Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Craziness Continues . . .

Well, the craziness seems to continue at my house!  It seems like we have been really busy . . . but I'm not sure what I have accomplished?! 

We, my husband has been working in the yard, the lawn is always green, and everything looks wonderful.  We haven't dealt with the ugly mess from the sewer problem, but, we will fill in the bare patches, and plant grass in them this Fall.  Hopefully, in the Spring, the grass will come up, and we can work on it from there. 

We haven't been camping much since our family camping trip, but plan on lots of camping in the next few months, Autumn is my favorite time to be outside - hunting and Salmon fishing is just around the corner, and we are really looking forward to it!

We did go 4-wheeling with some friends a few weeks ago and had so much fun!  Here are a few pictures . . .

Looking out in front of the 4-wheeler - so gorgeous!

We could see a couple of fires that were burning wayyyyy down from where we were!

 A little trail that we were walking was so pretty, but really high!

It was a cloudy, kind of smoky day, so you couldn't see the valley and the mountains on the other side very good.  Our elevation was about 8000 feet above sea level where I took this picture!  Not sure how I was still breathing!

We have had so much rain this last month, and the streams were just beautiful, and everything was so green, especially for this time of year in Idaho.

Nothing better than having fun with good friends!!

We had two of our little grandsons come and spend the night with us a few weeks ago, they are so cute!  They love to feed the horses, but are just a tiny bit scared of them.  I just have to share a few pictures of their cuteness!

I hope that everyone has been having a wonderful summer!  I'm just feeling lucky to have gotten a post in before September . . . just barely!!



Deb J. in Utah said...

Beautiful pictures! Idaho is a lovely state. Your grandsons are darling. Glad to know you had a good summer.

Just Ramblin' said...

What a fun time you had. The scenery is so beautiful. I can see why you love to be out camping so much. The pictures of your grandsons with the horses are so sweet. It is hard to believe summer is coming to an end, but I'm glad you've had a wonderful summer. Hope you will enjoy those fall camping trips and post lots of pictures. Nola

RoeH said...

Nothing like the beautiful Idaho scenery. Wish I could get up there more and re-connect with it.

Shug said...

Hey there sweet Barb.....I'm just so jealous, I don't know what to do!! lol. I love the mountains and seeing these pictures makes me really want to go to higher ground. I look forward to seeing pictures of your camping days ahead.......oh really do have some cuties in those last few photos.... Enjoy a wonderful Labor Day..

Marsha said...

I don't recognize where you were but it sure looks like you had a wonderful time, in a beautiful place.

Kerin said...

Hi Barb :)
Great post!! Love the pictures and the four-wheeling trip looks like fun!!!

I haven't been out on my four-wheeler since I had my accident on it; almost 2 years ago. Scared me too much, and now I get so nervous to go out.

Love the pictures with the Grands and horses.... so sweet!!

Life certainly does speed by , doesn't it?! Summer's over and Fall's beginning . Hope that this first day of September finds you happy, and well :)


Patty Sumner said...

Oh my goodness Barb....what beautiful pics. You had some spectacular views on your 4 wheeler ride...amazing. Your Grands are just adorable...and the horse...Wow..I would be a little afraid too...Have a great September! Be blessed!

Unknown said...

Great photos. That looks like so much fun. I might be nervous about the fires tho. Thanks for your comments, you always make me feel good.

LeAnn said...

I think you two are having such a great time. I loved your picture and the trip with friends. I especially love the pictures of your sweet grandchildren feeding the horses. It was all so precious. Hope you have some great trips this fall. I am hoping for a few days away too.
Blessings, love and hugs to the two of you!

Sue said...

Hi Barb, Oh! how I relate to this craziness of life, but like you it is a good kind of craziness. ~smile~
You photos prove this, and what beautiful photos and and memories you are making, I say Enjoy!! Enjoy! Enjoy!! May you be filled with more continued blessings! I especially love the photos of the grandkids, enjoying life, Aren't grandkids the most wonderful blessings ever? As are special friends
I so apologize for not visiting this summer as it has been so busy with many changes for us also.
p.s. always enjoy your music, I might slip back in awhile and just sit and listen.~smile~

"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...