Sunday, July 7, 2013

Busy Summer. . . .

Like everyone else, I have had a busy spring/summer!  Truly, I don't know where the time goes.  Looks like I have some catching up to may take more than one post to do that!

In April, we decided that it was simply too cold here in Idaho.  And besides, it was our 39th wedding anniversary - so we decided to go to Southern Utah - it snowed on us everyday!!  It was very beautiful though, it is a really gorgeous part of the world!  We started at Arches National Park, then went through Canyon Lands, and ended at Bryce Canyon National Park. 

 This was a small snow storm that came through when we first entered Arches.

 One of the Beautiful rock formations in the park, it's called "Windows"...notice the snow, and the colors!

This is a picture of "Delicate Arch", this arch is the most photographed.  The picture is a little fuzzy because it was quite a ways off.  We didn't walk up to it because it was freezing, but you can see there are people under it.

This is "Balancing Rock", another much photographed formation.

Love these colors!

Of course I have hundreds of pictures...too many to show on my blog!  We spent the day at Arches, and the next day, we were off to Canyon Lands!

Canyon Lands is just gorgeous, maybe my favorite!  You can see that the snow was still with us!  We walked out onto the bare spot in the picture, it was breathtaking! 

 Steep cliffs on all sides - makes you realize how small you are in the world!

I'm not sure that this picture really shows the real depth of these canyons, or just how high up I was when I took the picture - I was actually looking straight down!  It was just amazing, and people would take motorcycles and off-road vehicles on this road!!

The colors were so gorgeous!

I fully expected to see a dinosaur walking out there in the distance somewhere!  These are just canyons, inside of canyons!

Just stunning!

The next day we were off to Bryce Canyon.  Some of the most amazing scenery was on the drive to Bryce Canyon...but that's for another's time for bed tonight!

I need to catch up with everyone - so many things I've missed!  Thanks to all those who checked on me - I'm still here!



Shug said...

Hi Barb.....Looks like you saw some beautiful country. Each photo is so unique and interesting.
glad I stayed up late tonight to see this post.
Hope you have a lovely week...
I enjoyed this post!!

Vee said...

Glorious! I've seen a number of these sights at Jill's, though each photographer has a unique way of showing a scene. How ironic that you were trying to escape the snow and cold and it followed you... Glad to find you here, Barb. Don't stay away so long!

Anonymous said...

Barb, simply gorgeous! I would love to visit Utah one day.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hello there, Barb! Your trip photos are wonderful. Utah is a beautiful state and I'd love to go back again. Sorry the snow had to follow you, but I'm sure you had a great time seeing the sights.
Take care!

Brian Bishop said...

Looks like such a wonderful trip. all those snow pictures look so inviting right now. Bet Canyonlands has heated up quite a bit. ;)

Great to catch up on your blog a bit, love,

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Good for you for getting away!!!!
Those pictures are amazing. I've never been there.
Really rude that you got snowed on though.
February around here was truly the pits.

Kerin said...

Such beauty!

Bryce is such an amazing place too.
We love the colors, and the Hoodoos.

Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures.

Smile :)

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...