Sunday, March 29, 2015

Thoughtful Spot Sunday...

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
~John 14:27~


It's Spring here in Idaho, and the wind has decided to blow!  My poor, Cole dog just hates the wind, and will head for the basement to curl up and wait out the storm. Peering up the stairs now and then, waiting for confirmation that the sky is not falling.  He doesn't like it.  Neither do I.  

But, it is only wind.  It will pass.

 Jesus was promising his peace to his disciples who had a far more threatening storm ahead of them.  He himself was going to die, as he had to.  They would have to watch him die, only half understanding what his promise to them meant: They were not to be afraid, because this death would have a transcendent meaning.  By means of this death would come eternal life.

 Today, while the wind blows, let me remember and trust in his peace.  Let not my heart be troubled nor afraid.  Because Jesus Christ sacrificed himself for us. We cannot be trapped by what happens here,  Christ brought us eternal life, and if we live up to his gift of repentance, we will live with him again in the life to come.

Christ spoke the simple truth:  His peace is not the peace of the world.  It is a deeper peace than the world can offer.  Let me look past the wind and all the other perils of this life to the reaches of eternity that can be open to me.  Let me trust, today, in that peace which Christ brings to all of his disciples, even-in the midst of the wind storm-to me.  Today and always, let me be worthy to have that peace enfold me.





Shug said...

This is a perfect reminder of God's amazing Love for mankind......I love this post.....

LeAnn said...

Just a very lovely post, dear friend. How we need peace into today's world. I know it will only be through Christ that we can have that peace. I loved your thoughts and that very sweet picture.
I do not like wind either and Idaho has a lot of it. Of course, South Jordan has it's share too.
Love and hugs!

"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...