Monday, March 30, 2015

Say Cheese . . .

This morning while I was watching TV . . . trying to wake up, someone showed a picture of a little girl who had had her picture taken.  Let me just say, she was less than happy about it!  The host of this particular show made the comment that, maybe we are too camera happy, that we are taking too many pictures of our children and they are tired of it.  At first I thought, really, kids love to have their picture taken!  Then I remembered a picture I had taken of my granddaughter a week ago.  I told her to smile, and after about ten attempts, this is one of the pictures I got!  I know, it's scary!!

Now, no one can tell me that this child was loving me taking her picture! She is an adorable little girl, but I think that kids are just burned out when it comes to having their photos taken so often.

This was the best I was going to get for the day . . . and she was just pacifying me . . . she was actually faking a smile in this photo!

When my children were small, we didn't have a camera, so the only pictures I have are the pictures that were taken by someone else.  When we finally did get a camera, the film was expensive, so we were very careful about how many pictures we took.  I have wonderful memories of my children, on and off film.  I can remember the way they looked when they were small, those first wobbly legs, their first birthdays, the good days and bad.  And for now,  I am able to recall them to memory anytime I want to.  Do I wish I had taken more photos?  Of course I do, but sometimes, I think we are not enjoying the moment, we are just trying to document it.

Psychologist Maryanne Garry of the Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand says that taking too many photos undermines the way people form memories. Her published research says that photography can manipulate both our memories and subjective interpretations of lived experiences. "I think that the problem is that people are giving away being in the moment,"

I agree with her.  How many of us have thousands of photographs on our computer that we never look at?  Sometimes I go back and look at them, and to be quite honest with you, I can't even remember taking some of them . . . I was giving away being in the moment. 

Do I love taking photos?  Yes!  Will I continue to take photos and post them on my blog?  Yes!  But, I think I will be more careful about when I take photos.  Maybe I will take random photos of my grandchildren . . . after the pose, that is where the real action is after all! 

Just food for thought . . .

Have a wonderful Day!



RoeH said...

I agree. As a person who has NEVER liked her picture taken in any form or event, I completely understand children who may get just tired of it. I loathe having my picture taken but I've always thought it I was prettier I probably wouldn't mind it. The camera indeed does not like me. :)

lesa said...

Great thoughts! I, too, have thought much about this subject. I saw a quote the other day that was something like.... sometimes it is better to "click" with people than "click the camera. :)

Shug said...

Something to think about... I always have my camera with know...just in case there is a moment that I never want to forget. My grands are the same way. they think I take way too many pictures! You certainly did have the cutest little thing to take pictures of...even if she didn't want it taken.

LeAnn said...

You did give me something to think about on this subject. My Mother was always taking pictures and now I find myself doing the same thing. As I look back however, I am now happy that she did take pictures because they do bring back great memories. I remember grumbling about her picture taking and now my children do the same thing. I think maybe you are right we need to look at when we do the picture taking. I do have a lot of pictures on the computer that I am always hoping that I will go back and get rid of the ones that I don't like; when is a good question.
I love your new layout; it's in my favorite color. I still need your pictures of our grandchildren. Loved your cute pictures today. Love you much dear friend!

LeAnn said...

You did give me something to think about on this subject. My Mother was always taking pictures and now I find myself doing the same thing. As I look back however, I am now happy that she did take pictures because they do bring back great memories. I remember grumbling about her picture taking and now my children do the same thing. I think maybe you are right we need to look at when we do the picture taking. I do have a lot of pictures on the computer that I am always hoping that I will go back and get rid of the ones that I don't like; when is a good question.
I love your new layout; it's in my favorite color. I still need your pictures of our grandchildren. Loved your cute pictures today. Love you much dear friend!

Deb J. in Utah said...

I have noticed that when I go somewhere neat, like a National Park, I am often so busy taking pictures that I fail to just enjoy the scenery while I am there. I have to consciously put the camera away to more fully be in the moment. We probably do the same with our kids and grand kids. Good food for thought. Thanks for sharing and have a good day.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Interesting thought that I obviously haven't thought about. I know my kids hate it now that they are older. It's like pulling teeth for them to smile.
I'm going to be more respectful of their wishes.

Marsha said...

For me, I take time to enjoy the moments but I also try to get a picture, or two. I do have numerous photos on my computer but there isn't a day that goes by that I don't take the time for a little happiness by clicking into my photos and enjoy the thoughts of joy they brought me and continue to do so. But you are right, too much of a good thing isn't always good. I guess it depends on what side of the camera you are on. We definitely need to be mindful of those we are taking pictures of.

Kerin said...

Great post!
I am glad that I have pictures of my family, especially those that are no longer with us. However, a picture cannot capture their cute personalities, and wit, and warmth, etc.. For those are sweet memories that I hold dear in my heart :)
I like the study that you've quoted here...esp. the part about photos undermining the way we form our memories. Seems like a picture never quite captures the moment..... does it ?!

Have a happy day.


Vee said...

I'm in half-hearted agreement here...I sure wish that I had more photos of my own children. Some years went by totally undocumented. On the other hand, my grands sometimes look at me like your little granddaugher. That's why I prefer a candid photo when they're not aware of my taking the shot.

"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...