Saturday, May 23, 2015

Fun Finds . . .

First, just let  me tell you that I very rarely find treasures at thrift shops, garage sales, or anywhere else!  It's just not something that I do, even though I try really hard!  But . . . the other day we were looking at a few local online auctions, and I found the most wonderful picnic baskets!  We went and looked at them, I fell in love, and the rest is history, I bid on them . . . and won!  I could hardly believe it, I never win!  Meet pretty basket number one . . .

I won two baskets, and both are Redmon, vintage, and in pretty good shape for being almost as old as me!

These baskets were part of an estate sale, and when I went to pick them up, the man who helped me was one of the children.  He told me that his mother loved these baskets and used them often - you can see that there is some wear on the handles - just makes them that much more special.

This is the, Red-Man label on the bottom of the basket - most are gone, so I was happy!

There's a little water damage on the inside paper, so I thought I would get some pretty paper and attach it with removable glue dots, that way the integrity of the basket remains.  The glue dots are acid-free, so I don't need to worry about them leaving a mark when they are removed.  They are a little musty, but I will put some scrunched up newspaper inside, let it sit for a day or so, and it should take care of the mustyness.

Isn't she pretty!

This was the companion basket, pretty number 2.... ;0)   The son thought that they were bought together as a set, but he wasn't sure.  This one is in way better shape than the small one - I just love it!  The silverware was in a separate bag, not sure if it went with it or not, but it fits perfectly.

You can see the Redmon, stamp on the lid, there wasn't a sticker on this bottom of the basket. 

The inside of this one was in such good shape, hardly any wear at all.  It will also be perfect to store paper plates, napkins, plastic silverware and paper cups in while camping.  It will look so cute in my trailer.

There is a broken handle on this one, the son, said he can even remember when it happened, got bumped getting it out of the car!  He said his mother was not happy!  I am going to do a little research online and see if I can find a replacement.

So pretty!

Aren't they a beautiful couple!!  I can't wait to take them on their first adventure!

Have a wonderful Saturday!



Cheryl @ TFD said...

What a great find! The baskets are in great shape and will be so handy to have on your camping trips. The silverware looks perfect, too. Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you get to use these pretty baskets soon!

RoeH said...

Love it! Both.

Vee said...

Wonderful finds! I was very happy to find mine and one I found for my daughter. They are easy to travel with and great for storage. Love the cutlery and the square picnic box. It does look like a set and how fun to get the provenance from the owner's son.

Marsha said... exciting. Love this blog....I really enjoy shopping antique stores, thrift shops, garage sales, etc. You definitely found a treasure. I once got really excited about finding the "Real" old tinker toys like the ones I played with as a child and as you can guess, I Bought Them!

Shug said...

You found yourself some great finds.....Even though they make picnic baskets still today, they are just not the same as those old wicker ones. Can't you just imagine the places that these things have been...along with all the conversation that took place around the picnic...

Awesome find!

LeAnn said...

What an awesome find! Oh, we must go on a picnic together. The fried chicken, rolls, potato salad and etc. I cant wait. These are true treasures.
Thanks dear friend for your loving comments on my post.
Love and hugs for you both!

Kimmie said...

Oh I <3 your vintage picnic baskets. Vintage and picnics two of my favorite things :D


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