Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Amarilis and This and That . . .

For my birthday, a dear friend gave me an Amaryllis, one of my favorite flowers, and one of my favorite friends!  It's just gorgeous, I wish that my camera would have been able to capture the true beauty of this pretty flower.  After I took the photo, I realized that the picture of my mom and dad was in the background...someone else I love . . . and miss.

Poor little Bandy, my daughter's dog, had to have a couple of teeth pulled last week.  They stopped by after they picked him up at the vet, and he immediately jumped upon the couch and tried to stick his head under the pillow, the vet visit was very hard on this little pup!  Even though he's not mine, he loves to come and visit and is very comfortable staying with me.  Don't they really become just like a member of the family?!

This year, I decorated my tree with all of the little ornaments that I have collected through the years.  most of them are ornaments that have been given to me, or that my kids made.  This year, On Christmas Eve, I'm going to have the kids take their ornaments home with them and hang them on their own tree.  I realized, after going through boxes and boxes of my mother's things, that they would mean way more to them now, than later.

It snowed here yesterday, not much, but it was white!  The sun was shining all day today and it was just beautiful...cold but beautiful!  My poor old, Cole Dog, doesn't like the snow and cold, but he thinks it wonderful when I get out the camera, so he posed for me!

Have a great week and be safe!

Hugs and Love,


LeAnn said...

I loved your photos today. The flower is so lovely and i do think it is awesome that you got the photo of your dear parents in the background. I love the photo of our tree with those endearing ornaments that you have collected through the years. I do think your childen will treasure getting them.
It snowed here too. Our Sammy went to go out and saw the snow and back up and refused to go out. We had to coax im for a while to get him to go. He has done that every year. He really isn’t an outdoor dog at all.
Sending happy thoughts and hugs to you sweet friends!

Saimi said...

Your parents have a great sense of humor, photobombing your flower picture. When my Christmas tree grew up it gave the kid ornaments to the little tree I have on the stair landing. Now my living room tree has it's own gold and red ornaments. I never thought to pass the kid ones on to my boys, I still like to look at them and reminisce when I decorate the little tree. Our son who lives in Idaho I noticed they have ornaments on their tree that their boys made, it won't be long before their tree will be decorated in homemade ornaments like ours was for many years. We have a down coat for our dog that he wears for his walks when it's cold outside, like it's been lately. You'd think winter is here haha - I know it is in Idaho for sure!
Stay warm my friend!!

Vee said...

You are so right...the grands will appreciate the ornaments now more than later. My son took all of my mother’s Christmas things with very few exceptions. That pleased me very much. I was grateful that someone was interested. And his wife puts them to good use with the multiple trees they put up. Sorting through the treasures is emotionally exhausting work. Thinking of you...

Kerin said...

What a sweet picture of your parents in the background of those beautiful blooms. Red flowers for love, and love for your parents.
Holidays are esp. hard, when our loved ones are on the other side, waiting for us :)

Brr.. that snow looks cold! It's been cold here as well. Pretty sad when we get excited if the temps reach 18 degrees, instead of 4... **haha**!

A few years ago, we divided the Christmas ornaments up between the kids, esp. the ones that they had each made and now they enjoy those ornaments on their own trees. They each ended up with a box full and enough to decorate a Christmas tree.

That pup is a sweetie! Our old dog had another tooth pulled a few weeks before we headed to California. As we were leaving, there was another dog that had just had 11 teeth pulled.. yikes!
The vet told us that smaller dogs often have more teeth pulled than larger dogs... that was news to me.
We do love our four legged friends, and they really are furry members of our families :)

Warm wishes, sweet friend.

Terra said...

There is nothing to beat the brilliant red of your Amaryllis. I hope the little dog is all recovered from his tooth extraction, poor dear. I like your idea of giving the ornaments to your adult kids.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I love the flower. That one is stunning. I love that your parents are in the background. Yes, your kids will love having the decorations. They will love looking at those in years to come and share the memories with their own children.

Cindy said...

Poor Bandy! Going to the dentist isn't fun for adults either. :( Christmas ornaments, is there anything better this time of year?! Our tree has never been fancy, with matching bows and ribbons and ornaments... we always fill it with ones we've made and collected at places we've visited. I absolutely love going through the boxes every year. Beautiful picture of your parents!

Christine said...

I like how your daughter's dog feels right at home in your home. That says a lot about you! Aren't dogs the best?!
Got to love a dog that poses.
We got some of your snow but it's gone now. Still very C-O-L-D!

Gina said...

Your amaryllis is such a gorgeous red! So beautiful! We are keeping Christmas simple this year. Love all your ornaments!

Jill said...

I love Amaryllis also, they are just so beautiful! Lovely photo of your parents too... I'm sure you are remembering them with fond memories. Little doggie is so cute, he needed his rest apparently after such a trauma ;-) Enjoy the rest of your day!


"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...