Monday, April 1, 2019

Already April . . .

I have been on a blogging break, and I have missed you!  My life has been kinda full of some, not so fun things, and some very wonderful things, so a break was a good thing.

The not so fun things...

This poor old dog is in liver failure and has been very sick.  Several times we had to consider putting him to sleep.  He doesn't have very long with us, if he were in pain, I would have to have him put to sleep, but he's still so happy.  This will be a really hard thing for all of us.  My grands will miss him a lot, Tanner has never not had Cole in his life, this is so hard, but, I can do hard things!

Some fun things...

We had a few birthdays in our family...we actually had 5 birthdays in our family, March is always an exciting month around here!

 Christian . . .

 Brody . . . 

Nathan and Caleb . . .

 I sure wish I could stop these birthdays from happening, but it is fun to watch them grow and become amazing people!

Our sweet Hannah would have been 11 in March...sweet baby girl.

My sweet mom would have been 91 in March...I miss her every minute of every day.

One day after taking Cole to the vet, we decided to take him for a ride because he LOVES to go for a ride, even if it's just to the store and back.  There is a huge flock of swans that just love all of the thousands of empty acres not far from our home.  This is just a few that we could get close enough to take pictures of, but really, there are just thousands of them.  It was a really beautiful day, and Cole really enjoyed his ride.

My first oil painting - this was so much fun!  A group of women from my church got together and painted the same picture.  A few of the ladies, who are amazing painters,  instructed us, and it was so fun and very relaxing, I will be painting more, I loved it!  I loved that all of the paintings were as individual as the person painting them, we all went away will a little smile on our faces for what we, didn't, think we could do, it was fun!

I couldn't leave you without a beautiful, Idaho sunset.  I'm so glad that the sun is putting on these gorgeous shows for us.  I try to go out every night and take a picture, all are beautiful, but some are prettier than others.  Here are a few that I thought were very pretty!

I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone!

Be safe!

Hugs and Love,


Vee said...

Oh you have lots of beautiful photos to paint! Wouldn’t that last one make a great painting? I love that you have found this new thing in your life.

Such a beautiful family you have!

I am sorry for the decision you must make, but enjoy each day as it comes, just as you are doing.

No need to catch up with me...same old story, different day. 😉

Saimi said...

Oh Barb, I can completely understand the pain and loss of having to say goodbye to a four legged family member. I've been in your shoes and its not fun. I'm so sorry! Your March is full of Birthdays, Happy Birthday to each of your loving relations! I can't believe there are swans in Idaho, I've never seen any. They seem like such an elegant bird that should be swimming in a castle pond or something and here they are out in the wild. Makes for beautiful scenery as are your gorgeous sunsets. They really are pretty!! What a painter you are,
very impressive! I agree with Vee, you should paint your photos!!
Glad you are back in blog land, I miss you when you're gone.
Hugs to you,

Marie Rayner said...

April has definitely snuck up on us this year Barb, and that's no fooling!! I can't believe how quickly this year is passing by. I am sad about your Cole Dog. Our Mitzie is almost 9 and I know that we can't expect much more than 3 or 4 more years God willing. We love our furry family members just as much as the people ones and having to say goodbye is very painful. My November/December is like your March birthday wise! Loved seeing all the pictures of your Birthdays! What sweet grands and your mum what a beauty. Oh how I miss mine and I know you miss yours too. I cry every night when I am saying my prayers. I always ask the Saviour to let her know I love and miss her very much. I always love your out and about photos. Its nice to see another part of the world and I am most impressed with your painting! You are so talented Barb! YOU need to paint your sunsets! I have missed you. Love you very much my sweet friend/sister. Enjoy conference this weekend! I can't wait to see what our leaders will have to teach us! Love and hugs, xoxo

Anonymous said...

Barb, yes My Gathering Basket is my new blog. I needed a change. ♥

I am so sad about Cole. I am glad that he isn't in pain. Praying for him.

Your painting is gorgeous! LOVE it!!

What a lovely picture of your mother. You will see her one day. xo

Jill said...

So sorry about your dog, that is so very hard. I pray he can hold on for a longer time pain free. Your other was a beautiful woman! Love your painting I've always wanted to do one of those evenings. All these pictures are wonderful. You know I always love the sunsets and sunrises :-) Enjoy the rest of your week!


Cindy said...

Gorgeous sunsets! And I love the painting you did, that's really good! So many birthdays! I'm thankful ours are all spread throughout the year. :)

Sue said...

So happy that we both are blogging again, Barb, I always enjoy your posts so much. Birthday blessing to all of your family, we both value family so much, though most of mine live so far away. However we treasure time spent together, One of our sons and family will be here for a week after Easter, we are so looking forward to that visit.
I am so sorry about your sweet dog, as I was reading this, I was reminded of our loss of dear Jack, making that decision was one of the hardest things we have ever done. I will be praying for all.
Thank you for visiting and for your sweet comment.

Christine said...

Welcome back! You were missed!
Yes, you needed a break heart breaks and heart throbs. But I must say, your painting is fabulous. Definitely NOT a beginner painting! Keep painting.
Shhhh, don't tell to many people about our secret... IDAHO! It really is the best place to live.

Terra said...

Your painting turned out great, it is a nice surprise to find you have a new talent. That is hard times for your family as Cole is not well, but lots of birthdays to celebrate in March, for balance.

Kerin said...

Isn't it amazing how quickly time flies by??!!
Sending 'Happy Birthday" wishes to your sweet ones; I hope each of their birthdays were wonderful!

Sending {{hugs}} out for your sweet pup. It is so hard to watch them age and know that their days with us are numbered... it sure tears out our hearts.
You are a good doggy momma and I hope that I can be as wise and compassionate as you are, when our Rowdy starts his end of days.

You did a beautiful job on your painting! So happy for you to have a new talent to cultivate and express.

Sending friendship hugs your way also for the many moments when you are missing your mom.
I have never stopped missing my Dad, so I can relate.

Gorgeous pictures! How blessed to see that beautiful sun and express gratitude to our Heavenly Father for another day.


"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...