Saturday, July 4, 2015

A Peek Into My Week. . . Or Should I Say Weeks!

Today. . . July 3, 2015.  Happy Independence Day everyone!  I hope you have a fun and safe day!

Something from my playlist. . .

Mother Nature . . . It's hot, hot, hot outside!  We have had record breaking heat the last week or two.   A little while ago I looked at the outside thermometer, and it said it was 98.4 degrees . . . too hot for me!  There is a slight breeze that makes it feel a tad cooler, thank goodness!  A perfect day for a baseball game and fireworks!!

On My Mind. . . I have been away from my blog for way too long, and time really does go by very fast!  It has been almost a month since my daughter broke her foot!  Since I last connected with everyone, she has had surgery, had two pins put in her foot, and direct orders to not put weight on it for 6 weeks!  So, her sweet mother-in-law and I have been taking turns, keeping watch over her and her 4 little children.  It has been fun to be with them . . . although, I had forgotten how much little children can wear  you out . . . but it's a good thing, not a bad thing!  I just pray that she will heal quickly, and not have anything go wrong during the healing process. Don't look too closely at this picture if you're squeamish!

In My Yard. . . My garden is coming along!  My husband hates weeds, and keeps it looking beautiful . . . all the time!  I told him that he needed to leave a few weeds in it for the bugs to eat, but he just shakes his  head at me...;0)

Comfort In The Kitchen . . .

A few weeks ago we went camping, and made, Mountain Dew Chicken - it was delicious!  I wish I would have taken a picture, but, you'll just have to use your imagination, and take my word for it!

Mountain Dew Chicken

  • 1 lb bacon
  • 2 lbs chicken breasts, I used 4 large chicken breasts cut in half
  • 5 lbs red potatoes sliced
  • 2 lbs carrot cut in thirds
  • 3 large onions cut in fourths
  • 2 cups shredded cheese
  • 1 tbs Lawry's Seasoning Salt
  • 1 cup Flour
  • 1 can Mountain Dew (I usually use 7-Up)
  • 14 inch dutch oven
  • 28 charcoals
  • 1 gallon bag
  1. Cut and prep meat and chicken.
  2. Heat camp-chef cook bacon in Dutch oven. Crisp Bacon and remove leaving grease behind.
  3. Combine flour and Lawry's in a gallon bag and add chicken and coat chicken in mixture. Brown chicken in the bacon grease in your dutch oven. Depending on how fatty your bacon is, you may have to add a little oil.
  4. Leave the dutch oven on the camp-chef and turn it to about med-low, you will need to adjust it so you don't burn the chicken.
  5. Put the cut up vegetables in a large bowl and mix together; Pour them over the chicken, and pour the Mountain Dew or 7-Up all over the top.
  6. Cover oven and put 17 hot coals on top. This will give you approx. 320 degrees.
  7. Cook 45 minutes. Remove lid. Pull the chicken up from the bottom of the dutch oven, and just lay it on top of the veggies.  Cover the chicken and veggies with the cheese and the bacon. Replace lid. Cook for 10 more minutes. Serve.
  8. This can also be made and cooked in the oven, just make it according to the directions, but cook it in the oven at 350 for about 1 hour, until the chicken is tender and cooked through.  Yummy!
I like to serve with a big green salad and rolls!

Camping Fun. . .

We had a really fun time camping, here are some highlights - bear with me I have lots of pictures!

This was looking out of the front door!

 Looking out the back door!
Everyone had fun fishing, even Cole!  Not sure Amber loved getting drenched!

This dog loves water . . . and sticks!

Tay was happy keeping her sweet, Bandit out of the water.

Grandpa helping Christian with his line, maybe he'll catch a bigger fish... ;0)

Averi and I just chillin', taking in the scenery . . . and the sounds!

We saw this beautiful Sandhill Crane.  She must have had babies the way she was prancing around, trying to distract us.

This was her taking off - very large wing-span, just couldn't capture the picture, but I loved the way it turned out!

Check out this funny cloud...what does it look like?  We could see a monster, blowing air through another cloud making a hole in it . . . what do you see?

The wildflowers were just gorgeous!

This little lake is so pretty! 

 And, you know how I love clouds and sunsets! 

Saving the best for last!  The following pictures are of the Northern Lights!  We were so fortunate to go outside at just the right time to capture their beauty.  This is actually the second time we have seen them at this location.

