Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Peek Into My Week . . .

(source is from Maddy's White Fuzzy Kittens)

Mother Nature . . . Still raining!  It looks like we will get a small break this coming week-end.  The temperatures will be in the upper 70's and the forecast actually says, no rain, I'm so excited!

Today, we have bad thunder storms with heavy dark clouds, threatening to hail on us!  The wind is suppose to be about 60 miles per hour in some areas . . . I hate wind!   I can hear the thunder as I am typing, the hail and rain is on the way!  Here's what it looks like from my yard, looking West...yikes!

On my Mind . . . It's my husbands birthday tomorrow, the 28th, and I can hardly believe we are as old as we are!  It truly seems like just yesterday we were newly weds, raising our family, and trying to conquer the world!  Where on earth did the time go?  I see kids I went to school with, and I always wonder if I look as old as they do . . . they probably think the same thing! Oh well, were only as young as we feel, and right now, I feel pretty good!  I hope he has a perfect day! 

In my yard . . . The rain has been really good for the new grass seed we planted this Spring, it has filled in nicely, and we are even mowing it.  The garden is all but drowning, but I think it will survive!  The radishes are coming up and so are the carrots, although it hasn't dried up enough to plant any more seeds.  Everywhere I look it's green and beautiful, now we need sunshine!

Comfort from the Kitchen . . .

This is the cake that I am making for my husbands birthday tomorrow - oh.the.yummyness!!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream Bar Dessert

  • 8-ounces chocolate ice cream topping
  • 1 jar caramel ice cream topping
  • 12 - 18 store-bought (rectangle) ice cream sandwiches
  • 8-ounces frozen COOL WHIP whipped topping, thawed
  • chopped peanut butter cups - as many as you want!  Sometimes I use toffee bits, or butter-fingers chopped up.  Any kind of candy bar would be good, use your imagination!

Heat the chocolate syrup in a microwave-safe bowl for about 1 minute; set aside.

Layer half of the ice cream sandwiches on the bottom of an 8x8 square baking dish. Evenly pour half of the chocolate sauce over the top. Spread with an even layer of half of the COOL WHIP, then sprinkle with half of the peanut butter cups. Repeat the layers (sandwiches, caramel sauce, COOL WHIP) ending with another sprinkle of peanut butter cups. Cover loosely with foil and freeze for at least 1 hour. To serve, cut into squares.

*Note: This recipe can be doubled, using a 9x13-inch pan. I will double this recipe for my family!

A Little Sweetness . . . We went with my daughter and her husband to decorate graves on Sunday.  I was very proud of the way my, Little's behaved themselves at the cemetery.  Caleb couldn't wait to get out and clean up the headstones . . . he was just precious!

Tanner loved being a big boy and helping, so cute!

We decided it would be appropriate to put a marker at the cemetery for my brother, who passed away last year.  His daughter had him cremated, and has decided to keep his ashes where she lives.  We wanted to have some kind of marker for him by my parent's headstone, so this is what my sister decided on.  I think it turned out really nice, and they got it set just in time for Memorial Day.

Nathan really wanted to have his picture taken next to this headstone, which just happens to be my great grandmother, Ann Zooley Taylor's headstone - now how did he know that this is one of my favorite grandmothers?  Gotta love his shirt!

The kids were so cute at Hannah's grave, they were so excited to put this little pin-wheel in the ground, and put flowers by her headstone...very sweet indeed!

Caleb is a very sensitive little boy, very caring and always excited to be helping with anything he is asked.  He was so cute as he washed off her headstone and cleaned it so carefully.  I know that Hannah will someday thank him for caring. . .

Just Sayin'...

Something from my Playlist...

Oh yes, one of my favorites!  Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love to listen to, James Taylor!



Vee said...

Had to pin that dessert! Gosh, those storm clouds look mean. Hunker down. Hope that your hubby has a very happy birthday. I enjoy James Taylor's music, too.

Marsha said...

I'm with you on the rain.....I've loved receiving it but I would like to have a few days of sunshine and then, it can rain again. We have needed this moisture for a long time.
Getting older.....hmmmmm.....of course we don't look as old as are classmates, right?!
You're husbands birthday cake looks totally scrumptious. I will need to make this recipe, soon.
Your little's look so precious and sweet. Little children make the world, don't they!
Take care - Marsha

Marsha said...

I'm with you on the rain.....I've loved receiving it but I would like to have a few days of sunshine and then, it can rain again. We have needed this moisture for a long time.
Getting older.....hmmmmm.....of course we don't look as old as are classmates, right?!
You're husbands birthday cake looks totally scrumptious. I will need to make this recipe, soon.
Your little's look so precious and sweet. Little children make the world, don't they!
Take care - Marsha

LeAnn said...

I just love your posts and especially the peek into my week ones. I should try that one. I was doing the Simple Woman Daybook entries but it can get long. I am trying to shorten my posts a bit.
We are getting the same kind of weather. Today we did have a brief Hail storm. I find this all so interesting. ?signs of the times~Wishing for Bob an awesome Birthday Celebration tomorrow. That cake looks way yummy! I do need to learn how to cook again.
Your trip to the Cementary to care for the graves was marvelous. I loved that you had the kids help clean off the headstones. When we went to decorate graves this year we didn't even think about cleaning them up except for pulling some grass and removing a few rocks from around the markers. I think it is sweet that you put a marker there for your brother.
The pictures of the kids were priceless; you take such good photos.
Sending hugs and love your way and a Happy Birthday wish for Bob.

Kimmie said...



Deb J. in Utah said...

Wow, that looks like such a delicious cake for your hubby's birthday! Happy birthday to him! Those clouds are ominous - I heard about the storms you had in Idaho yesterday. Wow. I love how you are teaching your grandchildren to have love and respect for their ancestors. That is so cool. Have a nice Thursday.

Jill said...

Happy birthday to your husband! We celebrate our anniversary today and tomorrow is my daughter's birthday! That cake looks delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe. Have a lovely day!


Shug said...

Happy Birthday to your sweetheart. Oh my....the cake looks so yummy...could you send one down this way it's my birthday? lol. Those dark clouds look a whole lot like the clouds that have hovering over Texas lately. Ready for them to go away! I know you are so proud of your little ones..that is quite a job to clean and decorate the headstones....They were doing a fabulous job. Family work...I like it!! Something the kids will always remember...
Have a great weekend...

Jill said...

Hi, just stopping back over to become your latest follower so I can keep up with your updates. Thanks for all your sweet comments on my blog! Enjoy the rest of your day!


Sue said...

I don't like storms and wind either, Barb, but your photos are beautiful! Wishing your Dh a belated happy Birthday wish, the cake looks so delicious!
Loved the photos of your sweet grandkids, aren't grandkids one of the most precious gifts from our heavenly Father?
I also enjoy James Taylor, I believe he is from North Carolina!
Hope you have a great week.

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...