I'm thinking . . . What a relaxing, fun day we had yesterday. We had to go to the eye doctor and the grocery store, so on our way home we decided to go find the swans...yup, swans! They migrate right through our part of Idaho every Spring, and I love to go look for them. There was a big flock of them right by our house, but they were really hard to see. They love the big open fields that are just west of our house, so that's where we headed . . .
And there they were, just like clockwork! It's really fun to find these beautiful birds. This year they had pretty slim pickings because of all the snow, but soon enough it will melt, and they will be able to find enough food to get them to their next destination.
I'm thankful . . .I'm thankful that we were able to go help my son on Sunday. His truck quit him on Saturday while he was ice fishing, never a good thing, right!? So, on Sunday right after church, we went to help him get it on a trailer so he could bring it home to fix it. It was a beautiful Sunday drive.
O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain.
I'm wearing . . . I'm still wearing jeans...and shoes...I can't wait until I'm wearing sandals.
From my kitchen . . . I've been wanting to learn how to make biscuits. Really good, soft, high. crispy on the bottom, flaky biscuits, not the kind I usually make ;0) So I've been watching a few YouTube channels to learn how. And guess what, I did it! I need a little practice but they were so good. This is the video I watched.
I'm going . . . I'm going to feed the missionaries tonight. I'm making a turkey breast, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, rolls and chocolate cake.
I'm hoping . . . That the sun continues to shine. We've had some really beautiful, almost warm days and I hope that continues.
Outside my window . . . Last night we had a really beautiful sunset. When I went out to take a picture of it, I could hear the swans in the background, it was beautiful, I should of videoed it.
Just sayin' . . .
Be safe, XOXO
Hugs and Love,
Don't you love seeing the swans? I always look forward to seeing the birds visiting the ponds below me because I know Spring can't be far away. Your sunset picture is beautiful. I have a friend who sends me pictures of the sunrise when they're visiting their cabin (which is frequently) near Bear Lake. Each one is so unique, no two are alike. Enjoy those missionaries. My daughter and her family have befriended the missionaries as they've been teaching their dear friends husband. He just joined the church. It has been an amazing experience for their family. Hope you have a awesome week!
Hi Barb - I love those pictures. Those words from America the Beautiful was just right for that scene. Those biscuits look wonderful. Such a nice, yummy, comfort-food dinner you fixed for the missionaries. So glad you could go help your son out when he needed you. We always want to be there for our children, don't we?! Enjoy what's left of this week.
Barb, I love your pictures, and the biscuits look delicious! I can just picture having one or two with butter and some honey. :-)
The mountains look stunning. You are fortunate to live in such a beautiful state and I am sure you know that too.
I love the song, "America the Beautiful," and whenever I hear it, it brings tears of pride to my eyes...
I am sure the missionaries will enjoy their dinner too!
Have a lovely day,
What a fun blog. It looks like you were in my neck of the woods when you went to help your son.
And those biscuits.......Yum!
Barb, you live in such a beautiful area, America the Beautiful is perfect for those beautiful mountains.
Isn't it nice to pause and see what our heavenly father send us to enjoy..
I have been wanting to learn how to make great homemade biscuits too, found several recipes even bought self rising flour the other day, I have made them in the past, but was never pleased with them. My grandmother made them every morning, her entire life, it was just a staple at her table, even now I can taste them, with her homemade butter.
. Thanks for sharing your days,
Beautiful photos. The place we live is stunning.
I’m going to have to check out your biscuit recipe. Mine always turn out like hockey puks.
I hope your week is calm in all this craziness.
Dear Barb, oh your biscuits look perfect! Do you have honey or jelly? Yum!! Your snowy pictures are breathtaking! So beautiful. I think my heart would always be singing seeing them! xo
I love the swans, the colorful sky and the purple mountains majesty. Glorious mountains.
I finally have a moment to pop in and read a few blog posts, and of course, yours was an important one. I miss you, dear friend, and will treasure the moments we had together.
I do love your Daybook entry. Bob and you always do some fun things. I liked Swan photos. All the photos you took are really good. I think you are talented at taking pictures.
I wish we were missionaries coming to your house for dinner; it sounded so yummy, and the rolls look delicious.
Well, this time of being home more can be useful since I have a zillion things to catch up on. It's been sad to see church things canceled, but on the other hand, we will learn a lot from this, and I have hopes that ministering will take off more.
We had an earthquake today to just throw into the rest of the turmoil. We woke up to it, and it was a bit scary. There have been some aftershocks but not too bad.
Well, my friend, let's stay close in touch. I'm so happy you are near your family, that is such a blessing.
It's time to really follow the prophet and Trust in the Lord.
Sending prayers, love, and hugs your way!
Always love you daybook Barb! Love LOVED seeing photos of that beautiful state you live in and the swans. We have swans here in Chester, but I have never seen them migrate. The Queen owns all the swans in the UK and they are protected. We are living in different times for sure, a bit frigtening, but our faith hopefully is larger than the fear. Perhaps this is our handcart. Love you! Stay safe and healthy! xoxo
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