Monday, January 3, 2011

Break time is over . . .

Well, I'm back and ready to start the new year!  How many of you have set new goals for 2011?  I've decided that my ultimate goal, and the only goal that I will be setting, is to do my best at whatever task I am doing!  I have so many "tasks" that need to be done, and I will just try to do my best at the task at hand.  Whether it be cleaning the bathroom, cooking a meal or listening to a friend.  I have much I need to improve on, and I feel like this is a good place to start. 

We started off the new year by attending a wedding!  It was very unique - they got married on 1/1/11 at 1:00.  They were pronounced man and wife at 1:11 - it was very sweet.  It was my son's best friend, who just happened to be marrying my daughter-in-law's best friend! 

How many of you have taken down your Christmas tree?  I think it is always bitter-sweet to take down the tree.  It always reminds me of a song called, "I Cry the Day I Take the Tree Down", by Michael McLean - from the play,  "Forgotten Carols". Part of the chorus says, "I cry the day I take the tree down, I want the season to last all year long. . . "  That's how I feel, I don't necessarily want the season to last all year long, but I do want the "feeling" of the season to last all year long.  

I will take down the tree tomorrow, put away the Nativity, take down all the twinkle lights and Christmas decorations, and make my house look like January.  But I can still remember December and try to keep that feeling in my heart.

We are in the process of remodeling a downstairs bathroom - almost done!  During Christmas break, we took out the old shower and installed a new one, messy, messy, messy!  Now, all we need to do is, choose a paint color, paint, tile the floor, put in the sink, put the toilet back in place, and enjoy not running up the stairs to go to the bathroom!

Anne Gedes photo

 And, of course, we are getting excited to meet our two new grandbabies!  One in February and one in April!  Lots to do and accomplish before they arrive!  Sounds like I need to get busy! 

It has been such a brutal winter for so many of us - snow, rain, wind, cold!  Bundle up, put on your rain coat, and stay warm and safe.

Warm Hugs,


Vickie said...

Good morning Barb! And Happy New Year to oyou as well. Sounds like you're already making good progress with your Christmas clean-up and renovated bathroom! Be sure a show us pictures! we love pictures!

You have alot to look forward to this spring with two new babies on the way. How blessed your family is with these new little ones! Maybe I'll be blessed as well one of these years... sigh...

Doing the best one can with whatever work the Lord gives us to do is such a wonderful goal this year. I think I'll adopt that as well if you don't mind. I never make "resolutions" but goals because resolutions are usually broken, but working towards a goal - even if I'm making baby steps - still makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something.

Have a wonderful week, sweet lady!

The Stewart said...

YAY! I can't wait to meet your grandbabies either! That is a good goal to make. Something that won't be impossible to keep! Love you!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb,

Hope this new year is a good one for all of us. I hardly ever make resolutions because I never keep them, but this year I am resolved to at least do this one thing...clean out my closets! I meant to get to them last year, but other things got in the way.

I haven't taken down my tree or other decorations yet. I plan to do that in the next day or two. It's looked so pretty especially at night with all the lights on, that I just hate to see it all end! I feel exactly how the song goes!

Well, I'm not posting today, just visiting. I'm heading out the door in a few minutes to run some errands. Glad to see your new post, dear friend! I wish you all the very best this New Year!


Karen Beth said...

Hi, It's me. I am hoping to get back to blogging a little. I love your posts. They make me feel so good. I too can't wait to meet your sweet grandbabies and my two also. I love your resolution. I am going to post mine. Happy New Year to my sister. I love you.

Sue said...

Hi Barb, It sounds like you have already been busy. I know you are so looking forward to those two new grand babies. I haven't taken my decorations down, because of fighting sinus infection along with vertigo.
But dh reminds to take it one step at a time. Good to see you back in blogland. praying God's continued blessings for you and your family this new year.

amelia said...

I really like your resolution and I think I'll make it mine too!! All to often I think I haven't dome something as well as I could have and I think I'll do it better next time but I rarely do!!

My tree and decorations came down Boxing day!!

The WIlloughby Family said...

Fun resolution! I am just trying to make it day by day at this point, I think I might drive Ben crazy with all of my pregnancy nesting!! I almost started crying when I saw the little babies picture...I can't wait anymore...well I guess I will give it 8 more weeks, I guess! I can't wait to see that sweet Claira Josephine either!!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Pretty new header here!

And precious pics, in this entry!

About dismantling Christmas here.... With the bad colds, we aren't even thinking about it yet. ,-) But today/Tues., I did bring a small basket down, and have been putting little decorations in it. They I can take it upstairs and put them in their respective "bags." So, guess I am starting, a little!

That wedding sounds precious, in many ways. And Grands coming. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

And having downstairs bathroom all done, will be super too! :-)

Gentle January hugs...

"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...