Monday, October 14, 2019

My Daybook . . .


The wind is just blowing like crazy, the leafs are falling off the trees and swirling around the deck and the lawn... and it's still warm enough for me to go outside barefoot...I love this time of year!!


When Autumn arrives, I really do just love to hunker down and listen to wonderful, cozy music.  Here's a little taste of what I'm listening to:


Just last Thursday this is what I saw out my kitchen window!  Seems kind of early for snow, but then again, anything's possible in Idaho.


How much I have to be grateful for.

This amazing young woman is my beautiful granddaughter.  Last week she received her mission call for, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.   She will be serving the people of, Wellington, New Zealand!  We are just so proud and excited for her that we could burst!  She's over the moon! 

Being able to live close enough to my grandchildren that I can attend special things they do in their lives.  Clara was in the play, Frozen.  She was a troll, a singer and a dancer, and I loved watching her!  I wasn't able to get a picture of her in costume, but she had a little dirt smudged on her face and messy a troll!!

I love to make bread.  My grandmother taught me long ago how to tell if the bread is just right, and I never forgot.  This is a wonderful bread recipe and cuts beautifully for sandwiches.
Soft Oatmeal Sandwich Bread 

1 cup rolled oats (not instant)
2 cups hot milk
½ cup honey
¼ cup lukewarm water
1 pkg (or 2-1/4 tsp) active dry yeast
1/3 cup buttermilk
1-1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 large egg
1 Tbsp salt
¼ cup unsalted butter, softened
3 to 3-1/2 cups unbleached flour
2 extra Tbsp of oats for sprinkling on top

Put the oats in a large mixing bowl and pour the hot milk over them. Stir in the honey and allow to cool to body temperature. Meanwhile, put the water in a small bowl and stir in the yeast. Set aside for 5 minutes to dissolve. Once the oats have cooled, stir in the dissolved yeast, the buttermilk and the whole wheat flour and beat vigorously for 1 minute with a wooden spoon. Cover this sponge with plastic wrap and set aside for 30 minutes in a warm, draft-free spot.

Using a wooden spoon, beat in the egg, salt and butter until well blended. Add the unbleached flour, ½ cup at a time, beating well after each addition. When the dough is too dense to stir, turn it out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 10 minutes, periodically dusting your kneading surface with flour; knead gently at first to prevent the dough from sticking. Place dough in a lightly oiled bowl, turning it to coat the entire surface of the dough with oil. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and set aside, in a warm draft-free post, until the dough is doubled in bulk. Butter 2 4-1/2X8-1/2-inch loaf pans and sprinkle the inside pf each with about 1 Tbsp of oats.

When the dough has doubled, punch it down, kneed briefly, and divide in half. Shape the halves into loaves and place them into the prepared pans. Cover loosely and let rise in a warm, draft-free spot until doubled in bulk, preheating the oven to 375°F when the loaves appear nearly doubled.
Bake the loaves for approximately 40 minutes, until nicely browned. When done, the bottom crusts should give a hollow sound when thumped with your finger. Cool the loaves on a rack before slicing. Store in sealed plastic bags. Makes 2 loaves.


Be safe...

Hugs and Love,


Vee said...

I can almost smell that heavenly looking bread from here. It is too early for snow and I don’t care if it is Idaho. 😁 There! Perhaps the snow clouds will hear me.

Billie Jo said...

So much to love here, my friend.
Your granddaughters are lovely and such blessings.
That bread??? Thank you so for sharing!
I can smell it now!
I absolutely love the thought you shared.
I cannot agree more!

LeAnn said...

There is a special feeling in the fall. Kind of a nostalgic and peaceful feeling.
Yup! you can't trust Idaho weather at all. Actually, we aren't great at guessing weather here.
Of course, I am so excited for our granddaughter's mission call. She will be a fantastic missionary and I look forward to all of her precious moments ahead.
You are truly blessed to have your families close to share those special moments. I loved your post about our Taylor Jo. I'm planning on doing one soon too.
I loved your other little one and watching her in a play had to be a pure delight.
Thanks for that bread recipe. My mouth is watering for homemade bread, butter and jam. This looks like such a good one.
Love you much and hope we get to see you all soon!

Marsha said...

Hmmm, I've never tried going barefoot in fall leaves. Guess it's about time I give it a try.
What beautiful granddaughters. You have a great family.
My track record for making bread isn't the greatest but this recipe sounds wonderful.

Christine said...

Wellington, New Zealand !!! That's a long ways away! Blessing to her and safe travels!

Your a wonderful grandmother to be
there for your grandchildren, in many ways. I'm sure it was exciting to see Clara in the play!
The bread looks so good! Get the butter ready!

Terra said...

That bread must smell and taste delicious. Your grandkids are cute, and New Zealand will be a fine posting for your granddaughter.

Sue said...

Your granddaughters are absolutely lovely, I know you are so proud, and how wonderful that your family lives so close,so you can enjoy being and seeing them grow up.
That bread looks delicious, bread making is something I haven't been able to accomplish but would love to, thank you for sharing your recipe

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...