Monday, December 27, 2021

Simple Woman's Daybook . . .

Outside My Window . . . Today is December 27th 2021.  The forecast is calling for snow!  It has snowed here for the last week, but not in an abundance.  We might have around 3 inches, but the forecast is calling for another 2-4 inches today...we'll see if that happens, I hope it does!  It's really cold outside, right now, only 23 degrees and the high today will only be 24 degrees, so...burrrrrrrr!  

I am an old country music junky, and I happen to love this song, by one of my favorite old country singers...enjoy if you like old country as well!
What am I Thinking . . . I know I'm probably in the minority, but I'm glad to have Christmas behind me.  Don't get me wrong,  I love Christmas, but I also happy have things cleaned up and back to normal.  

What I'm Thankful for . . . Today, I'm so thankful for a warm home and a full refrigerator!  I'm thankful that I don't need to go least until it's above freezing!

Something I Love . . . Snowy days...I love this quote...

I'm Wearing . . . Comfy jeans, a warm denim shirt and fluffy socks.  

Creating . . . I ordered some yarn yesterday for a fun throw I want to make.  I'll share photos when I start it.  I like to have something to keep my hands busy when I'm watching tv. This is a super easy project and maybe a gift 😉

In the Kitchen . . . Dinner tonight will be, Broccoli Cheese soup from Costco.  It comes in a package with two quart size containers.  I love to buy them because they are perfect for two meals, and it freezes beautifully!  We're also having dinner rolls left over from Christmas dinner.  Simple, easy and yummy.  Also, today I cleaned and rearranged the lazy Susan in my kitchen.  That felt really good!  I like to check those things off my to-do list!

Just Sayin' . . . During these cold winter months, this is a good thing to remember . . . 

Be Safe, have a wonderful week-before-New Years, and be safe XOXO!

Hugs and Love,


Vee said...

Good point! I really don't trust people like you who like putting Christmas away. Enjoy your snowstorm. ❄️

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb. I love this post. Sounds like it is so warm and cozy at your place. I get my Christmas decorations up early, but then I like to take them down soon after Christmas and get cleaned up and ready for the new year. We are in Texas on a little mid-winter getaway right now, but within a day or two after we get home, Christmas will be over for another year. I love your quote at the end. Hope you have a good week. :-)

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Lovely post, and I like the reminder that we are the painters of our own mood.
We haven't had any snow yet in my neck of the woods. It's been unseasonably warm, although today was pretty chilly.

Lorrie said...

Sounds like everything is cozy at your place. I keep Christmas up until almost New Year's. We love sitting by the lights of the tree which doesn't go up until a couple of weeks before Christmas. The week between Christmas and New Year's always feels like a holiday to me - we have people over (just family this year), and do special things. This year we are fortunate enough to have snow! It's rare, and so beautiful.
That's a great quote! Hope your snowstorm is fun!

Homemaker' said...

Lovely post, Barb. We, too, are very cold here in MN and by the weekend we won't make it above zero - it happens every year, but it doesn't make it any easier!!! You sound like you are making the most of post Christmas - warm home, good meals, cozy......such a blessing. : ) I'm the person who does the 12 days of Christmas so nothing comes down until the weekend after New Year's. I know I'm going to miss the beauty of the lights. But I do understand the need to get things back into shape. I always enjoy the cleaning and organizing afterwards.

I also love the quote by Abraham Lincoln when he said that we are only as happy as we make our minds up to be (not word for word but along those lines). Some days are pretty easy, some days.....not so much.

I wish you and your family a "Happy New Year" and let's all pray that 2022 is better!
God bless.

LeAnn said...

it's cold here too. We haven't had much snow. They predict it, and then it doesn't happen. I do like snowy days.
I love the song, Silver Wings. As you know, I'm a cowgirl at heart.
I love the crocheted blanket you are going to make. I wish I was close so you could show me how. I don't do well with patterns. I did look at it and it does look simple.
Your dinner sounded yummy. I didn't know you could freeze the soup.
Hope you have a sweet New Year Celebration. Ours will be quiet. We will be up for Haven's baptism on the 8th.
Sending loving thoughts and hugs to you two!

Cindy said...

We like to buy the broccoli cheddar soup from Panera Bread. It's so good, especially during the winter when there's snow on the ground! I love the snow too! We got 9" on the 26th and temps dropped into the teens so nothing has melted. It's snowing again tonight and they're saying we could get another one to four inches!

Christine said...

Hello my friend,
It is so good to be able to visit with you and leave a comment again. I have really missed that! Anyway, I wanted to take the opportunity to wish you and your family all the best for the coming year.
I will look forward to more of your beautiful photographs and the glimpse into your life which you so graciously share with all of us.
God Bless,

Haddock said...

Like that last picture with the paint brushes (and the saying too)
Have a Safe and Happy New Year.

Marie Rayner said...

I wanted to wish you a Happy New Years Barb! I hope you and Bob are feeling a lot better now. I always love your daybook entries. The thoughts, the photographs. Always elegant, always gracious. Love you dear friend. Lets hope that 2022 is kind to each of us. xoxo

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...