    You cannot rob me of free nature's grace,
    You cannot shut the windows of the sky
    Through which Aurora shows her brightening face.

    Can't wait to catch up with everyone!  Have a wonderful, fun, safe week-end!


Marsha said...

Good to see you back to blogging.
I hope your daughter will heal properly, too.
Your camping photos looks like you all had a great time. I love the crane in flight, photo. The Northern Lights were beautiful - I've never had the opportunity to see them. Ah, spending time with family - what a blessing!

Vee said...

Wonderful photos, wonderful subjects, amazing colors. Why is it that I am so fascinated by the pin in your poor daughter's foot? I can't tell what's going there a pin, a kinda cute one at that, on the outside of her foot?

Glad to have you do tend to slip off!

Sue said...

So glad you are blogging, Barb, I have been a little lax too! just a busy time here on the farm, I am like your husband, I do not like weeds either!~smile~
Your photos are absolutely beautiful, and like Vee, I am curious about the pin in your daughter's foot! Have a blessed day,

LeAnn said...

Give that Jessica girl a hug from me. I feel sad that she broke her ankle. I had that happen to me many years ago. I had 5 screws in a plate on one side and a pin on the other. It wasn't fun. I am happy she had the two of you there to assist. She has such a cute little family.
I loved all the awesome photos from the camping trip. I think that is such a fun thing for you all to do. The pictures of the northern lights were beautiful.
It has been a lot of years since we have been fishing; we must try it sometime again.
Sending love and hugs your way dear friend!

Shug said...

Oh Barb.....I'm so full of WOW's with your post. Wow....Bless your daughter's heart. First of all for the hurt foot. I pray for a speedy recovery! Wow....that she has to stay down for that length of time knowing that she has 4 children that have to be tended to. {of course, she probably has no worries her with you and her MIL helping} the recipe! Have never seen this recipe and I must sounds delicious! Another Wow to the fun on your camping trip....great times with family! And a big Wow to the Northern Lights. I know that this is a sight that is extremely gorgeous! Thank you for posting these pictures.... Have a good week....

Arlene said...

Hi Barb! Oh my gosh, the Northern Lights! They are absolutely beautiful!! I dream of seeing them in person some day. And the mountains are gorgeous! Florida is completely flat, very different terrain, but still beautiful in its own way, as all of our United States is. Thanks for sharing those great pictures! Hope your daughter heals quickly - may the Lord protect her foot so she can use it again soon! God bless y'all!

Kimmie said...

Spectacular scenery. Norther Lights oh my!


Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb! I'm so behind on blog reading. I have really enjoyed this post and seeing all your beautiful photos! I'm so sorry about your daughter's foot and hope it heals quickly. It looks like you had a wonderful camping trip. The scenery is just gorgeous and the Northern Lights were fantastic to see, I know. I'd love to see them sometime! Thanks for the yummy sounding recipe. I'm going to copy and paste and try it soon. Have a nice week! Hugs, Cheryl

Mrs. Pepper said...

Hope your daughter's foot heals well. The pic you shared looks painful!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Your yard is lovely! I feel the same way, pulling weeds is very cathartic to me.

Your camping trip was perfect! Catching the aurora! wow.
Hope your daughter heals well and hope you have the strength to keep up.

Anonymous said...

Barb, oh my those pictures (except the toe one!) are gorgeous! I would love to see your skies one day.

The Stewart said...

Oh man! I love your pictures! Looks like you guys had a blast!! And beautiful garden! Way to go!

Jill said...

Beautiful pictures and how lovely to be able to enjoy the Northern Lights in person! Your garden looks great and if your husband gets bored he is welcome to come pull our weeds too, lol... it seems to be a losing battle some days. I've been sick with pneumonia so it has set me back on things in the house and yard... finally getting back into the swing of things. :-) Really enjoyed your post... have a wonderful evening!


Deb J. in Utah said...

What great pictures of the Northern Lights and your family outing! I love that recipe - sounds great. Will have to try it! So sorry to hear about your daughter's foot - that would be so rough to be laid up with 4 little ones. God bless you for helping out! Hope you are having a good week. Will stop by for a visit again soon!

We've been Busy. . .

Hello!  How many of you celebrate, May Day?!  I can remember making May Day baskets in grade school, but I'm pretty sure it's someth...