Friday, July 19, 2013

My Daybook . . .



Outside my window... The sun is shining, the sky is blue, and it's hot, hot, hot!  Yesterday it was almost 100 degrees,  today, it's 96 degrees, wayyyyy too hot for me!

I am thinking... How much I love air-conditioning.  We have tried not to use it too much, but it's just unbearable without it right now!

I am thankful... I'm so thankful for my health - the end of May, I broke my leg and was down for about 6 weeks (I'm going to blame it on the stairs...;0) ).  It seems like it took me forever to get back into a normal way of life, and I just hated the crutches!  So, I'm so thankful that the break was not bad, no surgery's or pins, and that I am resuming all the things I love!

In the kitchen... Today, I'm making a, Tortellini salad to take to an outside dinner tonight.  

      Tortellini, Grape and Mandarin Orange Salad
  • 9 ozs cheese  (filled tortellini)
  • 1 cup grapes (red seedless)
  • 1 cup grape (green seedless)
  • 11 ozs mandarin oranges
  • 1/4 cup red onion (chopped)
  • 1/4 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
  • 1 cup dressing (honey mustard)
Follow the directions on the package to cook tortellini, drain and cool.  Add grapes, mandarin oranges and walnuts.  Mix in dressing and chill!  Yummy!

I am wearing... Denim capri's, a light denim top and bare foot . . .

I am creating... Not very creative in this heat!

I am going... Staying home today, babysitting my cute little grands for a while, and then getting ready for the party.

I am wondering... If my daughter and her family made it to Island Park okay today.  Hope they have a wonderful time!

I am reading... I just started a book by Anita Stansfield, called, In Search of Heaven - so far so good!

I am hoping... That the weather will cool off.  Like the rest of the country, we have just had weird weather this year - so hot!  Normally, we don't get this kind of heat until the end of July, but this year it started the first part of June.

I am looking forward to... Camping with my family in August.  We go every year for about a week.  It's just so much fun...lots of work...but we have such a great time.

I am learning... I haven't yet, but I am going to learn how to make soap - it's my goal for this summer.

Around the house... Life has been somewhat crazy - but we still managed to get the garden in.  I just love being able to go get something fresh and yummy out of the garden for dinner.

Something funny ... When we were coming home from Utah in April, there was a car tailgating us  -  seriously, he was on our tail for over 30 miles, with plenty of room to pass.  When he finally did pass us, he flew past like we were standing still.  I said to my husband, "I wish there were a policeman around the bend!".  This is what I saw around the bend...hehehehehe (picture me with an evil grin...!)

A favorite quote for today...

Flowers are those little colorful beacons of the sun from which we get sunshine when dark, somber skies blanket our thoughts.  ~Dodinsky~

One of my favorite things...

This little grand, who has no fear!

A few plans for the rest of the week:  Well, since today is Friday, the week is almost over!  Tomorrow I plan on getting some housework done - you know, those pesky jobs that you don't like!  Sunday, we will go to church and then relax for the rest of the day.

A peek into my day...

Have a wonderful week-end!



Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Beautiful cabbage. Aren't they amazing?

Love when a plan comes, policeman!

Yes, it's been hot. No air conditioning at my's been almost unbearable, but then I remember what is coming.

RoeH said...

Nice post. I remember -as a child so my memory might not be correct here - of not ever having a 'hot' day in the summertime in Rigby. As in HOT. Then one time several summers ago, I drove up there and for the few days that I was there, it was around 100-101. It was so hot. I still don't understand why at Idaho's altitude. So of course I complained. That seems to never to any good. Fortunately which we do not get - the nights cool off nicely there. Here, they just go down to a hundred. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

My goodness, you granddaughter looks so tiny next to the horses! I hope your day gets cooler.

Just Ramblin' said...

I know what you mean about the heat! It is terrible here. I try to get out early if I want to work in yard, exercise, or whatever and the rest of the day I hibernate. I'm sorry about you leg. Not sure if I knew that or not, but am glad you are getting around and it was extremely serious. I love the picture of the policeman pulling that car over. There have been son many times when I've wished there was a policeman. That is just too funny! Your granddaughter is adorable with the horses. Your cabbage looks great. It is nice to have a garden. I don't have a big one, but I
sure enjoy the few fresh things I do have. So nice to read your daybook again. I keep telling myself I need to do that again. Hope you have a wonderful Sabbath day. Nola

Kerin said...

Great post!
But, then again, I enjoy each of your posts.

Sorry to read about your broken leg...yikes.
Thankfully, you won't have to have that cast on in this heat.

Great pictures.... what a story they tell; each of them :)

If you lived closer, I'd zip over and show you how to make soap.
It's so fun, and really not that hard.
We just made a batch of chocolate soap, and before that, a batch of cinnamon, olive oil.
Next on the list, will be some lemon-thyme soap, and of course some rosemary-lavender.

Have a wonderful, and hopefully somewhat cooler weekend.

Smiles :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb,

I'm so sorry to hear about your broken leg! I'm glad it's better now!

Loved your photos, your granddaughter looks so cute next to the horses.

Your cabbage looks wonderful. I have harvested a few squash and zucchini so far.

Haha! to the speeder. I would have had an evil grin on my face, too!

Take care and have a nice weekend!

It's very hot here, too. I think a lot of the country is suffering from the heat! What weird weather we're having.

Barbara said...

Wow! You broke your leg?!!! I'm glad you are now past the crutches. Broken bones just hurt like the dickens! I shattered my left shoulder a few years ago (which gave me a ride in an ambulance and a shoulder replacement the next day!)

I laughed with you over the photo with the policeman that pulled over the speeding car. That driver reaped what he sowed!!

Your pictures of cabbage and flowers with the cloudy edges are very nice. I'm going to employ that with some pictures.

Thank you for your cheerful posts!

Susan B said...

Hi Barb,
It was so nice to hear from you! I'm so sorry about your leg, but am thankful it is healing nicely. It sounds like you've been keeping very busy this summer! I am so thankful for air conditioning too, since we've also been 'enjoying' some hot weather. :) I enjoyed all of your photos, and you always pick the best quotes!

I hope you are having a lovely weekend! Take care. :)

Shug said...

Hi, love, love all your photos!! So pretty, so clear! Did I miss that you broke your leg? goodness gracious, where have I been. Surely I knew this, but with the spin on my brain this summer, I could have easily forgotten. Hope it's healing well. Gurl, I know exactly what you mean about that heat. We are suppose to have several days of above a 100 degrees, this next week. I just want to hibernate in the cool somewhere. The fan on our air conditioner went out last week. Thankfully, it was a rainy day and the temps were not bad. $499.00 later, it is fixed. Hope your day is blessed...

Arlene said...

It's been ridiculously hot in Florida too, and we're used to the heat! The high today was 93 degrees, but with the humidity it was just stifling. No gardening for me when the temps are that high - I'd be afraid of getting heat stroke! Have a great evening Barb.

"Where you are is a result of who you were. But, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be." ~Hal Elrod~ I hope this y...