Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My Daybook . . .

FOR TODAY 12/12/12!

Outside my window... The sun is shining -  most of the time,  although we did get a few, very small flakes of snow earlier today.  It's not even all that cold outside, about 42 degrees.  December just can't seem to make up it's mind!

I am thinking... That it sure would be nice to have a white Christmas . . .

I am thankful... At this time of year, I am always so thankful for my family.  So many of my friends and family are no longer with us, and it's good to have such wonderful memories of Christmas' past, to hold in my heart.

In the kitchen... I'm making bread today.  For supper I think I will make Sweet and Sour Chicken . . . yummy! I know, it's fattening, but . . . today, I don't care!

Sweet and sour chicken 011 1024x768 Sweet and Sour Chicken

Sweet and Sour Chicken
Serves 3-4

3-4 boneless skinless chicken breasts ( you could also use thighs)
salt and pepper
1 1/2 cups corn starch
4 large eggs beaten
1 1/2 cups Canola Oil (or vegetable oil)

3/4 cup sugar
4 tablespoons ketchup
1/2 cup white vinegar
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon garlic powder

Turn broiler on low.  Whisk all the ingredients for the sauce in a large bowl, set aside.
Heat oil in a large frying pan over medium high heat. ( I used to use a Wok, but found that my chicken never stayed crispy!)

Cut chicken into bite sized pieces. Season lightly with salt and pepper. Dip chicken in cornstarch and then in egg. Test the oil to make sure that it is ready to fry and then fry all chicken in several batches. In my pan it took about 3 large batches. Turn the chicken frequently to prevent burning. Chicken should be golden brown ( about 3 minutes total, each stove is different). After each batch of chicken is fried, put on a large sheet pan and put it on the bottom rack of the oven to keep crispy and warm while the other batches are being fried. You could also do this entire step in a deep fryer, transferring to the oven as each batch is done.

Once all chicken is fried, clean out all the extra oil from the skillet. Add the chicken back to the pan and add the sauce, but only start with half of it. You will make it soggy if you put it all at once. Do not be alarmed at the strong smell of the sauce! You are smelling the vinegar and it is really strong but that is the sour in sweet and sour! Don’t worry though, it will taste heavenly. Continue to toss on a high heat until the chicken starts to become slightly dark and sticky. Add the remaining sauce to your liking. Serve over coconut rice, or just plain rice.

I am wearing...  Jeans and a purple long sleeved t-shirt.

A song from my playlist...  I just love Michael Buble' and Shania! ~Enjoy~

I am going... To my granddaughter's band concert on Friday evening - I'm so excited to hear her play the trumpet!!

I am wondering... How my husband's eye is feeling - he had his second lens replacement surgery this morning.  All went well - home safe and sound - looking forward to no contacts!

I am reading... I'm still reading the same book I was last week!  This funny thing happens to me when I get in bed, pick up my book and start reading.  Everything is great for about 5 minutes, then . . . I fall asleep!  I can't seem to stay awake when I read in bed!  I drop my book, have crazy dreams about what I was just reading, and sometimes snore!  I'm going to blame it on eye drops I use at night... ;0)

I am hoping... That I can get my gifts wrapped and under the tree this week. 

I am looking forward to... Going to see the movie, Lincoln, on Friday. 

Around the house... I need to vacuum and mop the floors, and dust and clean the bathrooms.

I am pondering... How good it feels to have my mom in her new apartment.  It is not as pretty as her old apartment, but it just feels good!  There are good people all around her, the food is better and I think she's happier, and that makes me happy!

A favorite quote for today...

We hear the beating of wings over Bethlehem and a light that is not of the sun or of the stars shines in the midnight sky.  Let the beauty of the story take away all narrowness, all thought of formal creeds.  Let it be remembered as a story that has happened again and again, to men of many different races, that has been expressed through many religions, that has been called by many different names.  Time and space and language lay no limitations upon human brotherhood.  ~New York Times, 25 December 1937, quoted in Quotations for Special Occasions by Maud van Buren, 1938, published by The H.W. Wilson Company, New York

One of my favorite things...  My sister's fudge. . .

A few plans for the rest of the week:

Tomorrow - Dr. appointment
Friday - Movies and concert
Saturday - Last minute stuff
Sunday - Church


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RoeH said...

Sounds like a good week to me. It's finally cold here. Low 40's. And it's finally Christmasy feeling. Just need some snow. HA!

