Saturday, January 6, 2018

A Peek into my Week . . .

Mother Nature . . . It has been snowing this morning, very lightly, nothing big.  I love it when the willow trees start to turn yellow, it means that winter will not last forever.  I feel so bad for the folks in the East - they just don't get a break!  They are all in my prayers.

My Thoughts Today . . . We had to run into town yesterday for a Dr. appointment for Bob's foot.  The stitches weren't dissolving like they should so it was a little infected.  I hope that it's better soon, it's no fun to walk with a hurty foot.  I went to the Dr. on Monday and I have bronchitis... it's a bugger!

We also had to take my lap-top to the doctor - it had a very slow and painful death the other day...and the news's dead.  I was shocked to hear that a lap-top or tablet will only last two years...really?!  They said it would cost about 120.00 to get it up and running with no guarantees . . . they say that technology moves so fast they they can't keep up with the new programs and updates...very sad.  So, I guess we will have to dig deep and buy a new one.  They certainly don't make things like they used to.  A refrigerator will only last about 10 years...I had one that lasted 12 years and they said I was just lucky.  I have an old fridge in the garage that is over 30 years old, and a freezer in my basement that is at least 50 years old, it was my grandmothers, and it runs like a charm!  They really could make them last longer, but, they want us to buy new ones... ;0)

My grandson went to college today!!  I'm really excited for this new chapter in his life, a little scared, but happy that he is ready to get on with his life.  He will only be about 30 miles from home, which is good, that way I can spoil him once in a while.  Although it's kind of sad to think that he is all grown up.  Oh, how the time just flies!

Creative Me . . . I love this cute headband!  I have a couple of little granddaughters who would look really cute with this on.  You can find the pattern here, and it's free and easy!

I have always loved this dresser!  I have an old dresser in my spare bedroom that really needs a make-over and I think this would be a fun thing to do with it.

My hall bathroom is ready for a make-over as well.  The floor needs tile, and the walls need painted.  I love the blue color in this pallet called, Milk Pail.  I think it would be so pretty on the walls.

Dreaming about . . . You guessed it . . . summer . . . big fluffy clouds . . . camping . . .  sitting in the sunshine!

What's for Dinner . . .   I don't know about you, but I love meatloaf!  I'm making meatloaf, baked potatoes and green salad for dinner.  I love left-over meatloaf sandwiches, one of my favorite things in the world.  When I was a in high school, there was a boy that used to sit by us in the lunchroom.  Once a week his mom made him a meatloaf sandwich, and of course, I coveted it!  I got really brave one time and asked him if I could share with him . . . he said yes!  I gave him some of what I had, and he split his sandwich with me, I was in heaven!

My Basic Meatloaf Recipe

1 1/2 lb. ground beef
1/2 cup ketchup
2 eggs
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 - 2 tsp. Italian seasoning
3/4 cup bread crumbs,  oatmeal 
or crushed up crackers
1/4 cup onion (you can add more if you like)
1/4 cup green or red pepper
2 tsp. dry mustard
2 Tbl. milk
1/4 - 1/2 cup ketcup
1 - 2 tsp yellow mustard
1 - 2 tsp. brown sugar

Mix first 11 ingredients together and form into a loaf.  Bake at 350 degrees for about an hour.  Mis the next 3 ingredients and spread on top the last 20 minutes.  You can make more of the sauce if you like it saucy!

Just Sayin' . . .

Hugs and Love,



Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb, I loved reading about your week, but sorry to hear about the bronchitis. Seems to be a lot of illnesses of one kind or another this winter. I sure hope you feel better soon. BG is beginning to cough and have the sniffles and he rarely gets sick, so I hope his doesn't last long either. He's not a very good patient. :)
I love that beautiful photo...the colors are so pretty. Your grandson is a cutie and I wish him all the best at college this year. Nice that he's pretty close to home.
And the meatloaf...yum. One of my favorites too.
I really like the blue you have picked out. Blue is one of my favorite colors and this is a color I'm contemplating on painting in a bedroom if I ever get around to it! It will probably be awhile. Procrastinator that I am. ha!
Take care of yourself and kick that bronchitis to the curb!
xx Cheryl

Billie Jo said...

