Well, it's a new day, with a new perspective! Time for life to get back to normal. My husband is semi-retired as of this morning . . . and I could not be happier! He has worked very hard as a pipe-fitter for the last 39 years and he deserves to have a little down time. I'm not sure if putting in new kitchen cupboards and flooring is downtime, but it's a change from what he was doing, and he's home . . . not getting up at 4:30 a.m . . . and coming home at 6:30 p.m. . . 6 or 7 days a week! I know that this change might be kind of hard for him, but it's still a well deserved break.
This says it all!
"If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles."
~Doug Larson~
I hope he gets to do a lot of this!
Congrats to your husband. Retirement has a lot of perks.
He's been through a bit in the past weeks so I join you in wishing him plenty of rest and lots of fishing.
New flooring and kitchen cabinets? How interesting!
That is so cool that he will get to do a little playing.....and new flooring sounds just like the ticket. I hope he has a great time! Enjoy having him around more!
Oh I so hope that you both can truly treat this as a New Day. In many ways. You have been deep in sadness, for too long. It's time to find JOY again.
We should, you know. Look for Joy, I mean. Life sends plenty of sadness. It's our *duty* to seek out all the Joy we can find, and notice it, and dwell in it.
Hope he has hobbies! My husband was worried about semi-retirement. But he has had a life time of hobbies. Without enough time to devote to them. And he is now just as busy as he allows himself to be. All with things he loves doing. :-)
"The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought,
this in turn makes us think more deeply about life,
which helps us regain our equilibrium."
~N. Platt
That's wonderful. It's well deserved. It will probably take him a while to get use to his new life style so having the work to do on the cupboards is probably a good thing. Thanks for your prayers. Enjoy your day and having your hubby around.
Hi Barb,
Congrats on your hubby's semi-retirement! Hooray! I know you will be glad to have him home more. He has certainly been putting in some long hours, wow! I look forward to my hubby's retirement for one reason....no more fixing lunches!! Ha! Seriously, that is one chore I'll be happy to give up.
I hope you and your hubby get in lots of fishing and other fun activities now. Enjoy your days together!
I'm so happy for you and your husband. This time together will be very sweet, after the sadness of losing a loved one. She's with Jesus, and for that we can rejoice, and now you two have a little project to work on together that you can both enjoy. Can't wait to see pictures! Have a blessed week Barb.
Yay for your hubby, and I love the quote there at the end. My husband retired, for 2 years, then the recession hit and he is back working. If our home sells, he will be done...praying! :D
What a beautiful picture. Each day is new with so much promise. Hooray for your sweet husband. I hope he enjoys his projects (and doesn't get underfoot!) :)
Congratulations to your hubby!! I'm sure he's grateful for the time he now has to take care of all those projects that have probably been bugging him!! It feels good to get things like that done!
Enjoy your time together!! :)
Congratulations to you and your husband. I'm sure he is looking to "fishing" and just having more time with you. And how nice not to be up at 4:30 a.m. although I highly suspect it will take a little time to quit waking up at that time every morning. I hope you will enjoy having this time together and can stay out of each others hair. Lol
Hi Barb,
Oh good for your hubby. Hope he enjoys every minute of his semi-retirement. Enjoy your time together too. Hugz!
How are you coming on making every day a "New Day," Dear One?
Gentle hugs,
Mmmmmm, I have a *Grumpy* post today. Hope you have time to pop over and read it. :-)
"I'm tired, tired, tired,
of *new,* *new,* *new*..."
I am so excited for you to have your dear husband finally retired. I wish we could do that; maybe next year. Loved your pictures and especially the thought on fishing. I can just picture the two of you by that lake fishing away.
Blessings to you dear friend and I am happy for you!
Dear Barb,
Excited for your husband's semi-retirement! I hope he enjoys his time at home...and you do too. What a great quote! My husband is a fly fisherman, so he'll love that. :)
I'm keeping you all in my prayers. God bless you, and your husband.
Hi Barb!
I pray that you didn't have weather problems for the funeral. {{HUGS}}
YAHOO FOR DAD!! What will you do with all of your free time? Please post pics. of your kitchen, I am too impatient to wait to see them! Love you!
Checking in with you Barb. Praying that you feel His sunshine on your face.
Decided I need a change and am blogging here instead - http://while-the-dew-is-still-on-the-roses.blogspot.com/
Hi Barb,
Missing you! Hope all is well with you! God bless! Hugz!
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