Monday, June 3, 2024

June, time to slow down. . .


June will definitely be a slower month for me... and I probably should say that right after I knock on wood!  We do have a couple of birthdays, and of course Father's Day in the mix, but other than that, I'm pretty sure it will be much slower.

Our weather has been so up and down so far, and today, it's a down day.  At the beginning of the week, we were able to get the garden planted, and put some flowers in the pots on my front porch.  I didn't do much, because I just wasn't sure what Mother Nature had in mind.  Hopefully they won't get blown away in our Idaho wind.

Bob got a new toy!  He sold his big tractor and has been looking for a smaller one for a few months.  The other day, he found one that was perfect for him, and I think it will save wear and tear on his back and shoulders.  He really likes it, and it waiting for the weather to improve so he can break it in.   It's not brand new, but it's new to him 😄

For two weeks in a row, I have been able to talk to Brody!  Today, kind of out of the blue, he video called Bob and I.  It's always so fun to see his face and hear his voice.  For me, if I can see him, I can tell just by looking at him that all is well.  Croatia is a long way from home, and we just miss him so much!  Brody has been out for 16 months, which means he'll be home in 8 months!  We are all counting down the months!

I am not able to sit and watch TV without doing something... ADD 😕  So I found a crochet pattern for cute little mushrooms.  They are easy to make and will look cute in a bowl in the kitchen.  Here is the pattern, I got it from Pinterest.  I like the pattern because after you figure it out, you can make it your own and add your own special touches.

And this naughty girl just loves it when I crochet!  I have to watch her every minute and never leave a ball of yarn unattended!!

That's about all for today.  I'll leave you with a beautiful sunset, and a thought to maybe make you smile.  

 "The most beautiful curve on a woman's body, 

is her smile."

Be safe.  Until next time - 

Hugs and Love,





Lorrie said...

Those crocheted mushrooms are adorable. A good way to produce something while watching tv or visiting.
Enjoy slowing down in June - it's such a beautiful month.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb! Those little crocheted mushrooms are darling! You are so crafting and talented. I don't like to just sit and watch TV either. Brody looks great! Serving the Lord is obviously making him very happy! I can't believe he has been gone for 16 months now. Where does the time go! I hope June is a good month for you. So far, we are still planning on June 18. I'll let you know if plans change. See you soon, I hope!

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

Dear Barb,
I'm so glad you've been able to talk with Brody. That's such a comfort, I'm sure. Croatia is a very long way off. I have a perfect cat. He doesn't bother my yarn at all. Unbelievable, isn't it? Perhaps it's because he's so old he doesn't want to bother with much of anything. ~smile~ My little dog is fine with yarn, but she doesn't like the feel of it if it touches her.
Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,

Shug said...

Men love their toys and I know that my Sam would certainly love that tractor. He grew up driving tractors and no matter where we are, if he sees one, he has something to say. So thankful that you all were able to face time with Brody. I know this thrilled all of your hearts to have this special time. Prayers for Brody as he continues his journey. June is a busy month around here as well....Birthday's, Anniversary, vacations and yes, Father's Day. Look how cute the mushrooms are. You are so talented! Enjoy your week.... love the Quote....Hugs to you Barb

Faith said...

WOW Croatia! is your son in the army? (i'm assuming).

I love the month of June and all of your pics are lovely. Cute puppy!!

I discovered your blog through Deb from Utah who follows my blog and I follow hers. I would love to visit Idaho one day.

Harriet John said...

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The last trip of the season . . .

  Hello!  Well, it's been a week since we returned from the last camping trip of the season.  Can I just say that it's been a whirlw...