Monday, September 4, 2017

My Backyard adventures . . .

I spend a lot of time in my backyard.  It's peaceful, usually quiet, except for the occasional mooing of a cow, a car passing, farm equipment going down the road, dirt bike riders hurrying to change water on their very noisy bikes, a dog barking in the distance, children playing in another yard, a lawn mower or an airplane overhead . . . ever wonder where they are going in such a hurry?

Well I guess my backyard is'nt so quiet, but I love to spend time there . . . the noise is just the noise of life happening . . .

My petunias are beginning to look so pretty, the cool weather really makes them happy.

When I walk by this quaky tree, I always feel like, Big Brother is watching...creepy huh?!

The little birds just love to eat the left over grain from feeding the cows...they are so cute!

Little bubbles in the water after we irrigate (pay no attention to the cow patty!).

And the sunsets with all the smoke in the air are so brilliantly orange.  The camera won't capture the orange sun because it's just too bright, but you can see the smoke just hanging in the air! 

This is always my view at the end of the day . . . so pretty.  Mother Nature sure likes to put on a show, and I watch,  almost every night!

Happy Labor Day . . . be safe.

Hugs and Love,



LeAnn said...

I love your backyard too. I would love to just breeze by and spend some time talking in your backyard. I really loved the photos and remember well some of the details you discripbe. Your flowers are beautiful and I love the tree.
It is all so beautiful and the sunsets are spectacular. Blessings, love and hugs!

Anonymous said...

Happy Labor Day, Barb! Your sunsets are gorgeous! I can imagine those backyard sounds are music to your ears. xo

Cindy said...

Beautiful flowers. You're right about that tree, creepy! My backyard 'sounds' a lot like yours! (Pun intended.) :)

Anonymous said...

My what beautiful pictures!! The flowers, birds, water and sunset, you certainly have an eye for the beauty around you!

Boy is that tree creepy, I think I'd quickly walk past it!

Take care and I hope you have a wonderful day!

Marsha said...

Love your flowers. I am only privileged to have flowers for such a short period of time due to all the deer liking them as much as I do. As a matter of fact, this morning as I looked out my window, all the beautiful blossoms had been eaten of the geraniums.
The eye tree, I like's like someone is watching over you and your family at all times.
The little birdies are so cute, fun to watch, and very entertaining.
All your photos are just beautiful. What a haven your back yard is.

Soup Recipes said...

Nicee blog

My Daybook . . .

  Outside my window - Still snowy here in Idaho.  Last night it snowed again, and the forecast calls for more snow tomorrow and Wednesday. ...