47 Anniversary. Big Hugs

Marie Rayner said...

Belated Anniversary greetings! How wonderful that you were able to get away for it and such a beautiful spot. I have enjoyed your photographs very much! Loved the pictures of your sweet granddaughters. Congratulations to Averie. I know what an accomplishment this was! Love, hugs and many blessings to you! xoxo

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...