Thursday, August 20, 2015

A Peek Into My Week . . .

Today ... August 20, 2015

Something from my Playlist ... I love this song!  I have this movie on my Netflix playlist, it's always been one of my favorites, maybe I will talk my husband into watching it with me tonight . . .

Mother Nature ... Today, it's very smokey outside because of all the wildfires in the west and in the northern part of Idaho.  I have asthma, so it's particularly bad for me.  I have chosen to stay in the house and putter today.

While we were camping last week, we had one day that it rained ALL day!  And the next morning, when we woke up, there was fog in the mountain tops and fog rolling into our campsite, it was gorgeous!  Although, Cole was not really sure about it!

We also had some beautiful sunsets and days with big fluffy clouds, two of my favorite things to photograph!

On My Mind ... My daughter was finally released from the doctor to walk with her boot!  She will only have to wear the boot for another 3 to 4 weeks, she was so excited!  It's been a long summer for her, and I pray that she won't have any further problems from the break.  I think her children will be happy as well . . . ;0)

I've also been thinking about my mother.  She has dementia, and is in a memory-care unit in an assisted living facility.  Yesterday, my sister and I were with her, and she just kept asking us what was wrong with her brain, and why she couldn't remember anything.  I felt so sorry for her, because she was always so full of life, loved to travel and had many friends.  Most of her friends are gone now, and the ones that are still living are too old to come and visit, so all she can do is reminisce and try to remember, "the good ol' days", so sad . . . I think it's so important that she knows she is loved and still needed. 

In a Nutshell ...  Miss Averi had a birthday while we were camping!!  There was a singing candle on her cake and she wasn't really sure about it!  Have I told you how much I love this sweet girl?!

Earlier in the month we went Huckleberry picking, something we love to do here in Idaho!  It was fun, and we got about 1/2 gallon.  We only picked for a few hours, and they are very small little berries, so I felt really lucky to get that many!  I froze them in 1 cup containers and will use them to make delicious pancakes, muffins, syrup and cobblers this winter. 

Comfort in the Kitchen ... My daughter brought me 1/2 of a huge cabbage from her garden, so I think I will make some cabbage rolls for dinner.  

Cabbage Rolls

1 egg
1 tsp. salt
Dash of pepper
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1/4 c. finely chopped onion
2/3 c. milk
1/2 lb. ground beef
1/2 lb. ground pork sausage (I use turkey)
3/4 c. cooked rice
6 lg. cabbage leaves
2 (10 3/4 oz.) cans tomato soup
2 tbsp. lemon juice
1 Tbl. brown sugar

In bowl, combine egg, salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, onion and milk; mix well. Add ground beef, ground pork and cooked rice. Beat together with fork. Immerse cabbage leaves in boiling water for 3 minutes; remove and drain. Place 1/2 cup meat mixture on each cabbage leaf. Fold in sides of leaf and roll ends over. Place rolls in 12 x 7 1/2 x 1 inch baking pan. Blend soup, brown sugar and lemon juice.  Cover tightly and bake at 350 degrees for 1 1/4 hours.

Good words to live by . . .

Have a wonderful week-end!!



Deb J. in Utah said...

Those cabbage roles look delicious. Your pictures are beautiful. Glad to hear that your daughter is on the mend. So nice that you live close to your mother and can be there for her. Our mothers always do things for us and we need to return that love to them when they get older. Hope those fires are put out soon - that smoke would be very bad for asthma. My husband has asthma. Enjoy what's left of the week!

Marsha said...

Once again, your photos are super. Nature always puts a smile on my face....well, most always. Glad to hear that your daughter got some good news. I can only imagine how she has felt during this time. I was only off my feet for 3 days and I nearly went nuts. It's nice that your mother is close by and that you can go and visit with her. Oh my....those cabbage rolls look wonderful. My husband planted at least 20 cabbages in our garden this year so this recipe will come to good use.
Take care, my friend - Marsha

Kerin said...

Beautiful pictures. Your Avery is such a darling, sweet girl. I am so glad that she has so many people in her life that love and treasure her :)
Yay! Glad your daughters foot is mending....finally. Poor girl.
Oh, the smoke is just awful here in the west. Sorry about you having extra challenges because of your asthma.

It's such a blessing to your mom to have you and your sister close by. Such a difficult thing for her to go through, and for her family too.

Hope that the rest of this week is a good one for you guys. Did you get to watch the movie?? Sounds like a fun date night!!


Shug said...

Hi, the clouds were really putting on quite a very pretty. Such a wonderful way to spend a! Avery is such a pretty young lady. Granddaughters are such a blessing. Yum....I love cabbage any way I can get it.... I'll be trying out this recipe.... Hope you have a sweet Friday and a great weekend as well.....

Vee said...

It must be taxing to have all that smoke in the air. Have been watching the news about the fires and am praying for rains. So sad to lose the firefighters yesterday. My heart broke for the youngest one's parents...their only son, their only child.

You have some beautiful photos today. The singer must not have been too good with Averi clutching her ears that way. Ha!

Praying for your mom and asking that she may have peace in her spirit. How challenging for you and your sister to know what to say when she mentions those big concerns. God love her.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Love the huckleberries! I didn't go this year. I'm just trying to keep up with my garden.

I love your sunset picture. So gorgeous.
I'm sick of the fire haze too. It is sure ruining the view of our beautiful country.

Kimmie said...

Visiting your blog is like being wrapped in a soft squishy hug.


Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb! Oh, your photos are just gorgeous! I'm sorry about all the fires out west and for those who have lost their lives fighting sad. Good news for your won't be long now and she'll have the boot off, too! And your sweet Averi is really growing...happy belated birthday to her!
I liked the closing words to live by...very truthful and just right for these days, especially.
Take care and enjoy these last days of summer!

Dee said...

It's so difficult to watch our loved ones suffer from dementia. I helped my mother care for my grandmother many years ago and it was horrible watching the woman I loved so dearly change before my eyes. God bless you for being so patient and loving throughout your mother's ordeal.

The pictures you took while camping are truly stunning and those cabbage rolls also look very delicious. I will definitely be trying your recipe so thanks for sharing. I'm glad I found your blog today. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend... :)

RoeH said...

I'm probably going to get whiffs of that smoke. I'll breathe in some of it and help out the cause. :)

LeAnn said...

I loved peeking into your day. I love the old movie; "Three Coins In A fountain". If we lived closed we could watch it together; fun! You must see the movie: "Once I was A Beehive". Make sure that your girls and granddaughter see this movie; it was so fun.
The photos you took are lovely; I may steal one for a graphic.
I am so happy that Jessica is finally in a boot; this has been a bad summer for her.
Oh, that sweet Averi. She amazes me all the time. I see her growing and learning more all the time. This time she called me Grandma before referring to me as 11- 20. I loved it.
I feel so sad for your Mom and I know how hard it is to watch them get worse with their dementia. It was so hard to watch my Dad through it all.
That recipe looks so yummy; I must try it.
Love you much, dear friend. Sending hugs your way!
It's been so fun to see more of James and Amber this summer; we have had such great visits with them.

Sue said...

Hi Barb, your camping photos are spectacular, I love to go camping, but haven't in years!
Wishing Miss Averi, a happy belated birthday wish!
I am so sorry to hear about your Mom, I care for a sweet lady now who is in early alzheimer's, will be praying for her, and you all as you take this journey.

The Stewart said...

Oh man, the smoke about did me in! I am so glad it is getting better. Between a baby pushing my lungs and asthma, I was pretty sure I would never take a full breath again! I just love your pictures! So fun! Love you!

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