Monday, September 24, 2012


I don't know about you, but I am so ready for fall!  It has always been my favorite time of year, maybe because I was born in November - so it's just in my blood!

We went camping a week or so ago, and the colors were just gorgeous!  The nights were cool, actually cold, and the days were mild and warm.  We had a good time - but I guess, it's time to think about winterizing now.   Here are a few highlights from our trip.

We didn't see a lot of wildlife - but we did see this big moose!  He was standing right in the middle of a herd of cattle.

Bob and I are sometimes a little too adventurous!  We went for a ride, and came to this creek - it was almost dry, but didn't look good at all!  Bob decided he was going to try to cross it . . . I got out of the truck, I'm not as brave as him!  The picture doesn't look nearly as bad as it really was, it was scary!


Notice the tire . . . that isn't touching the ground!!  

After checking it out - we just decided to back up and not cross . . . :0)  

This is the innocent looking creek that scared me to death!

Every view was seriously breathtaking!

Red everywhere!

These Mahogany's were just gorgeous !

This is the view from our camp site!

What a fun  trip - I'll share more later!!  Hope we get another one in before the snow flies! 



Vee said...

Yikes! Your hubby is a daredevil. LOL! Smart gal to bail, that's all I can say.

That moose is huge. Probably thought he was hanging with his kin.☺

Gorgeous photos of autumn...all the red is just amazing.

Arlene said...

Wow Barb, you got some great shots! That view is just spectacular. I'm not a daring person either, I would have jumped off that truck too - thank God for 4 wheel drive though!

It's nice to enjoy fall through your pictures. Living in South Florida means we won't see fall weather till possibly November. It's very rainy here right now, thanks to the cooler weather from up north colliding with the tropical warmth of the Atlantic and Caribbean. It's been excessively humid too. That's one thing I could do without!

Enjoy the beautiful weather. Looking forward to more pics!

The WIlloughby Family said...

Leave it to Dad......I am glad you made it back out! The colors are so pretty! I am a little green with envy right about now! :)

Unknown said...

What a great time of the year to go camping. Sounds like fun.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb! I would have hopped out of the truck, too! Men aren't afraid of anything, are they? Wish I were so brave. Love the red trees...the scenery there is beautiful! And the rack on the! Sounds like a fun camping trip. Take care and have a good week!

Marge said...

A beautiful adventure even if you did have some scary parts. Beautiful country that you live in. Hugz!

RoeH said...

Sooo pretty! It was changing in Oregon also. I didn't get many pictures of it because of all the camera problems. Maybe one or two. I love trips like you took. But only with somebody who knows the way back very well.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Barb, when I see your pictures, I want to move to Idaho. Happy Autumn to you.

Just Ramblin' said...

The picture of the moose is amazing! Can't believe it was with a bunch of cows. So glad you didn't cross that creek. I remember going with my dad in the jeep and he was always looking for the unlikely places to drive or cross. He loved using his winch to get us over, around or whatever was blocking his path.
It is nice to have fall coming on. Today, it is a little chilly here, but it'll warm up again,I'm sure. Thanks for sharing your beautiful autumn pictures.

Shug said...

I am singing happy tunes at the thought of seeing that moose! How beautiful! and oh my goodness...the gorgeous reds! I really think I could find lots of happiness up North!

"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...