Thursday, May 14, 2015

A Peek into my Week . . .

Mother Nature . . . We are having typical Idaho weather, warm and mild one day, cold and windy the next.  I'm not going to complain, because we are doing so much better than some parts of the country. My heart goes out to all who have struggled and lost so much.

On My Mind . . . I have been thinking about all the young people I know who will be graduating from high school this year; they are so much more prepared than I was!  Most of them have already been accepted to their college of choice, most of them have scholarships and have already made living arrangements.  Today's youth are just outstanding!  I hear so many negative things about kids today, and then I look around and see so many who are just amazing.  They are strong, bright, giving, trustworthy, service oriented and know what they want out of life.  These are not privileged youth, they are just the run of the mill, small town good kids!  Some of them are not going straight to college, and some of them are not going to college at all, but they all know what they want out of life, and are determined to find a way to get it, I'm so proud of them!

In My Yard . . . We have some of the garden planted, but it's still too cold to plant seeds.  We put the tomatoes in last night and put the, "walls of water" around them, so they don't freeze.  We also planted a couple of cabbage and a few peppers.  They are both covered with hot caps to keep them cozy and warm, until this cold snap passes!

Something I love to do. . . I love to walk around cemeteries!  I know it's not something everyone loves to do, but I have always loved looking at the headstones, pondering on the names, and just feeling that feeling of peace that you can only get in a cemetery . . .

Yesterday we went to the cemetery to put some flowers on my step father's grave.  It was so pretty, I thought I would share a few photos.

This is my step-father's headstone.
So gorgeous!

They have a beautiful Japanese section, I thought this was so pretty. 

I love this chapel . . .

A little wooden grave marker, I wonder who it belongs to?

A beautiful remembrance someone put on a loved one's headstone, just precious . . .
My reward!

Just Sayin' . . .

Something from my Playlist . . .



Vee said...

Isn't it wonderful to know young people who are doing well?! Fantastic.

That cemetery is just the kind I and lush with lots of plantings. Ours is a bit sterile. In fact, I am not supposed to plant anything on my mother's grave, which I find frustrating.

Just Ramblin' said...

You are a person after my own heart! I love wandering around cemeteries and reading the headstones and thinking about those who are buried there. When we go to visit my mothers grave in the saslt lake cemetery we visit different sections. Last years we found a section where some infamous outlaws were laid to rest. I agree that we have some amazing youth. I love the kids in my area. We have a couple of young men whose parents and some siblings have left the church but these two continue faithful. In fact oner just got his mission call. Breast example to me. Nola

Just Ramblin' said...

Sorry for the spelling errors. I am on my tablet and didn't catch may want to delete them.

Jill said...

Hi Barb,
You have a lovely blog! Today's youth do have so many wonderful opportunities and some embrace them and sadly some don't. I've been in the teaching field a long time and it's heartbreaking to see many with potential just throw it all away. I also enjoy the history of cemeteries too, and wondering about the people who have passed and what their lives were like. Especially the really old can be so interesting to research. Some beautiful headstones as well. My youngest daughter's class actually included a cemetery as part of their field trip in 3rd grade! It actually told a lot about the history of the town. :-) Have a wonderful weekend!


Jill said...

Hi Barb,
You have a lovely blog! Today's youth do have so many wonderful opportunities and some embrace them and sadly some don't. I've been in the teaching field a long time and it's heartbreaking to see many with potential just throw it all away. I also enjoy the history of cemeteries too, and wondering about the people who have passed and what their lives were like. Especially the really old can be so interesting to research. Some beautiful headstones as well. My youngest daughter's class actually included a cemetery as part of their field trip in 3rd grade! It actually told a lot about the history of the town. :-) Have a wonderful weekend!


Marsha said...

Yes, the youth really are special....after working in Y.W., numerous times, I really have an understanding of the wonderful youth that have been sent to earth at this time.
We usually plant a huge garden but we haven't even started this year....too cold.
Cemeteries are so peaceful. Sometime while I'm an out and about, I drive through the cemetery for no good reason other than to go. I really enjoy reading the names and dates on headstones and trying to figure out a little bit about their lives.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb, I love to walk around cemeteries, too. They are so peaceful and I remarked on that to my hubby one time and he jokingly said "well, there's no one there that can talk back to you". Ha! I just had to tell that. My sense of humor has been running amok lately as I try to keep my sanity since taking on the task of bottle feeding 2 wee kittens every 4 hours! Whew, I'm getting too old for this!
Love the song by the Righteous Brothers. It's a favorite of mine.
Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!

Anonymous said...

Barb! For a second, I thought the ice cream cone was a gravestone. (but was it coldstone ice cream?) lol

Cemeteries are interesting places. So nice and quiet and peaceful. {{HUGS}}

LeAnn said...

I just love love reading your posts. I always feel so warm inside after reading your thoughts. We are of course having lots of rain like you guys. I should have kept some of my winter clothes out for a while longer. I like to listen to the rain but not go out in it.
The flower pictures are beautiful. I planted tomatoes in pots and that's about as far as I have gotten on the garden thing.
We are going to go to Richfield to decorate graves next weekend. We might drop by for a old High School get together. Although I haven't seen any of them except for maybe two in the last 56 years or so.
The pictures in the cemetery are lovely. I love the old church.
I agree today's youth are amazing. I think they are what we might call the cream of the crop.
Blessings and hugs dear friend~

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb - beautiful flowers! I like walking around cemeteries also - I imagine what those who are buried there were like. I don't find it scary or "creepy." Those people whose early remains are at the cemetery have just gone on to another realm...I love your thoughts on our youth. There are many, many good ones out there. I love you that you posting to your blog more. I enjoy reading uplifting and inspirational blogs! Enjoy your weekend.

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...