Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A Peek into my Week . . .

Today . . .  April 28, 2015

Mother Nature . . . The sun is finally shining!  It's still cold, the the weatherman says it will warm up nicely by afternoon.  By warm up, I mean in the middle 70's.

On my mind . . . Yesterday, the nurse where my mother lives called and said that my mother's legs were very swollen, and that she was extremely concerned.  So, today, my sister and I are taking her to the doctor to have it checked out.  It's such a worry, knowing that your parent is growing older (87), and that there is really nothing you can do to slow down the inevitable.  She also has dementia, so dealing with any medical issue is a trial.  She will sometimes say, "I wish I could just go home".  It breaks my heart to see her suffer.  She's a toughie, so I know she'll get through this.

A picture of my mother about 2 years ago, holding Tanner.

In my yard . . . Last night, my husband and I went to his brothers and got a big trailer full of compost . . . homemade by his horses!  I can't wait to see if it works on my garden, as well as it works on his.  He and his wife grow the most amazing pumpkins, that they share with us on Halloween, they were so wonderful! I froze some of the pulp last fall, so I think I better get it out and make pumpkin bread, what do you think?

Crafty me . . . Last week me and my little girls (my 12 year old church group), made journal jars.  I think it's so important to keep a journal . . . hence, my blog!  They turned out really cute.  We fancied them up with ribbon and paper roses.  Then we cut strips of paper with questions on them, like, "what's your favorite flavor of ice cream", or "what grade are you in, and who is  your favorite teacher".  I think they will have fun with them.  They are suppose to take a question out each day or week, and write about it in their journal.  I'll check up on them in a month or two to see how they are doing.

This is the jar I made - please don't ask why I put green roses on it . . . it's a mystery to me too!  I think I'll give this one to my granddaughter, I'm pretty sure she loves green roses!

From the library . . . We will be reading this book by, Jerry Baker.

My husband love to make the tonics and brews in his book - they really work!

Comfort in the Kitchen . . .  I have some left over deer roast in the fridge that I am going to make burritos with tonight when I get home.  This is a yummy recipe, and very versatile.  Sometimes I use beans instead of meat, just mash them up a tad before serving.  Sometimes I use half beans, half meat.  I have used chicken and pork, and its always delicious.  I like to squeeze lime over them before eating....yum!

Roast Beef Burritos
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon canola oil
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 2 cups chopped cooked roast beef
  • 1 cup salsa or four medium chopped tomatoes (I like salsa better)
  • 1 can (4 ounces) chopped green chilies
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 6 flour tortillas (7 inches), warmed
  • Shredded cheddar cheese and lettuce
  • In a large skillet, saute onion in oil until tender. Add garlic; cook 1 minute longer. Stir in the roast beef, salsa, chilies, cumin and red pepper flakes if desired. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, for 25 minutes or until thickened. Spoon about 2/3 cup down the center of a flour or corn tortilla; fold over sides and ends. Serve with cheese and lettuce if desired. 
Just Sayin' . . . 

Have a wonderful Tuesday!



Anonymous said...

Barb, I love the journal jar idea! Sometimes I have writer's block and can't think of what to write. It would be nice to just reach into the jar and viola! a post to write!

RoeH said...

Yup. Nothing like lime on Mexican food. You have the best age group. Years ago I always wanted to teach the Merrie Miss Class which was the 12 year olds. Love that age. And Beehive classes in Young Women are the best too. Its when they start growing up and gathering up 'attitudes' that it gets annoying. :))

RoeH said...

And - I could NEVER teach boys. Not even a chance.

Shug said...

Prayers for your mom....it can be very demanding, as we try to take care of our elderly parents. Bless your heart Barb..Prayers for you as well. That sure looks like it is going to be a clean garden...great fertilize! Hope to see all the good things you reap from it. Weather here tonight is in the 40's.....a record setting day for the lows. Hope the rest of your week is great

Vee said...

Praying that your mom gets just the help she needs for the swelling. That can be so uncomfortable. I know what you mean about aging parents...

Cute journal idea! Hope that the prompts are a big success.

Thanks for the recipe. Sounds delicious!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That looks like some "garden gold"!!! I hope it works great.

Marsha said...

My blog is also my journal. My daughter set me up blogging on Mother's Day of 2011 and said it was my journal since I never seem to write in a journal. Works for me! Your recipe sounds yummy. I love new recipes. Hope you mother gets feeling better soon. My prayers are with you and your family.

LeAnn said...

Oh my dear friend; I am so happy you are back blogging more. I feel like I have come home reading your post. The weather is so beautiful here; just perfect. Not too hot; just right.
I love the sweet picture of your Mother and Tanner. I am sorry she has to go through all of this. It is so hard to watch a parent age and dementia is a hard thing. I will pray for her and you all.
It's going to rain this weekend so I don't know if we will get our flowers in and a small garden; but we do plan to do one this year.
I love the journal jars; you are just good at these kinds of things. It's such a great idea and your girls are the perfect age to start that.
Ok, can I come over for dinner?? Love and hugs!

Sue said...

Good morning Barb,I pray that your Mom, is feeling better,It is indeed hard to see loved ones sick, especially aging parents!
I heard horse compost is great, we fertilize with our sheep compost and it does wonders! Good luck and happy gardening!

I love your journal jars idea, I made a thankful jar in January, it is so wonderful to look back and read what I was thankful for on a certain day.
So glad to see you blogging more too!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb, I'm behind on blog reading. I'm sorry your mother is going through all this. I do hope she's feeling better. I'll say a prayer for her and for you, too. It's hard to see your parents going through these difficulties.
Your recipe sounds delicious! I love Mexican food. Thanks for the recipe!
Take care and have a wonderful Friday!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb - I love you blog. It is fun hearing about what is going on with you and your family. Love the idea of the journal jar - a great idea to get kids writing. Hope you get your mom the help she needs. My mother-in-law will be 86 in August and has late stage Parkinsons so that is rough to see her decline. She has been to the brink several times and then she rallies, so we never know how much time she has. I love your garden. I have pretty much given up on gardening in AZ which our sweltering summers. Someday, we want to move back "up North - Utah" and have a real garden to work in the spring! Enjoy the weekend. Great post!

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...