I'm listening to . . . I'm really looking forward to Spring, and this song just talks to my heart and whispers to my soul that Spring is just around the corner!
Looking out my window . . . We had a snowy, blowy week last week, even the schools were closed all but one day. It was beautiful, but I'm glad to have warmer temperatures.
The drifts are really big because of the wind, and all the roads have high snow banks. But that won't last, we'll soon have a February thaw and that will be the end of the snow and slick roads...at least for a day or two ;0)
I am thinking . . . About sewing. I had an old sewing machine that I have had for 30 years and it finally gave up the ghost. On Saturday, my husband and I ventured out into the cold, and bought a new one. I have a few projects that I need to work on, so I'm thinking this may be the week to start them. It's not a fancy machine, I don't need anything fancy, just a straight stitch and a zig-zag! I have a feeling I'm going to love this sewing machine!
I'm thankful for. . . I love that I can run to Sam's Club and buy this delicious soup, already made just waiting for me to heat it up and enjoy. This particular soup comes in a package of two, so one for us now and one for the freezer, yum!
And it's especially tasty when it's served in these cute little dishes my sweet sister gave me for Christmas! I love the built in spot for crackers or bread...genius! They remind me of little hats, aren't they sassy?!
One of my favorite things . . . Spending time with this wonderful man, it never gets old. You'd think after almost 46 years we would run out of things to talk about, but there 's always something new to discuss and laugh about, I love it, and I love him.
I'm wearing . . . I have on my typical outfit, jeans and a t-shirt. I really should have on a sweater, it's still really cold here. And of course I'm barefoot, so my toes don't get claustrophobic ;0)
I'm creating . . . I have some really cute fabric that I bought a while back to make some cute kitchen curtains...I love this look.
I'm looking forward to . . . Lunch with both of my sisters this coming Friday! It's not very often I get to have lunch with both of them, so this is a real treat for me. I'm also getting a haircut on Friday and believe me, it's way overdue.
In the kitchen . . . I made cookies this morning for my Bob to take to an activity tonight with the young men. He is one of the leaders for a youth group in our church, and you know boys, they love treats. This is a super easy recipe and doesn't make too many, just enough for a bunch of hungry boys!
1 c. sugar
1 c. brown sugar
1 scant c. oil (I sometimes use butter)
2 eggs
2 c. flour
2 c. oatmeal
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp vanilla
Cream sugars, oil and eggs. Add vanilla. Sift dry ingredients together. Add dry ingredients to creamed mixture. Mix well. Drop by tablespoonfuls onto greased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 8-10 minutes, or until light brown. To make then a Cowboy cookie, add one or two ingredients you have in your kitchen, like M&M's, chocolate chips, raisins, dried cranberries, nuts, coconut...etc. Makes about 30 cookies.
A thought to leave you with . . .
Be Safe . . . XOXOX
Hugs and
Hi Barb. I love catching up with you and seeing what is going on with you this week. That new sewing machine looks like a good one. When I got a new machine a few years back, I got a simple, straight-forward machine like that - just a straight-stitch and zip-zag. Those curtains are so cute, and those cookies look delicious! Makes me want to go bake some right now. Hope you have a great week!
Loved seeing your Daybook. I keep thinking I should get back to that. Can you still find it on the web? Fun to listen to your music as I read through the blog. I will have to check that out. So excited for your new sewing machine. Those dishes are so fun. I gave a set to my daughter and sister and they love them. Will have to try your cookie recipe. You always share the best recipes. Take care and have a great day.
I would love to know where to buy those soup bowls!!! Do you know where she bought them?
Your Daybook is fun to read and now I get to think about you sewing away on a cold winters day on your new machine!! Yay!! Those curtains are really cute, I love the fabric! Thanks for the recipe for the Cowboy Cookies when I saw the photo of them my mouth was drooling now I can actually make them. Aren't boys fun, they love their treats for sure. It doesn't matter the activity as long as there are yummy treats to go with it. Actually they never outgrow it, men are the same way haha. Your soup bowls are really cute, what a fun gift!
Have a great weekend Barb! Stay warm and keep sewing!!
Barb, I always love your daybooks. Your music at the top is just precious. I loved it. I wish I could get videos to stick on my blog, but for some reason they just won't. They always seem to disappear. Love the soup bowls. They look a bit like cowboy hats! Isn't your sweetie pie just the cutest. How nice that you made cookies for him and the young men. I am sure they all enjoyed them very much! Love LOVE your new sewing machine and can't wait to see what you do with it. Husquavarna is a very good name in anything! Love and hugs to you always. xoxo
Your Daybook brought so much comfort to me, a big smile, and enjoyment from the photos,Barb, enjoy your new sewing machine, and time spent with loved Ones, like you we have been married a few years, and we never run out of things to talk about.
OH I love the soup bowls, I will be looking for them, we love crackers with our soup. and sometimes sourdough bread.
Thank you for the cookie recipe, I am looking forward to making it and the chili recipe you shared in your last post., but first I need a good shower and a nap, we are going home today. Thank you so much for the prayers and sweet thoughts, they are so appreciated.
Barb, your daybook post is so cheery! That soup looks delicious. I don't know if there is a Sam's Club near me. Those soup/bread bowl platters are really cute and do look like hats. Your husband looks so sweet. (as do your cookies!!) xo
What a wonderful quote; I think I will borrow it. You have had a lot of snow. I am so anxious for warmer weather. It is raining here more than snowing. I do get tired of cloudy days.
I like your new sewing machine. I gave mine to Jenni. I use my mother's old singer if I have to sew something; which isn't often. It still works. It must be 50 plus years old.
I love the soups from Costco too. I think your soup bowls are adorable.
You do have a great husband that we enjoy. Great photo of him.
Thanks for the yummy cookie recipe. You are such a good cook.
Sending love and hugs your way!
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