Thursday, April 17, 2014

Throw-back Thursday . . .

I am really throwing this way back!  On the 19th of April, my husband and I will be married 40 years!!  I can hardly believe how quickly the time has gone by.  It  seems like just yesterday that we were carefree teenagers, living as if there weren't a worry in the world . . . that was the life!  When we got married, we  actually were teenagers, my husband was 19 and I was 18, we really were so young, it makes me wonder sometimes, how we made it!  

Now, here we are, 40 years later, happy, getting healthier, loving the life that we have made for ourselves, enjoying our children and grandchildren, and savoring the autumn of our life.  Here's to another 40 years!!

 I know I've used this photo before, but it's one of my favorites.  This picture was taken right after we were  married. I love this song . . . enjoy! 



RoeH said...

Wish that could have happened to me. So neat to know it's still good. And I love that song. I really messed up my life. So many 'shouldn't haves' in it.

Vee said...

Happy Anniversary! (That is a wonderful photo.) Here's to the next forty!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Happy Anniversary, Barb! Love the photo of you two! Here's to many more happy years. We'll be married 43 years in June, where does the time go?

Patty Sumner said...

Happy Anniversary! 40 years these days is a great accomplishment.. I love looking back at old photo's ... You look great today and you look great then... God is good! Have a great Easter Weekend and Celbrate big! Blessings!

Marge said...

OMG! I love happy endings! I'll bet there were those who thought you would never make it. So glad you proved them wrong!! Congratulations! Hugz too!

Shug said...

Such a Blessing!! Isn't it fun to look back at the old pictures taken back in the day....Y'all make a really cute couple!! So happy for the two of you to be celebrating 40 years of love...

Kimmie said...

You two are role models for everyone who believes in eternal love, for those who trust that there really is a 'one and only.' You are role models for the benefits of a happy marriage through unconditional love for one person for forty years. You are role models, showing that two are better than one, that it is better to be a team in facing life's challenges. You are role models for commitment, for caring, for unselfish devotion. Happy 40th anniversary! May your love continue to be a golden beacon for the rest of us.

Joanna Fuchs quotes


Much love


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Barb - congrats on 40 wonderful years! My hubby and I will celebrate 35 years in June. I wish that more people today realized that marriage is full of ups and downs and you just have to stick it out! I love that picture of you. Have a wonderful Easter!

LeAnn said...

Oh my gosh, I so love this one. You two are such a striking couple.
I am still not quite back to blogging yet although I couldn't resist doing an Easter one.
We loved having a good visit with our sweet family yesterday.
I am so happy that I saw this post today. Sending you lots of love and hugs!

Unknown said...

Congratulations. What a great looking couple. Just wanted to say have a Blessed Reserection Day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! YOU are absolutely gorgeous - then and now! You look like a model. Love the 70's look! :-)

Karen Beth said...

I have always loved that picture of you two. Happy anniversary, I love you both so much!

Kerin said...

Happy belated anniversary!!
Darling picture of you two!!
Forty years is really something to celebrate; here's to many, many, many more years together and anniversaries to celebrate!!

Our anniversary was on the 17th of April. April is a great month to be married in.
We celebrated 27 years of marriage, although it seems like we've been married so many more.
You see, we grew up together and have known each other almost all of our lives :)

Smiles :)

"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...