Saturday, February 23, 2013

Out of Hibernation!!

I feel like it's been ages since my last post . . . oh wait a minute . . . it has been ages!!  For some reason, it's been really hard for me to blog this winter.  I don't know if I just feel overwhelmed, or maybe it's just the lack of sunshine!  I've had a lot going on, and I sometimes do feel overwhelmed with life in general . . . that sounds like a cop-out, let me re-phrase that.  I sometimes allow myself to get too much on my plate, and then, I don't use my time wisely . . . better.  

Where do I start.  It's been cold here in Idaho, and I really do mean cold.  For almost the entire month of February, we were in the single digits, or below.  I think my body just tried to shut down at that point!  It's slowly warming up, hopefully, we will get a heat wave, and melt the 6 inches of new snow that fell this morning... :0)  Looks kind of cool sliding off of the roof!

Let's see - Valentine's Day.  We were gone that morning, and when I came home, this is what I found on my front steps - my sweet neighbor had given me a "Valentine's Heart Attack", along with delicious chocolate covered blueberries!!  It was so sweet, I almost cried!  I love good neighbors and friends!

That night we out to dinner with some friends, then went to see, "McManus In Love".  It's a one-man comedy, written by Patrick F. McManus, starring Tim Behrens, it was a two hour show, and just hillarious!   This is a long clip - just warning you!  Watch it if you have time.... :0) 

Last Saturday, we discovered a leak in the drain pipe, behind the wall in my kitchen, behind the dishwasher - 2:00 in the morning, it was a lovely find!!   Needless to say, it was a mess!  We called the insurance company on Monday morning, and before we knew it, there were people knocking on our door ready to start working - it was wonderful!!  After days of de-humidifying, and listening to the hepa-filter machine, I was ready to have it over with.  Yesterday, they came and took the siding off of the back of the house, so that the pipe could be fixed.  Bob replaced the pipe, the restoration company fixed and replaced everything that needed replacing, cleaned everything that needed cleaned, replaced the siding, took the machines home - and I have my house back! 

More later - it's good to be back, although, I noticed that some of my favorite people are no longer blogging.   This has been something I have contemplated myself.  But, this is my journal, this is where my family can find out what's happening in my life, and know some of my thoughts . . . think I'll stay a while.  I'm looking forward to checking in and commenting on your blogs!!



LeAnn said...

Welcome back dear friend. I look forward to more awesome posts from you. Dear sister I have missed you. I do need to know how Bob and you are doing
Blessings and hugs!

Vee said...

That's good. Hope that hibernation had been fun.

Just Ramblin' said...

So nice to see a post from you and I certainly hope you do not stop blogging. I love reading your posts! This has truly been a long, cold winter and I am so ready for it to be over so I can complain about the heat. lol How awful to awaken at 2:00 in the morning to water problems. I am glad it was taken care of quickly. Seeing what your neighbor did for you has helped me out. I have a dear friend starting chemo on Tuesday -- her cancer is back and I was think of something I could do. Now I know what--Heart Attack! Do take care. Nola

sayer13 said...

Welcome back from one Idaho Blogger to another. I've missed your blogs. Glad you will be staying around for awhile.

Unknown said...

Every once in a while I contemplate shutting down my blog, but instead I just don't blog until I feel like it and I always do eventually have something I want to blog about. Right now I don't feel like I have anything to say, but I know it will come I'm not worried about it. I don't think we should feel pressured to blog, we should do it when we feel like it. That said it is always good to hear from you.

Shug said...

It HAS been really cold there....Bless your heart, I am so sorry about the leak. These kind of things can truly make life a little difficult.
would you believe that just this evening, as Sam and I were coming home from dinner, I made the comment that I needed to check on you. I told Sam that my sweet friend Barb has not posted in a while and that I miss hearing from you.
Stay warm and just know that Spring IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER...
Sweet hugs,

RoeH said...

Don't stop. I don't understand why people quit blogging. It's such a neat thing for so many reasons. My daughter makes a book at the end of the year. I wish I'd had this when I had little kids.

Marge said...

Welcome back girlfriend!! Sure have missed you. The winter months can do strange things to us. Florida is my cure to the Winter blues. Do I have to say "come on down"??

My ex hubby passed away yesterday so things are pretty sad around here right now. We miss him so much! The kids will all be coming and lots of hugs and kisses will help heal our hearts! Pray for us please? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Is that a little seal I see? Welcome back I've missed you!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Welcome back, Barb! You've been missed! I know how life can get overwhelming at times. Sometimes I just take a few days off. Just this week, I've slacked up on commenting because I had too many other things to attend to. I do love blogging, but will do it at my own pace. I don't know how some blogging friends manage to post every day! They are way more organized than I am, I guess. :)

Hope all is well with your family. I know those little ones must be really growing fast. When I don't see you here for some time, I just tell myself that Barb is probably busy grandmothering!

I bet you are as anxious for spring as I am. We are in the middle of another snow storm as I write this! Take care!

Packrat said...

So glad to hear you are okay, other than having the huge mess to deal with. That in itself is enough to make you not want to blog. Hugs and stay warm.

Packrat said...

PS: haven't watched the clip (I will). McManus is one of my favorite authors - guaranteed to make one laugh out loud.

LeAnn said...

It is always awesome to see that you have blogged a post. I miss you dear friend. I often wonder what happened to phone calls with good friends and family. I sometimes don't really like technology at all.
I have thought about hibernating too. I always get sidetracked everyday and don't meet the goals I have for the day. Lately I have been helping my Aunt Della who has been having some struggles. She was in the hospital and now in a rehab center. I have been busy coming and going from Bountiful. I love her so much and I hate the thoughts of losing her; but I must accept she is 99 years old so she could go anytime. My other dear aunt lives in Richfield and she is 94 years old. They are my mother's sisters.
It has been cold here; but not as cold as Idaho. Our last snow storm yesterday had been melting today; but it is still cold outside. I loved the bear picture. Don't stop blogging; I love your thoughts and you are so good at adding pictures of our grandchildren in your posts
Love you much and hope to see you soon.
Blessings, love and hugs!

Barbara said...

DONT STOP BLOGGING! I have read your blog for years and enjoy it a lot. You are real about life and you are fun! I have learned valuable things about relationships from what you have written.

I do miss your music. The music provider I was using on my blog is no longer in business; perhaps that happened to you, too.

It has indeed been a cold February and the lack of sunshine can surely mess with our desire to write. Go easy on yourself with the blog. Spring will come and beautiful, fresh writing topics will start to sprout once again.

Vickie said...

Hey Barb - you're still here and so am I! I haven't been blogging much either... I think wintertime just makes us wanna hibernate. I gotta have sunshine and outdoor time to feel good. I feel for you up there in the snow. My hubby and I were in Denver over the weekend and it came a blizzard. I think I'll just remain a Texas gal!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Yes, Idaho has been dismal this winter. I'm so over it.
I'm ready for sun and warm!

So sorry about the pipes. Yikes, what a mess.

I too contemplate quitting blogging, but my kids love the printed blog book I do and it does force me to take pictures.

Let's pray for some melting warm sunshine!!!

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...