Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mother's Day Thoughts . . . and a Birthday!

My youngest daughter was born the day after Mother's Day, 1982, she was the best Mother's Day gift ever!   Like all of my children, she is such a blessing in my life.  This year, her birthday is on Mother's Day!  I cannot think of a better way to celebrate Mother's Day than to celebrate her birthday with her on this special day.

Jessica and Tanner.

This is her sweet family.

Today, she is the mother of four beautiful children, who are the light of her life, just like she is mine.  
When she was just five years old, she sang like a little angel. 

One day, her primary teacher at church called me and wanted to know if I would sing with her in Sacrament Meeting.  Of course I said, "yes!".  This is the song we sang, I barely made it through the song without being in a puddle! Enjoy this sweet song . . . and think of your mother!

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers in my life!



LeAnn said...

I love this sweet post about Jessica; she is a jewel. I think it is awesome that her birthday this year is on Mother's day. The pictures are priceless!
Have a lovely day of celebration of Birthday and Mother's Day. You are the best of Moms.

Deb J. in Utah said...

What a lovely post. My oldest daughter, Amber, was also born the day after Mother's Day in 1981. May 11 is her birthday. I started into Labor on Mother's Day. Quite the gift. Your daughter and her family are just lovely. Have a Happy Mother's Day.

Vee said...

What a beautiful daughter with a beautiful family of her own. No wonder you're proud of her! Hope that she has a Happy Birthday and a Happy Mother's Day and that you enjoy celebrating both events with her.

Anonymous said...

Barb, what a beautiful family! I think your daughter looks like you. Happy Mother's Day!

Billie Jo said...

What a lovely post!
Happy and blessed Mother's Day to you!!!!

Linda said...

Barb, you have such a beautiful family! Such a lovely and inspiring post, thank you so much for sharing. Happy Mother's Day to you! :)

Linda said...

Barb, you have such a beautiful family! Such a lovely and inspiring post, thank you so much for sharing. Happy Mother's Day to you! :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Your daughter is beautiful, she looks like her mother! Happy Birthday to Jessica and Happy Mother's Day to you both!

RoeH said...

That song always makes me cry. And yes - I have to go play the organ in 30 minutes. See what you did to me? Now I gotta go re-make up my face. I hope they don't do this in Sacrament meeting. Beautiful post!!

Marsha said...

Thank you for starting my morning off with tears.....tears of happiness for all Mothers. I found this quote (I do a nightly thought each and every night where I send out quotes and this is one of them) about Mother's that I would like to share with you: I carried you every second of your life and I will Love you for every second of mine.
Your daughter and her family are blessed to have a mother like you.

Kerin said...

Beautiful post, and a beautiful daughter and her sweet little family..... what a blessing.
Thanks for sharing the song too!!


Kimmie said...

Like Mother like daughter - beautiful!


Kimmie said...

Like Mother like daughter - beautiful!


The WIlloughby Family said...

Thanks Mom! It was fun to spend Mothers Day with all of you! I am so blessed to have you not onlyas my Mom but as one of my best friends!!! I love you!

My Daybook . . .

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