Sunday, January 15, 2012

Thoughtful Spot Sunday . . .

My mother-in-law's battle with cancer is finally over.  She passed away, very peacefully, on her 83rd birthday, January 14, 2012, surrounded by her family.

I love the sculpture in the picture above.  It is called, "Come Unto Me", and was sculpted by Jerry Anderson.  It's such a beautiful depiction of an old woman going through the veil, and passing through as a young woman, ready to meet the Savior and those who have been waiting for her.  It sits in the Spilsbury Mortuary, in St. George, Utah.  I think it is so appropriate for my mother-in-law.  I know that there was certainly a happy reunion when she passed!

I love this beautiful song, written by Pres. Gordon B. Hinkley, and sung at his funeral.  The music was written by Janice Kapp Perry, and is sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  (Don't forget to pause my music).

What is this Thing that Men Call Death

What is this thing that men call death,
This quiet passing in the night?
‘Tis not the end, but genesis
Of better worlds and greater light.

O God, touch thou my aching heart,
And calm my troubled, haunting fears.
Let hope and faith, transcendent pure,
Give strength and peace beyond my tears.

There is no death, but only change
With recompense for victory won;
The gift of Him who loved all men,
The Son of God, the Holy One.

Thanks again for all of the prayers and love that was sent to me at this very difficult time.

Many Warm Hugs,

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My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...