Saturday, January 4, 2014

My November post...just a little late!

The middle of November was just beautiful here in Idaho, so we decided to go with some friends fishing on the Salmon River for a week.  Now, this just happens to be one of the most beautiful places in the least to me. Here are some highlights!

The sunrise was gorgeous! 

 The fog along the river looked like smoke!

The mountainsides are so steep along the river that it seems like the sun has a hard time reaching the river.  By one o'clock in the afternoon, the sun is usually behind the mountain.

As we were setting up the trailer this fine fellow came to say "hello"!  Look how close he is to the trailer!

There was a beautiful little doe in front of him, and he was hot on her trail - he didn't care about me at all, if you know what I mean... ;0)

The buck had just trotted away, when these two big-horn sheep decided to pay us a visit!  It looks like a mama and her sweet.  We saw the deer and the sheep almost every day.

 This is the view from my front door - lots of fisherman on the river!  This is our little caravan.

 My little home away from home. I love it!

This beautiful fish was dinner the first night ...yum!

The colors were very muted, but oh, so pretty.

 The fisherman did great!  You could only keep just a few, so they had to be fussy about what they kept - This was a great day!

The three fisherman getting ready for the day.

Making sure everything was perfect.

They're off!

We'll just call this one, "rub-a-dub-dub- three men in a tub"!

Look what we woke up to...and yes, they still went out!

It's a white-out, thank goodness it was our last day!

This was such a fun trip,  I can't wait until next year! 

The song of the river ends not at her banks but in the hearts of those who have loved her. 
~Buffalo Joe~





RoeH said...

Pullllleeeeeze adopt me into your family. There are few places that are as wonderful as that part of Idaho. I'd love to have been there.

Marge said...

Hi Barb, What a beautiful part of the world. Your pictures are so wonderful they made me feel like I was there with you. Enjoyed every minute! Thanks.

Vee said...

Such a beautiful location and a fun experience. What did you gals do while the men were fishing? Well, you were taking pictures of the would make for a lot of great camaraderie.

Kimmie said...

Breathtakingly beautiful! I very much enjoy fishing. There is nothing quite like eating fresh fish caught that same day.

Much love to you.


Anonymous said...

Barb, such beautiful pictures (except the ones of the dead fish!) You live in such a lovely part of the country. Thank you for sharing it with us!

Shug said...

Hey Barb...... Girl, it sure looks like a fun kind of your part of the country. My husband wanted us to pack up and come for a visit after seeing the wildlife. These are some beautiful photos and I'm glad that you chose to share them with us. Stay warm and keep making all those memories...

Just Ramblin' said...

Beautiful pictures! How jealous I am! Seeing the men fishing brought back memories of fishing with my dad. He always caught fish for us to enjoy and there was nothing better than Mother cooking a rainbow trout for our breakfast. Can't get over the picture of the deer being so close. What a surprise that must have been to have him next to your trailer. I'm glad the snow held off until the last day. Thanks for sharing all the pictures with us. Nola

LeAnn said...

Oh my, that was a lovely trip. I enjoyed the pictures and loved that you caught some fish. Roger and I used to fish and hunt many years ago. I miss being in the mountains. I grew up with my parents going camping and fishing all of the time. Maybe retirement can bring us back to doing activities like this one.
I enjoyed these precious moments of yours. Blessings to you both!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Looks familiar!
My hubby and I spent a long weekend in Shoup during the summer.
It is one of the most gorgeous places on earth!

Susan B said...

Looks like you had a great time on your trip! And you got some gorgeous photos. It looks like such a beautiful place. Thanks so much for sharing! :)

"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...