Monday, April 13, 2015

The rest of . . . to be continued . . .

We actually did get all the roads cleaned although it was a bit soggy and cold!  I love it when a plan comes together, even if it's not the way you actually planned it!

Everyone was so willing to help . . . 

Even smiling . . . 

We filled the trash bin . . . 

Had plenty of HOT dogs . . .

And, we were blessed by a rainbow . . .

The trash bin was full, the parking lot was almost empty . . . 

The sun was setting on another fun day in our community . . .

Until next year!



Kimmie said...

Hi Barb. Oh how I would have loved to have been there to work with you side by side and to share a hot dog also ;)


Vee said...

Job well done! Work can be fun and your community knows how to get it done and have a good time.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Awesome service to the community and it looks like a good time was had by all!

Kerin said...

What a great attitude your community has! I love their attitude of service :)
Lucky you to live in such a great place, and with such great people.

Have a happy day!


Marsha said...

It's great doing clean-up. I remember cleaning road sides as service projects with the youth when I was the Y.W. President. It was during a high way cleanup that I found Odis ( leafy spurge hawkmoth. Fun times with the youth. Even though wet and rainy, it looks like you were all having a great time.

LeAnn said...

An end to a perfect day of service; well maybe not perfect. I do think you all went home with smiles on your faces with the thought of the sweet moments of serving in your community. I loved it all.
Hugs for you dear friends~

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