Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day Three . . .

Sorry, day three is a little late, but, it is still working great!!  I did some research and found that some people do react to the baking soda in the homemade deodorant, with some itching or a rash.  If this happens, just cut back on the amount of the baking soda, or don't use it at all.   I guess, like with everything, it is a little trial and error.  So far, it has worked great for me!




Unknown said...

Thanks I have used just c.o. and it works. Linda

Vickie said...

Hi again, Barb - after I read your blog yesterday, I happened to be at the grocery store and I FOUND some coconut oil. I'm going to try this deoderant. If nothing else, it'll make great moisterizer! I'll let you know what happens! I wonder if you can use corn starch instead of baking soda... or maybe the baking soda is for odor? anyway - will let you know - and thanks for your sweet comments!

Marge said...

Great going girlfriend. So thrilling when something new works the way we hoped it would. Hugz!

Vee said...

Interesting... I do love coconut oil, but I usually pop corn in it. ☺

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...