Thursday, May 21, 2015

A Peek into my Week . . .

Mother Nature . . . It's still raining!!  

On my Mind . . . I've been thinking about Memorial Day, and what fun memories I have of being with my family on that day for so many years.  It was usually a family affair, as my grandparents lived right down the road from the cemetery where most of my relatives are buried.  I can remember going to the cemetery, before Memorial Day and cleaning off the headstones.  We would take a big bucket of sudsy water and a scrub brush and give the headstones a good cleaning!  Then, we would clip the grass around the headstone, and then sweep it all up, so everything looked nice and tidy.  I can remember being so proud of myself for taking care of the headstones of great grandparents and even great-great grandparents, and I loved them all! 

On Memorial Day, after we were done decorating the graves, and making sure that they looked just right, and visiting with family and friends who you would meet there, we would go to grandma's house for a picnic.  She'd make friend chicken - which was so delicious, and someone would always make a potato salad and homemade rolls.  Of course there was always the other usual picnic food - chocolate cake, Jello salad, pickled beets, mustard pickles, strawberry jam, and olives . . . who can have a picnic with out olives!  My grandfather loved 7-Up, so we would always have a cold soda with our lunch.  My grandfather also loved ice cream, so that was usually dessert, and usually in the form of a root beer float, because he also loved root beer!  Oh how I miss those days, I especially miss my grandparents . . .

In my Yard . . . We've had so much rain, and everything is so green and beautiful!  Where I live in Idaho, it is considered a high desert, so when we get rain everyday for more than a week, things tend to come to life!  We are suppose to dry out next week, and then have a long dry spell, so I am enjoying this wonderful green world I am living in right now!

I've had a ton of these wonderful little, American Goldfinches around to make me smile, aren't they pretty!  It looks like this is a pair - the little female is on the bird feeder.

Comfort from the Kitchen . . . I wish I had a picture of this one for you, but it really doesn't photograph very well, kinda looks like bumpy whipped cream!  This salad makes a great sweet salad to serve with a meal, but, we like to eat is as a dessert.

Caramel Apple Salad

4 or 5 apples (I used Gala)
1 8oz can crushed pineapple, do not drain
1 small box butterscotch pudding mix
1 tub whipped topping (I used about half of a large tub)
Toffee bits (optional)
1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans (optional)

Cut your apples up into bite sized pieces, mix in the pineapple.  Sprinkle the pudding mix over the apples and pineapple, stir to mix in the pudding.  Add the whipped topping, and nuts, mix well until all the pudding is distributed well.  My husband is allergic to tree nuts, so I left out the toffee bits and the walnuts, and just sprinkled them over my salad.  This is a supper easy recipe, and keeps well in the fridge for a couple of days - enjoy! 

A little Sweetness . . .

Two of my Little's climbing a tree in my yard - be careful!!

If growing up means it would be beneath my dignity to climb a tree, I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up, not me!!!
~Peter Pan~

Just Sayin' . . . 

Something from my Playlist . . .

I love to swoon with Dean!



Sue said...

HI Barb, I so enjoyed reading a Peek into your week! your memories of your family remind me so much of my youth, those were really the best days, I too miss them!

The quote from Peter Pan I like very much as I was a tree climber!~smile~ But best of all I love the 9 steps to being attractive! Awesome! advice!
I also enjoy Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra, speaking of which I enjoyed your post of your embarrassment at church! Frank would have got a kick out of that!~grin~
Thanks for sharing enjoyed my visit as always!.

Vee said...

The salad sounds delicious! I must get to the cemetery tomorrow to do those chores. I practically need a list as there's so much to remember. That's a good list!

LeAnn said...

Your blogs are so fun. I loved your memories on Memorial Day and they kind of match my own. My Grandparents were buried in a Cemetery with no grass. My brothers would mow the grass and then we would take it to the grave sites; clean up the area and spread the grass clippings over it. They put grass in later on. My mother said she would not be buried there; but then decided it was OK after they got grass and spruced it up a bit.
Thanks for that awesome recipe; it looks like a good one to try. I love using pudding in these kinds of dishes.
I loved the kids pictures in the trees. Some of my fondest memories are of climbing trees. You don't see children do much of that any more.
I loved the quote from Peter Pan and then the one on how to be attractive. I will need to borrow that one.
I really love your playlist. I love the voices of those old time singers. Loved this one.
Thanks for brightening my day; love you much! Hugs~

Marsha said...

Ya, a picnic without olives - that would be us. My husband does not like olives at all and as a matter of fact, he calls them skunk eggs. I love them but I never buy them because I know I can't eat an entire can by myself.
Your little goldfinches are beautiful. I've never seen one here in our little valley. It would be nice if they decided to hang out in a small town.
MMMMMmmm - your apple salad definitely sounds like a keeper. I think I need to try this one, quickly.
Climbing trees have very fond memories in my heart. I don't think there was a tree within my vicinity that I didn't climb as a child. Memories - good memories.

Shug said...

I certainly enjoyed your walk down memory lane, of time spent with your family on Memorial Day Weekend... those were truly the good ol' days! Looks like you have some happy kiddos hanging around in those trees...Fun times for sure! This recipe sounds like something my Sam would love. Gonna give it a try... Hope your Holiday weekend is one that create a lot of special memories in the hearts of your little ones...

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb, gosh I'm so behind on reading since I have taken on the job of caring for 2 wee little kittens. They consume so much of my time! Hope to catch up soon. I won't take time to listen to Dean, but I always have loved his music and watched him on tv years ago. Remember his show?
I enjoyed reading your memories of Memorial Day. Those really were the best of times, weren't they? Getting together with relatives.
I love the goldfinches, too. You got some great shots. They are one of my favorite birds.
Have a wonderful holiday weekend with your family!

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...