Unknown said...

It hasn't been that cold here either, but drizzly. That chicken sounds really good. I wasn't eating meat, but have gradually started eating it again. It helps keep the carbs down. I'd like to see Lincoln but I can only afford one movie and we're going to see The Hobbit. Let us know how it was. I'm a little afraid they will rewrite history.

Vee said...

Love that version! It reminds me of Home Alone, which John insists upon watching every year. It still makes him laugh. Me, too.

Glad that your mom is happier in her new place. Better food would make a gal pretty happy.

Speaking of which, your recipe sounds amazingly yummy.

Pretty sure that we'll have snow for Christmas as four out of five weekdays next week are predicting snow.

I fall asleep so much easier now that I am reading in bed again. It's great! It's especially great if I can stay asleep. ☺

Saimi said...

We seem to have much in common as I am thankful for some of those same things! I have my wrapping to do also, as well as the deep cleaning. Then there' my poor dog who needs a grooming very badly and since I took it upon myself to be his groomer, I best get busy before he forgets what his breed is. He'll be thinking he's from the shaggy dog lineage.

LeAnn said...

I am so excited to get this awesome recipe. I do have to start cooking a little bit more. I loved your thoughts as usual today. Christmas is such a wonderful time of year and I just want to slow down and savor the moments.
Did your mother move from the place she was in or just got a new apartment?
I am so like you I fall asleep if I try to read at night.
I think it is awesome that Bob has had his eye corrections. I wish it would work for our sweet Amber.
We really liked the movie, Lincoln. It had some language things we did like; but it was excellent; so enjoy it.
Blessings, love, hugs and just keep on enjoying those Christmas moments and especially the sounds.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I'm with you. I would really love to have a lot of snow in the next few days. It just needs to be white.

Your chicken recipe sounds delicious.

So glad you got your mom settled. That must be such a worry.

Hope you have a very enjoyable week.

Kerin said...

Sounds like you are having a pretty good week :)
I've been wanting to go and see Lincoln.... however, guess we are too much of a burg, and it hasn't made it to our local theater.

Hope your sweetie is on the mend, and back to better than ever!!

The chicken recipe looks delish!
I might just make a version of your recipe, only with pork for dinner tomorrow.

Hope that you get a wonderful white Christmas.


Just Ramblin' said...

I know we really need the moisture, but I'm really enjoying the milder temperatures and the rain, when we get it. Haven't had much snow since the first big storm that dropped 10 plus inches. Sweet and Sour chicken sounds so yummy! I have a recipe that came from the "Children's Friend" that we love. May have to dig it out. Do enjoy "Lincoln". I her it is a wonderful movie. Also, so glad that your mother is settled in her new apartment and that you feel good about it. I hope it will work well for both of you. Nola

Susan B said...

Sounds like you are having a great week! Have fun at your grand daughter's concert. I love sweet and sour chicken, thank you for sharing your recipe. It sounds delicious! Let me know how you enjoy the movie Lincoln. Enjoy your day! :)

Arlene said...

Hi Barb! I'm also wondering about December weather, it's like we're going back to our hot and humid summer, yuck! We should be getting a cold front today, but it's only gonna bring the temps down into the upper 70's. Not much cold going on here.

Your sweet and sour recipe sounds delicious! My family likes bourbon chicken. I found a recipe that tastes just like the stuff they sell at the mall, but with less sodium of course - it's soooo good!

Glad that your mom is comfortable and your hubby is recuperating. All good news for Christmas.

Have a wonderful rest of your week!

Marge said...

Hi Barb, I love your recipe! I sure am gonna try it one of these days. Thanks for sharing. Glad all goes well with hubby's eye surgery. Have a great week. Hugz!!

The WIlloughby Family said...

I love that picture, I don't think I have ever seen it before. I read this just sitting here thinking of all the poor families in CT and what a horrible event that took place. I love that we have a Savior to comfort us in times when we can hardly stand on our own.

Kam said...

Oh Barb! I reeeaallly want your sweet n sour chicken right now. I'm attempting to make it, and it may or may not turn out. But it sounds soooo good! Just wish you could make it for me. ;) I've always loved your cooking!

My Daybook . . .

Happy Tuesday!   On my playlist today . . . .Roberta Flack passed away  yesterday.  I'm so sad, I just loved her voice!  I remember all...