Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Welcome 2013!

 FOR TODAY January 2, 2013 (how hard is that going to be to get used to?!)

Outside my window... Beautiful, bright, sunny, wintery white . . . and freezing cold, 15.2 degrees when I checked a few minutes ago!!  The snow is so pretty - it's been such a soft, light snow that my husband cleared the front porch yesterday with the leaf blower!

I am thinking... The same thing that most people are thinking about today . . . New Year's Resolutions . . . or the lack thereof!  I'm not really a New Year's Resolution girl.  I like the think that through the years I will just . . . evolve . . .  into the person I one day hope to be . . . hehehehehe!!  Actually, my goal is just to be a better person tomorrow, than I am today.  Whew, I will have to work really hard!

I am thankful... My husband was in a car accident on Christmas Day, and I am so thankful that he was not hurt, as it could have been much, much worse than it was . . . tender mercies . . .

In the kitchen... I just got done baking a big winter squash that was taking up space in my kitchen!  I will save some to eat tomorrow, and freeze the rest for later.... yum!

I am wearing... Blue jeans and a brown fleece sweater - oh, I do have on my shoes, it's cold outside!

I am creating... I have actually been thinking about what I want to "create", for Christmas next year!

I am going... Staying home tonight!

I am wondering...I really don't think anyone wants to know my thoughts right now.... :0)

I am reading... I'm not really reading anything right now.  But, I will be reading, The Snow Owl, by Jon Hartling. 

I am hoping...For a wonderful year!

I am looking forward to... Taking down the tree - I love to have it up, but it's time to come down now!

Around the house... I will be taking down the tree tomorrow.

I am pondering... A sweet aunt of mine passed away the day after Christmas - She was the last of my father's siblings to pass.  She was a wonderful mother, grandmother, sister, daughter  and aunt.  She will be missed so greatly by her family and those who loved and treasured her.  I am pondering the reunion that she must have had with her sister (who passed away in November) her husband, her son, her parents, my father,  and her other siblings.  Love you Aunt Lois.

A favorite quote for today...

Every man should be born again on the first day of January.  Start with a fresh page.  Take up one hole more in the buckle if necessary, or let down one, according to circumstances; but on the first of January let every man gird himself once more, with his face to the front, and take no interest in the things that were and are past.  
~Henry Ward Beecher~

One of my favorite things... My Kindle Fire . . . I really love it . . . I am shocked, because I didn't think I needed one . . . silly me!

A few plans for the rest of the week:

Tomorrow - take down the tree.  Take the car to the body shop to be repaired.... :0(
Friday & Saturday - Clean up and start making my to-do list.
Sunday - church




Find more fun daybooks HERE .


Anonymous said...

Sweet Barb, I am so sorry for your loss. Aunt Lois looks like a sweet person. And your husband! I'm glad he is okay after the car accident. That is so scary!

Kerin said...

Oh Barb...
what a week you've had.
Sorry about the loss of your sweet aunt.

Sorry about your husbands accident also.
I'm so glad for you that he's ok.
What a blessing!!

Love this post, and reading your thoughts.

Hope that the New Year is full of blessings, and much happiness for you and for your sweet family.


Just Ramblin' said...

Sorry about your aunt passing away. I'm glad your husband is ok. Sounds like you are having the cold weather like us. I'm ready for summer!
Always enjoy your daybook entries. Nola

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Barb! I enjoy reading your daybook. I'm so sorry about your Aunt. She looks like a very sweet lady. And your poor hubby! What a scare that must have been for all of you. I'm so happy he is okay!

We have cold weather here, too. A little bit of snow, but the highways are clear now. I'm so thankful for a warm and cozy home.

I haven't taken down my Christmas things yet, either. I love Christmas and it's hard to put it away, but I will in the next few days.

I've taken a small blogging break during the holidays, so if I've missed any posts I'll catch up soon. Hope you had a wonderful holiday, my friend! Happy New Year!!

Packrat said...

May this new year be better than the ending of last year! So sorry for the passing of your loved ones. Also, very glad to hear that your husband wasn't hurt. Hugs! (Cold here, too.)

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your aunt's passing.

I loved all your beautiful comments today. You always inspire me, Barb.

Vee said...

It has to feel a bit strange to see that generation pass on. What a grand reunion they must have had!

So glad that tour Beloved is fine...too close for comfort.

Oh you and my hubby are in the Kindle Fire club...he likes his most of the time.

LeAnn said...

Wow, I am so glad that Bob is OK. I hate thinking about accidents. Remember I have this driving the freeway phobia.
I so need to get our Christmas decorations and trees down. I just seems like to big a job. I know I will get over this and perhaps tomorrow I will work on it
I am sorry to hear about your Aunts passing. I have two older Aunts one is 99 years old and the other one is 94 years old. I can't even bare the thoughts of them dying. Since my mother died; I have become closer to them.
I haven't written down any goals for this year. They are the same so I have them memorized; now if I would just do them. I do like the idea of starting anew.
Loved your thoughts today and blessings and hugs to you and Bob.

jennifer anderson said...

yep, we only have 10 or eleven months to get ready for Christmas again!

Shug said...

Good Morning Barb.
My condolences for the loss of your aunt.
Thankful for the blessing of protection surrounding your hubby. God is so good! looks chilly there. We have had some cooler weather, but mostly some gloomy looking days. No sunshine.
I love how you are already thinking about the year ahead, and making plans...You are one smart lady..
big hugs to you today..

Arlene said...

Hi there Barb! I don't know if it's fair to tell you it's 74 degrees in my neck of the woods, and sunny. I don't think I could tolerate 15 degree weather!

I'm thankful your husband is okay too. It's dangerous to drive in those conditions.

I'm sorry for your loss, but thankful for heaven's gain. Our time on this earth is short. Eternity is forever. Making the right choice while we are here makes leaving much easier. Have a wonderful weekend Barb!

Anonymous said...

Hi again Barb. I'm sorry my blog was "under construction" at the time of your visit. I've put out the welcome mat now! :)

Marge said...

Hi Barb, Thank God hubby wasn't injured. So sorry for another loss for your family. Love the quote you shared. Happy 2013 to you too! Hugz!

Marie said...

I enjoyed my Sunday afternoon visit. I am sorry about the loss of your Aunt--she looks like a sweet lady. Thank you for the recipe for sweet and sourer chicken. Looks easy enough for me to do.
I wish you the best for a great New Year 2013.

Joyful said...

Wow! Such good news about your husband. I'm sorry about your aunt. I hope the happy memories you have of her will give you comfort throughout the years to come. May you have much success with your goals for today, tomorrow and beyond.

Anonymous said...

No injuries -- blessed indeed.. too Cold for me too I don't think I could to be cold like that anymore -- hope I am done living in icy cold places... but I do like to visit snowy places but not to stay.. and I enjoy photos of snowy landscape.. like the one you have shared today!
Hugs.. for a wonderful New Year ever!!!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

So glad your hubby is ok. Scary thing!

Sounds like you are embracing the New Year. I agree with the resolutions thing. Hopefully you are just good and doing what you need to be doing all the time, right?

Have a wonderful week.

lesa said...

Hello, I lost track of your blog for a bit but now I'm back to catch up.


My Daybook . . .

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