Friday, March 21, 2014

Finally Friday...

It's finally Friday . . . and I have good news!   My husbands tests came back really good, no heart attack, no gallbladder problems!  But, that doesn't mean that life changes are not still in order.  The doctor told both of us that our life style needed to change; better eating habits, and more exercise.  So, while he was golfing today, I went for a walk with two friends, and hopefully, we was walking some of the course instead of riding... ;0)  We walked about a mile, and that was enough for the first walk of Spring!  It did prove to me that I could do it, I love walking,and need to make it a part of my daily routine. 

I love this little snip-it I found about walking: 

Humans Were Made For Walking! Walking may be the single best exercise that exists on the planet, Gretchen Reynolds says. It's low-impact and has a relatively low risk for injury. 
"Walking appears to be what the human body was built for," she explains. Even 15 minutes will reduce your risk for heart disease and diabetes. 

I have an elliptical machine that I like don't use enough, but, I have to admit, getting out in the fresh air was so rejuvenating, much better than going to the basement and just THINKING about the sunshine!  I have taken steps to simplify, now on to trying to get more exercise, we're getting there.

While I was out I took a few pictures -

You can see that my Poplars are starting to get buds on them, so spring is right around the corner!

Last week we got a little snow storm (less than 5 inches), and Taylor Mountain was covered - today, I can see bare spots! Hurray!

Have a wonderful week-end!!



Sue said...

Hi Barb, I am so glad for the good report for your dh, I agree with you I would rather walk outside than on a treadmill. Your scenery is beautiful. I must get busy and get back to my regular walking, thanks for the motivation, just keep going.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hooray for good reports!! And, I'm with you on walking outside, at least when the weather is nice. I love your photo of Taylor Mountain...beautiful! Have a wonderful weekend, Barb!

RoeH said...

Spring is wonderful up there. I know the feeling well.

Shug said...

So thankful for good reports......such a great blessing! Walking is so important and I know that I need to challenge myself to do more. More as in SOME!!! lol. Spring is on its way and it sure makes it easier to get out there and move our feet, when the weather is not too cold or too hot... Wishing you a beautiful weekend that is filled with much laughter.....hugs to you Barb.

Kerin said...

Oh Barb. Such wonderful news about your husband~ such a blessing and such a comfort to know that he is well.

Walking used to be my favorite thing. I've gotten out of the habit, and need to start walking each day too.
I'll be thinking of you, and smiling knowing that you are getting out there also. Happy day :)

Have a peaceful weekend.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Barb, your mountains are breathtaking! I too need to get back to walking. Hooray for spring weather!!!

Vee said...

Good for you! I am looking forward to going walking again, too. It is good for what ails us.

"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...