Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Sweet Memories . . .

April Fools Day has always been just another day for me.  Once in a while, when my children were small, I would prank them before they went to school, but nothing serious . . .  :0)  I've had several friends in my life who loved to play April Fools jokes on me, and they usually worked, because I am really quite gullible when it comes to pranks - I always believe what people tell me!

When we moved here, almost 20 years ago, the sweetest little woman and her dear husband knocked on my door to welcome me to the neighborhood.  This sweet neighbor's name was, Eva, and I loved her dearly!  She was a wonderful friend, who accepted me as I was, loved me unconditionally, always remembered my birthday, my husband's birthday and all of my grand children's names and birthdays.  When I first met, Eva, she was 78 years old, and had more than 20 grandchildren of her own, and remembered all their birthdays!  She was an amazing lady who was such a good example of  charity, service, unfailing faith and love.  This amazing little lady loved to crochet, and especially loved to make hot pads.  If you went to visit her, you left with a beautiful crocheted hot pad in hand.   In the last eleven years of her life, Eva made, and gave away over 3,000 hot pads!  She was amazing!

Eva's birthday was April 1st, April Fools Day!  She passed away last November at the sweet age of 98.  I can't even express how much I miss her, she truly was one of my very best friends.   So, April 1st, is kind of  bitter-sweet this year.  I have been thinking of Eva all day, and know that she is thinking about and still loving everyone she left behind.  Happy Birthday sweet friend, I sure do miss you!



Marsha said...

It's never easy losing loved ones.....whether they be family members or friends.

Kerin said...

What a wonderful friendship you had with a special lady.
Such a blessing to have had her in your life. I'm sorry for your sadness.
She left a beautiful legacy it sounds like.

Sending you {{hugs}}

Shug said...

A beautiful tribute to your precious friend. What a wonderful person she was....always giving.
Bless your is so difficult to lose a sweet friend.....glad you have special memories of her. hugs.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm so sorry you lost such a dear friend. She sounds like such a sweetheart and so giving to others...a true role model.
Have a wonderful and blessed Easter, Barb!
Hugs, Cheryl

LeAnn said...

Oh, I love this sweet post about your friend, Eva. It is such a blessing to have good friends. I am certainly thankful for our friendship and just wished I lived next door. Of course, you wouldn't be getting any hot pads from me. I would love to spend a day learning from you how to crochet better.
Happy Easter and hugs!

Arlene said...

People like your friend Eva show that being the hands and feet of Jesus doesn't take lots of money, just a caring heart like His. I'm sure she is with our Savior now, rejoicing in her sweet reward. What a blessing to have had her in your life. Happy Resurrection Day Barb.

The WIlloughby Family said...

What a sweet lady Eva was!!! I bet she is still watching overs you and influencing you in ways you don't even realize! It would make her heart happy to read this post!!

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...