Hello, dear friend!
I enjoyed sharing some time with you this cold, winter evening.
Your meatloaf recipe sounds delicious!
Would you believe I never make it myself???
Steve's dear Mum used to make the best meatloaf ever.
I could never replicate it!
So Steve always makes the meatloaf in this house!
And we love it!
I will share your recipe with him.
I love the paint color!!!!
And I hope you are feeling better soon.
Here in our house we are dealing with little colds...not horrible...just there, you know???
It is sooo cold!
We are snuggled inside tonight and all of tomorrow!
Have a cozy Sunday, my friend. : )

Saimi said...

Sorry you're not feeling well, darn bronchitis anyway! My mother in law is the meat loaf maker, I rarely if not ever make meat loaf. It's such a comfort food I don't know why i never think to make it. Perhaps I'll give your recipe a go! Your color palette looks good, It's always fun to repaint and freshen things up. I'm curious about the lap top thing, I've had mine for many years and it's just fine. It's a Mac and I've never had any issues with it. A couple of years seems like a short life span, man my HP may be a dinosaur but it also still works. Hope you get it all worked out. Ah college! Your grandson is going to have a blast, college is such a fun time in life. It's a time of self discovery. I'm glad he's not too far away!
Have a wonderful Sunday Barb!!

Vee said...

You have a handsome grandson off to college. Sorry that you have been under the weather and that your hubby is still hobbling. Take it easy you two. (Love that first photo...such beauty! )

Marsha said...

It looked to be a yucky day for us today but then the sun came out and we reached 44.6 degrees. I just about put on my swimming suit.............ha!
Wow, hope you and Bob start getting better, R.E.A.L SOON. No fun being sick, for sure!
You got that right....out with the old (new-old) and in with the new (non-lasting). I bout cried when my 25-year old washing gave up the ghost and for the new one...well, let's just say I'm not the happy camper I was with my old washing machine.
Yep, when the grandchildren start going to college, it really makes us feel old, huh?!
That headband is so darling. Too bad I don't have any girl littles.
You are quite the artist. I say, go for the dresser overhaul and love it.
Your meatloaf recipe is very close to the one I use and it's a keeper. I love a good meatloaf sandwich, too. Comfort food.
Wishing you a happy week and that you are soon on the mend.
Take care, my friend - Marsha

LeAnn said...

Oh my dear friend, I so enjoyed reading this one. I need to your two photos for future graphics; so lovely.
I'm sorry to hear that Bob's foot isn't healing well; not fun. Both Roger and you are doing the bronchities thing. We have been slowly getting over the flu along with half the children staying with us.
Sorry about your laptop. It is so true that they don't make quality things anymore. We just had to get a new washer and dryer and our other ones were less that 8 years old. I think it is aweful. Losing a computer is the pits.
I too can't believe that Christian and his cousins are all old enough to be on their own in school and etc. Time really does fly. I am very excited for Christian's new adventure. I think he will love it. He is just the best of grandsons and I love him so much.
It looks like you have some creative projects to do and think about. I should be thinking about a few.
I love meatloaf too and always enjoyed the sandwiches from the left overs. Your recipe looks so good; I must try it.
It is a comfort food for sure.
I love the quote; I need a copy of that too.
Sending warm thoughts, love and big hugs for you two!

Marie Rayner said...

I love your catchup posts Barb! Its like we are sitting down and having a good old gab. Your meatloaf recipe and mine are very similar. I have not made meatloaf in a while. I think I need to now. You have whetted my appetit for it. Love the colour of paint. I would love to redecorate in here. Its so blah, and I hate our carpeting, but it is just a rental property and I don't want to spend the money to change someone else's place. Sorry about your computer. I did not know they only had a life span of two years. That's dreadful, but I find it is the same with most electrical appliances these days. They all seem to have a built in expiry date, which is usually a couple days after the warantee is finished! haha! I hope Bob's foot improves and starts to heal properly and I hope you are able to kick that bronchitis to the curb! Love and hugs to you both! xoxo

Terra said...

I love the dresser with the birds on it and would like to create this with my boring brown dresser. Would those birds be decals or would I paint them? It is so pretty and this would be a big deal project for me.
I hope your bronchitis and Bob's foot heal quickly.
Any advice on how to paint a dresser like that one in your photo greatly appreciated.

Something new on Wednesday . . .

 Happy Wednesday!  I hope my post finds everyone healthy and safe.  I know there are so many disasters happening around the country and my h...